《Daddy, I love you.》XVI


I quickly packed my duffle bag since the party was in the city, we were going to stay at a hotel for like two nights. I was in a nike hoodie with some leggings and converse. Daddy carried my dress and shoes inside once we got to the club. Carla attacked me into a hug and we were rushed inside. I didn't have time to admire the place just yet.

"Bye Vince" she took my dress and other necessities before closing the door on him. "Why the rush?" I ask "I don't know, the party seems like its going to be really exciting tonight" I blush and think of the plan I have for after this. "Hmm you are definitely up to something" she raises a brow "I was just going to dress up for Vince tonight thats all" I give in.

We're pretty comfortable undressing in front of each other. She smacks my bum when I lean over the mirror trying to do my make-up. I decide on a dark eyeshadow and red lips, my eyebrows look pretty good. I shimmy into the black dress and put on my heels quickly brushing my hair.

"I'm coming in even if you're not decent" daddy walks in and I go to hug him but he takes my hand and makes me spin "you look beautiful" he kisses me and I blush a little. "Gross where's Nick?" Carla asks while trying to finish her make up. I let go of daddy and sit her down "you're the party girl" she pouts "its okay!" I laugh.

Once we're ready Carla and daddy lead me to the back of a stage. I can hear music blaring and all the people "It's okay" daddy reassures making me nod. The curtain opens and I step up with a microphone in hand while daddy and his sister stay behind watching me. The music is turned off and everyone just looks at me.

"Good evening everyone!" They cheer "I'm glad you could make it, thanks for the presents even though you didn't have to buy me anything. Enjoy yourselves tonight and I look forward to having a chat with you. Thank you" I smile brightly and daddy soon joins me on stage.

He takes my mic and says "you're most likely going to be drunk off your asses soon but don't lay a hand on my babygirl, this is my girlfriend and I love her very much" he pulls me in for a quick. The music is turned back on and I notice what daddy is wearing, he is in black slacks and a nice long sleeved shirt with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows.


He turned to me and placed his hands on my waist "go and enjoy yourself" he kissed my head "what about you?" I frowned "I'll be there in a moment. I have to get your present" he smirks and I wonder what he's up to but don't question any further. I run into Ellie at the bar and I ask for a lemon iced tea

The bartender hands me my order and goes to serve someone else. "You have to come dance" I am up on my feet from my seat and taken to the dance floor, I giggle and try to dance to the beat of the music just enjoying myself. After about and hour of making my way around the club a video starts playing in the center of the room.

It's me and daddy even when im in my little space, im playing with my toys and acting sassy as ever. I remember I didnt want him to record me, then there's another video of me as a child riding a bike and laughing. How did he get his hands on it? I'll have to ask him later. I push my way to the front of the crowd. The last words heard in the video are me telling daddy I love him.

Tears well up in my eyes and I am brought up on stage "don't cry princess" he hugs me "d-daddy" I cry into his chest "its okay princess" he kisses my cheek and wipes away my tears. He picks up the mic and holds my hand "Cassidy Reynolds i love you so fucking much even when you're pouting and begging me to buy you something. When I tell you to clean up and you give me sass back, I love waking up to your face every morning. I love your stutter that slips out sometimes" he pauses

"I hope you're having a good time and we haven't spent much time together tonight but I've just been preparing myself for this" he bends down on one knee and I start crying again "my beautiful little munchkin will you marry me?" I feel all these emotions all at once and I manage to say "yes" my voice sounding so horrible.

He places a ring on my finger and stands up to kiss me "I love you" he says "I love you too" I say back. He takes my hand and takes me back to the room where I got ready. "Vince, how did you get that video of me?" I ask "I found your mom, she lives in Pennsylvania now and I talked to her. She was very rude at first then she came around and I got her to send me the video" he shrugs.


"Y-you talked to her" i ask in disbelief "yeah, im sorry i didn't tell you. I booked the flight though so you'll be seeing her in a few days" he strokes my cheek, I hug him and don't let go for a while. I just want to cuddle him and sleep then wake up and do it all over again. This is the man of my dreams and I love him more then anything.

We go back to the party and dance the night away and do some very bad karaoke i ditch the iced tea and drink some real alcohol. I probably won't remember anything in the morning but I sure as hell know I had fun and opened some gifts. Lingerie and some other stuff.

I wake up to daddy looking at me and playing with my hair. My head hurts "I told you not to drink but you sassed me" he chuckles and I feel the slight sting on my bum. I was a bad girl. We must've had sex I can see the lace piece scattered on the floor and my body is pretty sore "never again" I smile "you said that last time" he pulls me closer.

"I don't want to do anything today, I just want to cuddle and go back to sleep" I groan "sounds like a plan" I get up to brush my teeth and some memories of last come back to me. I smile and daddy hands me some pills and water "what would I do without you" I say "you'd go live with my mother but she plays bingo a lot" he laughs.

We order room service and eat in all day watching movies and cuddling sometimes stealing kisses from each other. My birthday was even better the second time, I don't know how I got so lucky to end up with him and everyone else. They're amazing, I now feel confident enough to go and face my past demons.

Today is the day we fly out to Pennsylvania and im currently sitting on the couch trying to watch my favorite show The Bubble Guppies. "Cass! The cub will be here any minute and you're still not dressed" daddy yells at me making me pout "I told you im wearing my onesie its early and kinda chilly" he groans "little girl, why are you giving me attitude?" He taps his foot. We hear a car honk

"No daddy I wasn't" i place my backpack on my shoulders and grab my pink Nike duffle bag. I grab some granola bars and walk out of the house placing my things in the trunk. "So cold" i shiver, daddy looks very stressed. We climb into the car and start our journey to the airport.

Once we get to the aiport, daddy pays and we grab our things. "Daddy" i whine "yes?" He says making me frown and start crying "you don't love me thats it" I hope this little act is worth it. "No" I hear his bags drop "I love you, its just im tired and I've been working a lot. I'm sorry" I wipe my tears and hug him.

He picks me up and I lay my head on his shoulder "I sowwy" I say "don't be baby as long as im with you its okay" I smile and kiss him hard earning some stares from people. He puts me down and we grab some seats as we wait for our flight to be called. I place my feet on daddy's lap and listen to some music.

After about an hour and a half of me running around in my bunny onesie and eating most of the granola bars I packed our flight gets called. My phone buzzes with an incoming call while we wait in a long line, I pick up and smile;

"Hey" Carla says I can hear the smile in her voice

"Hey" I giggle

"I have some news!"

"Please tell"

"I'm..pregnant" she says

"Thats great news! I'm so happy for you"

"Please tell Vince ok I have to go have a safe flight, love you"

"Okay, love you too" I hang up

"What are these news?" Daddy asks "Carla is pregnant" i simply say with a shrug, his mouth hangs open with disbelief for a while. It was his turn to get his boarding pass checked but the girl took a while since she was just trying to flirt. I tugged on his arms and puckered my lips which he kissed.

Disappointment and anger flashed across the girls face and she groaned letting him pass and then checking my things "why are you wearing that thing?" She means the onesie "daddy says its cute" I smile before taking my things and walking off. I find my seat next to daddy, he takes the windows seat while I sit in the middle.

"You're too much sometimes" he laughs "no, I have to let these girls know what's mine so they can back off" its quite true, Vince is an attractive man but they shouldn't just throw themselves at him. I put my hoodie on with the bunny ears and lay my head on his shoulder. "Is my little princess all worn out?" He asks making me nod. I already strapped myself into the seat so I just quickly fall asleep.

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