《The Vampire King》3. Ten Years.


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August 25th, 2015.

The Crystaline Castle,

The Vampire Realm.


Ten years.

It's a long time.

In these ten years, I was suppose to have a normal childhood. I was to have scrapes on my knees from playing outside. I was to celebrate my birthdays with friends and family as I grew older. I was to feel my mother's tenderness and my father's protectiveness. I was to taste different delicious food from different countries. I was to have school teachers who assigned too much homework. I was to have friends who I complained to about the school work. I was to have crushes, who I would have regretted once I grew older. I was to experience my first heartbreak. I was to make mistakes and learn from them. And most of all, I was to be free.

Free from these walls that have been suffocating me more each day ever since I came here. Free from the chains which prevented me from moving too much.

Now, I know you're probably wondering how in the hell did I know of these things when I've never been let out to experience them.

The answer is because of Maria.

Ever since I've been held captive here, Maria is the only one who has been there for me. She was my mother who took care of me. She was my father who told me what's right and what's wrong. She was my sister who shared all the secrets with me. She was my brother who protected me if any of the other maids or guards tried to cause me any harm. She was also the teacher who taught me how to read and write. She was the only warm light in my cold, dark world.

She was just a regular maid in her forties. She had black hair and soft brown eyes, the only eyes which still held love and affection in them.

She was human just like me.

Yes, I found out a long time ago where I was, who these people were. I was surrounded by blood thirsty creatures, Vampires. The idea that Vampires did exist had me on my toes for about a long time, but now, I was so use to talking to Maria about them that it was almost like we were talking about the weather.

I was in the Vampire World, which ran parallel to the human world but still the opposite. It was always cold here, no warmth what so ever. There was no sun here but just a fake image of it to brighten up the day, which I've also been forbidden to see.

I wonder what it would feel like to have the sun rays hit my arm, how it would feel like to throw my head up and smell the fresh air, to feel the gushing wind on my face. What would it feel like to jump over the flowing water of the streams. To lay down on the green grass and look up at the pool of the blue sky and white clouds.


I was brought out of my own little paradise by the noise of keys jingling as if someone was opening the door of the prison I've been locked up in. I looked up to find a new guard I've never seen before walk in and begin unlocking the chains and the hand cuffs on me.

I was both nervous and scared. What's going on? Where's Maria?

The guard pulled me up to a standing position and started leading me out of the prison gate. To the outside world for the first time. I was excited for a moment that I even got goosebumps on my skin, but they soon died down once I realized I was in the Vampire Realm, where there was no traces of good. Where just monstrous things took place.

"W-where a-are you taking me?" I managed to ask.

"It's your eighteenth birthday, and it's also the time for our King to find some answers."

It's my birthday? It's no surprise that I forgot, what good is it going to do to remember it anyways? On my birthdays, Maria would sneek in a little bit of better tasting food for me to enjoy, but without my parents here, it just tasted like plain paper and water.

We were in a hallway right outside the main gate of the dungeon. It was so dark that I could barely see my own feet. From there, the guard lead me up a set of stairs, or multiple stairs. It seemed like we just kept going up and up, but the farther upstairs we got, the brighter the hallways became.

We finally stopped at one of the hallways which was lit with millions of candles on the sides, giving me a beautiful view of the painting and pictures on the walls.

I was amazed.

It's been forever since I've seen something so breathtaking. Something new except the colorless prison walls.

The air smelt different too. I don't know what it was because I've never really smelt any fragrances of different flowers to guess. But it still smelt good none the less.

We walked farther into the hallways and when we got to the end, the guard knocked on the biggest door I'd come across.

"Come in," a manly voice ordered.

"This is the King's study. Open the door and walk in, don't look up untill told to do so. Keep your head down and your mouth shut." The guard explained hurriedly.

Well, how rude.

I gave him slight nod and touched the brown, wooden craved door with my hands and gave it a gentle push.

The big doors slowly opened, first revealing a desk and then thousands of book on the shelves covering the walls.


This room was huge. I remember going to the libraries with my mom when I was little that looked like this.

Then, I noticed a man leaning against the desk.

It was him! The King.

I've only seen him once when I was brought here. I'm here all because of him.

I've grown to hate this man with a burning passion ever since I can remember.

He stood in all his glory looking exactly like royalty, which he was. He had beautifully styled black hair which seemed like he spent hours getting it to perfection. He was dressed in a navy blue suit with a white shirt underneath. A silky golden tie was placed on his neck to complete the professional look.

All of a sudden I remembered the guard's words about not looking up and I instantly dropped my gaze to the floor beneath my feet.

"Come in and sit," he ordered once again with a voice that was so powerful which I'm sure can send anybody obeying him in an instant.

I looked at the chair right infront of him, unsure if I was suppose to sit there, but then I noticed there were no other chairs except the one behind the desk so I forced my feet to take me towards the chair and I sat down.

My heart was hammering inside my chest. My hands were practically shaking because I had a feeling he had something really big planned for me.

I could feel his intense stare on me, trying to see through me, but I don't know what he was searching for.

"You're going to be living with me from here on," The King finally declared.

I blinked in disbelief, "What? why?" I don't think I heard him right.

I just wanted to go home... I paused for a second, home? Where even was my home? I only had faint memories of my life back in the human world.

"Why did you hold me locked up here ever since I was seven? Why do you want to kill me?"

"I don't have to answer any of your useless questions," he said with an eye roll, "but since I'm feeling a little nicer today, I'll tell you."

Is this what the definition of nice was to him?

If it was, then I don't want to witness when he's being heartless.

"There's a prophecy that states you are supposed to be the cause of my destruction and this place. That's why I had you brought here and imprisoned the moment I found out."

I waited because I expected him to continue and elaborate more but he looked at me with a 'what?' expression.

I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. His dark as the night eyes seem to follow the moment closely.

I felt like I was talking to a beast, I had to choose my words carefully or he would be ready to pounce at me any moment.

"I really don't plan on doing any of those things. I'm just a normal girl who had human parents. They raised me with simplicity, too. Just like how any other parents raise their kids. They didn't teach me about any of the supernatural beings or how to get rid of vampires. The only thing they ever taught me was how to tie my shoes and wear clothes. They were-"

Before I could continue, I was rudely interrupted by the King, "Do you always talk this much, or do I just bring out this side of you?"

He had his eyes narrowed, looking at me as if I was his prey.

I turned my gaze towards the hard floor, "I'm sorry," I muttered.

He turned away, "Whatever. Anyways, there is someone who I have to talk to regarding this, but she is currently out of town. We'll have to wait until she's back, but until then, I will be keeping an eye on your every move. You're going to stay close to me so I can..."

I noticed him struggling to find the right words, which was a first. He always reeked of confidence. I had a feeling he was trying to hide something from me.

"I don't want to go anywhere with you." I just couldn't take it anymore.

"You don't really have a choice! As I was saying, you'll be living in my bedroom, because I want to keep an eye on you 24/7 to see if you're up to anything. If I get even a little bit suspicious, I'll rip out that disgusting heart of yours right from your chest- and believe me it won't even take me a second. So, watch your back, and yes, try to make your presence almost nonexistent when you're anywhere near me, I might just get angry because of you breathing under my roof. Understood?" He asked in a dangerously calm voice. The kind of calm you get before a storm hits.

All I could do was give him a quick nod. Looks like I'll just move from one prison to another.



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