《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Am I in love? (Exorcist Au)


Thank you so much for sticking around even when I'm so bad at updating! I try... but I don't succeed haha.

Do I love him?

I... Thought that I didn't. He's just a friend isn't he?

I mean, he blew up my car!

Why would I love such a terrible man? Is there something else to it?

Is the jealousy that I feel when I see him with another stranger, flirting and laughing... because of my love for him?

Do I really love him, or am I going insane?

Chuuya was so confused.

He knew that he couldn't be in love with this infuriating man! He couldn't!

No matter how much of a good he is, there is a demon inside that happy facade.

That's it! He's a demon! I'll prove it for sure. No wonder he's so damn good at pretending to charming! No wonder I've been so blindly crushing on Dazai, it all makes sense now!


Speak of the devil and he shall appear!

"What do you want?"

He smirked. Oh how Chuuya hated him for that leering smile! It was absolute mockery and it was so degrading!

"What's wrong with wanting to talk to my partner?" He sighed rather dramatically. "You're soooo cruel~"


"I don't want anything~" Dazai pouted a little. "Why don't you trust me?"

Why didn't I trust him, huh? Oh really? WHY DIDN'T I TRUST HIM? Is he fucking insane? He blew up my damn car and ?

"Fuck off! The last time you said anything like that you blew up my car!"

Chuuya was red in the face, he couldn't stand this anymore! Why did he get paired up with this annoying motherfucker? Surely Mori-San wasn't just trying to antagonize him? God, he hated his boss.


"Okay, okay, fine... Mori-San gave us this client. Apparently this boy called "Atsushi" got possessed. The client claims that he turns into a weretiger every night! Quite ridiculous."

"Let's go then."

"Wait for me Chuuya~!"


"Is this the boy?"

The bowl cut man sneered at what seemed to be an extremely frightened young boy. "Yes, this is the little bastard. If you ask me, he deserves this." The man spat.

"Thank you, we'll take it from here," Dazai smiled, yet there was a coldness in his eyes.

The door slammed shut.

"Hello, how are you feeling, Atshushi?" Dazai was surprisingly kind.

The boy said nothing. Just stared at the ground.

"You've got such beautiful eyes, haven't you?" He said in a coaxing voice. "They're just like a sunset, aren't they?"

"Dazai!" Chuuya shouted a warning.

He turned around. A mistake. "What?"

"Look out!"

Sure enough there was a great albino tiger staring at the two mean. It's saliva dripped from its fangs. It's snarl loud enough to rip apart a mountain.

But Dazai seemed to remain calm. He was almost admiring the beast in front of him, smiling and not even flinching as it stepped towards him.

"Dazai! What on earth are you doing?" It was time to retreat! They were no match for a creature that size without backup!

Unless... Chuuya's suspicions had been correct. Unless Dazai was a demon!

"This is no case of possession, Chuuya. This... "boy" is the tiger! Chuuya! He's a-"

"Shut up and run!"

He grabbed Dazai's arm. Whether this man was a demon or not, he was insane and they had to go! Now!

"Why didn't you run?!"

No response.


The cryptic man wasn't in the car.

A scream.

And laughter... Dazai's laughter came from the barn.

Chuuya cursed rather loudly.

Part Two? Or was this not something you would like to read? Tell me in the comments section, and if you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote!

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