《Daddy, I love you.》XIX


I can't believe she had the audacity to tell me those hurtful things, I still feel all the hurt inside me. The things that happened after were amazing I was happy for a little while but then it all came back to me what she said and what had happened before. I had a panic attack and I didn't know what to do. I just didn't know what to do anymore.

It was 3 in the morning and I found myself struggling to find my breath with every passing minute. "Vince" I managed to choke out, shaking him with the strength I had. He groaned and I let out a cry waking him up, he turned on all the lights and rushed to my side "are you okay? what happened? breath honey" I took a breath and seemed pretty calm but it still all hurt.

"It hurts" I said "where?" He looked worried, I pointed to my chest "in here" I can feel fresh hot tears making their way down my face. Daddy placed me in his lap and held me while I cried, im so fucking weak I can't even deal with these things alone. I hate myself I cried a little harder.

"What happened?" He asks, playing with my hair "I-I just t-thought about everything a-and it just became hard to breath, I-I had a panic attack" I said and he nodded "im glad you woke me up, always wake me up and tell me when you're unhappy" I can sense the sadness in his voice I caused it.

I struggled to get out of his grip but I finally managed to. I bolted from his lap and made my way to the door running down the hall as fast as I could. "Cassidy!" He called after me but I didn't want to hear, I didn't want to hear about how much pain im causing him for being so pathetic about my problems.


I run out of the hotel and my feet just keep going, his voice soon fades and I run out of breath. I sit up against a brick wall and cry, there's barely anyone up. No cars passing and its dark. Where am I and what have I done? I stand up and wipe my tears. People surround me and I try to scream but I have no voice.

I wake up gasping for air, it was a dream I tell myself. Vince turns on his lamp and looks at me "are you okay" he asks "y-yeah just a bad dream" I lay down again, he turns off the lights and places my head on his naked and exposed chest. "I love you princess" is all I hear before drifting off to sleep.

I wake up and sit up, I can tell my hair is a mess and I look awful. Daddy walks in with the morning paper and a cup of coffee. We've been here for 3 days tonight is the night we say goodbye to Scranton and all that it has brought to us. "What would princess Cassidy like to do today?" He asks making me smile.

I brush my teeth and take a much needed shower, that dream felt so real I am still terrified. "I don't know" I take his cup and sip on his coffee before giving it back, "aw c'mon we haven't done much I mean I don't know what there is to do" he shrugs, I pout and lay on the bed. "I guess we'll spend our last night here doing nothing but watching television and surfing the web" I sigh

"We could eat before we leave, room service ya know" I look at the menu and decide on a double cheeseburger with bacon and cheese fries. Daddy doesn't order anything but an alcoholic drink, I call and place our order. "Okay she said like 15 to 20 minutes" i take out my phone and snap some pictures of daddy while he is hard at work.


There is a knock at the door and daddy does to get it, I hear the girl behind it even though I can't see what she looks like. "C'mon daddy! I'm hungry" i smirk, he clears his throat and closes the door with the food in hand "you are something else" he smiles "shes bound to flirt, I just saved you the trouble" I wink at him making him laugh and ruffle my hair.

I start to dig into my food and some tv "do you want some daddy?" I yell munching on a forkful of my cheese fries "sure why not" he walks over and sits next to me. He cuts the burger in two so we each get half, we laughed and enjoyed our lunch together. Once the clock said 5 we had our bags in hand and we made sure not to leave too much of a mess plus we left a tip for whoever was coming to clean after us.

We were driven to the airport and once again we had to wait a while for our flight back to Dallas. "I'm so tired" I groan "I can tell" he says and I shrug. I start dancing a little in front of him and see a couple people staring "my youth, my youth is yours" I sing horribly. I make daddy laugh and he pulls me into his chest.

"Princess, please stay still" he kisses my cheek "alright" I say going back to my seat next to him and place my hands in his lap. I look around and see the people all around, running around the kids screaming and walking around with their bags. I'm so into the music playing on my phone that I don't hear our flight being announced.

Daddy pulls me to my feet and I grab my things, we wait in line but it goes quickly. I make my way behind daddy to our seats, this time I get the window seat and he sits beside me in the middle. A teenage girl sits beside is and her eyes widen at daddy's appearance, they strike up a conversation and I sigh. I look outside and notice the scenery, I feel a hand come in contact with my cheek and look over to see daddy "are you alright?" he asks and I just nod not saying anyrhing.

I pull out a book and start reading from the beginning even though I started it before. Their conversation goes on and she has yet to notice my existence, their laughter hurts my ears but I calm myself down and get lost in my book. This is going to be a long flight

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