《The Vampire King》1. The Prophecy


"Expect Anything from Anyone, the Devil was once an Angel."




The Crystalline Castle; with towers that seemed to be kissing the sky, made out of pure gold with a tint of crystals that shone with every touch of the sun. Every single tiny jewel at the top of the castle shimmered and reflected the light, like a crown on a proud King's head. The golden castle gate was being guarded by troops of guards patrolling around all four walls of the castle, preventing any foreign invasions.

Every wave of wind blew swiftly through the kingdom's flag, bringing the castle to life. Every sunrise was like a curtain slowly lifting up its veil to uncover the beauty within, blinding any man that laid eyes on the efflorescing blossom with awe and admiration.

This place looked like a beautiful blooming flower that no one dares to touch, afraid of ruining its beauty. Or perhaps, it was the hidden thorns on the stems of the flower they were afraid of. From the outside, this seemed like a place of the riches and blissfulness.

Let's take a look past the outer dazzling beauty, past the heavily guarded gates. Inside the castle there is the King's tower, the Great Hall, the Throne Room, the Lords and Ladies' Chambers, the Solar, the Kitchen, the Historical Tower (which held the memories of the past royalties and their brave stories), and in the very deep part of the caste holds the dungeons, torturing rooms which were-no doubt-very very heavily guarded.

This amazing piece of art called Crystalline Castle was filled with the deaths of the previous ruling Kings and the hurtful sacrifices their Queens made in honor of their devotion to their husbands. And this, was also a home to none other than the current Vampire King...


Damien Knight.

The powerful King looked only twenty-five as that was the time he chose to stop aging, but in reality; he is a hundred and twenty-five years old. It was the time he was crowned the King of the Vampire world.

He was a charmer with his midnight black hair that seemed softer than feathers, his mysterious color changing dark eyes that turns gold when there are strong emotions but not emotions like love or desire...No, not even close, the only emotions he was capable of were pure rage and anger. At least that's what he has felt ever since he can remember.

He kills like he's snapping a toothpick. It's that easy for him. He doesn't even blink before he beheads his enemy with his Royal Sword, an heirloom in his family for centuries, passed down to him by his father.

Ladies desire him, but at the same time, they were afraid of his stone-cold heart. They fall to his feet, wanting to be that lucky girl to be his Queen, to warm his heart. But he doesn't want that... Women are only a playing toy for him, something he gets rid of when he has had enough, adding onto the collection of countless heartbroken girls. Many would throw themselves onto him-sometimes literally-others stay clear of his path.

Just like how people were clearing away from his path, the red carpet in middle of the throne room, as he walked chin up with dignity towards the throne. This was as normal as any other day for them. Their King would listen to the problems his kingdom was facing, and then he would resolve them like he always did.

The King didn't think something different would happen, or he that would hear something unexpected.

He was busy listening to one of the farmers who was asking for an extended period of time to pay the taxes due to the lack of rain and its effect on the crops, while a guard came up and whispered something to the King. "Tell her to wait in the guest room," the King ordered as his guard bowed down and followed the instructions.


"I'm afraid we have to cut this meeting short, ladies and gentlemen. I will see you all tomorrow, if you have any questions, please see my assistants." The King excused himself and walked through the many halls to see the awaiting guest, a witch.

The witch paced frantically inside the guest room as the King finally walked in, "Destiny?" he greeted. She looked to the voice of the King and sighed, relieved to finally be granted by his presence.

"Your Highness, I am here for matters pertaining to the orders you've given me. I was told to inform you of any threats to the kingdom and I'm afraid this is not just a storm passing by, your grace. " She said all in one breath.

The King raised his eyebrows, "I don't like riddles, Witch. Get to the point."

"I've come across a prophecy, my King." She said shakily before freezing in her place, her eyes suddenly glowing purple and echoed; "The one who never bowed down to anyone, the one who makes everyone fall to his feet, will be on his knees for a mere human. She will be the cause of his destruction. There will be no power strong enough than the one she possess."

The King laughed, "What a joke! Are you telling me that a human girl, a useless human, will be the cause of destruction of this?!" He threw his hands out gesturing towards everything around him.

The Witch blinked and shook her head as she resumed as her normal self, "It is not just an empty threat, my lord. It has been one of the very few to only be projected through a witch's vision. It is deadly. A Prophecy so powerful is never wrong."

"Then I will just kill her with my own hands, proving this Prophecy wrong." The King spatted, but then a little tug in his heart that stopped him from thinking of killing this she-devil that was his supposed cause of destruction. Maybe there were other ways to solve this. What is he doing? Of course, he'd have to kill her. When did he ever think twice about killing his enemies before?

"Prophecies are never wrong, she will be the cause of your destruction." The Witch sighed.

"I will prove it to you, no one can defeat me. If this human could be even so an inch of a threat to the Vampire World, then I must kill her before anything unfortunate takes place." the King said with determination in his voice.

The Witch smiled, but it wasn't a genuine one. She had accomplished what she had came here for, to change that girl's fate. She had not told the King the entire truth of the Prophecy, but what she did tell, the King believed it. She knew the King couldn't bare the thought of losing his kingdom and his dignity. She couldn't be any happier of the result.

"What's her name?"

"Alexis Smith." The Witch answered.

"Her age?" He asked.

"Seven, your highness."


Edited by @AzaRiv



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