《The Vampire King》2. Captured.


~~~~~~~~~~Alexis' POV~~~~~~~~~~

July 25th, 2005. (10 years ago)

Somewhere in California.


I heard them before I saw them. The bad guys. I heard yelling from the living room as I slowly opened my eyes, but quickly shut them again due to the piercing sunshine peaking in through the window. I rolled over to my left side and sat up. I jumped off the bed and my seven year old feet landed on my soft and pink rug.

I ran as fast as I could towards the sound of my parents as my daddy said, " Why do you need to see her? What did she do to you?"

I ran out of my room, almost knocking over the glass vase in the hallway as I climbed down the stairs as fast as I could because it seemed like my parents needed me, they were fighting with somebody.

I stopped in my tracks as I looked at the scene infront of me. The living room looked like a mess my mommy always tells me to clean up. There were about four people who I didn't know standing there. They were dressed funny too. Like how the guards in the princess movies dressed. Did they really come from a Kingdom? Were they here for me like they came for Cinderella in the movie? Were they going to take me to my prince Charming?

But when I saw my mommy crying and begging them to leave me alone, all happy thoughts flew from my mind. No, they weren't good guys because they pushed my mom back like she was a doll and she hit her head on the table.


I ran towards her to see if she was okay. She had a small cut on her forehead which was bleeding. I sobbed as I hugged her tightly. She shushed me and said, "I'm alright, Lexi. But no matter what happens, you will not go with those guys, okay? Promise me!"


I nodded my head and hugged her again.

One of the guards took a hold of my hand and yanked me backwards, away from my mommy. I screamed and tried to bite down on his hand as I heard him laughing.

"Well, we got a little fighter here, you guys," he said to the other guards.

My daddy punched him in the face and his nose started bleeding. I wanted to help beat him down so I kicked him in the leg and he let out an angry growl. Does he have an animal inside of him?

Suddenly the other two guards grabbed my dad's arms, preventing him from moving. The guy who my dad punched ordered, "Kill him,"

My mom screamed, "Noo," as she started sobbing and ran towards my dad but the other guy grabbed her and put a knife to her neck.

I felt tears running down my cheeks and falling on my lips, making me taste the saltiness. Who are these people? How can someone be so mean?

One of the guards grabbed me and started leading me towards the main door of my house. I kicked and screamed but he didn't let me go. I looked back and heard my dad yell out as someone plunged a knife into his chest. The person holding my mom did the same thing. Though I couldn't see because they were facing away from me. I cried louder, calling for my mom and dad again and again but they didn't move. They were on the floor and seemed to be sleeping. This was like a movie which my parents don't allow me to watch. But they couldn't keep me from watching this scene. I wish they could tell me that this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up soon.


But it's not, this is all real. This is the worst day of my life.

After that, not only did the guards take me with them, I realized I had broken the promise I made to my mommy.


The same day

The Vampire World

Crystaline Castle.


I woke up for the second time today, when they took me with them, they had put me in a car and made me smell something. I don't remember anything after that.

When I looked around, I found out that I'm in a small room with iron bars. There's nothing else in the room, just me. I tried to move but one of my hand is cuffed to the wall with a chain.

Where am I? Was that all a dream or was it real? Where's my mom and dad?

Did those guards really killed them? All these questions running around in my head were making my head hurt. I felt sick. I wanted my mommy to give the soup she made whenever I was sick.

I heard the noises of keys and I looked up to find somebody was opening the iron door. Maybe they'll finally let me go?

I felt tinsy tinny bit of hope.

A man walked in while the guards stayed outside.

He was big compared to me, he was so tall that I was almost looking towards the ceiling to look at him from my sitting frame.

He had black hair and dark eyes like the sky at night. He was wearing a suit, the same as my dad wore to work.

Suddenly I saw his eyes changing color. It turned from black to gold! Like the golden bracelet I had. His eyes looked beautiful but he looked scary and that's why I moved backwards untill my back hit the wall.

He kept walking forward, and bent down to my level.

"Are you the Prince Charming?" I asked in a quite voice, afraid he might yell at me, but then I thought that Prince Charming didn't look like this. He was kind and sweet. Then, another character from a princess movie popped into my head.

"No, you're more like the beast from Beauty and The Beast." I added.

He glared at me and raised his hand to slap me. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to hit me. But then, after a long time, when I still didn't feel anything, I opened my eyes.

His hand was still raised but it seemed like he was trapped in his own body and he couldn't move his hand. He tried again and again. I could see it in his eyes he wanted to hit me. But for some strange reason, he couldn't.

I kept crying because the tears wouldn't stop. I wanted to go home, I wanted to play tag with my daddy, I wanted to eat the yummy food my mommy made, I wanted to feel the safety of my pink room, I wanted to get as far away as possible from this man infront of me. But I realized I wouldn't be able to do any of those things any time soon, because the next thing the man said was...

"Chain her up, she is to never leave this place."

At the time, I didn't know what that meant, but I found out soon after that this was my fate.

This was my life.


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