《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Exorcist Au Part 2



There was no need to panic was there? The scream didn't come from Dazai and if he was in fact a demon then he wouldn't get hurt.

Then what was Chuuya waiting for? There was no need to hesitate, everything should be under control.

Breath in... and out.

Okay, I'm ready.


No he was not.

If Dazai was truly a demon then... his whole life would be turned upside down. For all his annoyances and the infuriating way that he acted, he was actually the best partner Chuuya had ever had. Everyone else, was incompetent to say the least. Everything Chuuya stood for... Demons were liars, complete psychopaths and felt nothing for others. If all the good memories that they had made were truly meaningless then it would rip him to shreds.

Enough of that.

Enough of the self-pity and just think of happy thoughts. Dazai was NOT a demon. He was just overthinking everything as per usual.


"So did you really think that you could defeat me? Poor, poor demon," The headmaster laughed. "All it took was some bait and you grabbed it at the instance." He smirked, crouching to face Dazai. "I bet you're not as smug now, are you? And what about your partner? What should I do to him?"

"Don't you touch him," He spat. Blood was dripping down his face, black sludge that was evident of his true nature.

"A demon with emotions? So weak and pathetic."

Dazai did feel pathetic. He was collared, COLLARED like a fucking dog. It was so demeaning, he hated it.

And the man had a binding circle blessed thrice by priests, cast in silver and sprayed with sage and herbs to add to the mix too. This was the worst day of his life and that was saying something.


He was left to his own devices as the headmaster left.

Bad move.

He quickly started working on the bindings, in just a few more minutes he would have the celestial collar broken. But that was if he had a few minutes. Chuuya could be in danger, as thick as he was, he had probably noticed that Dazai was out of the car.

"Dazai? DAZAI?"

It was Chuuya's voice, oh god, he was going to blow his cover and...

There he was, standing right in the doorway, mouth agape with horror-

(Horror at HIM, horror at who he was, whispered a tiny voice in the back of his head.)

- "Are you alright?"

Chuuya knelt down beside him, tearing away the chains and wiping his blood off his forehead. He... wasn't mad? He wasn't cursing his name and exorcising the hell out of him?

"You're such an idiot, you know?" Chuuya seemed to be shaking slightly. "I would never abandon you."

"I thought you were going to-"

He was cut short.

"Going to scorn you? Hunt you? You know I wasn't going to do that!"

"I thought you were going to leave me."

There was an instance where they hugged.

But this was not a fairy tale. This world is cruel, no story always has a happy ending.

"I thought that you were a good man, a valuable asset... it appears that I am wrong," The headmaster was there. Standing with a two-barrel shotgun pointed towards Chuuya. " You, YOU HAVE BEEN CONSPIRING WITH THIS FILTH ALL ALONG?"

The arm was shaking now. "It appears that there are no good men outside of our church after all. Not even the so called "demon hunters"."


Dazai had finally broken off that fucking collar which restrained from helping Chuuya (His Chuuya) his only hope that it wasn't too late before...


"Dazai? Can you hear me?"

What had happened? He was so lost, he wanted to save Chuuya, oh no, was Chuuya even alive?


That was Chuuya, HIS Chuuya and he was calling out in pain, was he hurt? Was this a hallucination?

Two bleary, hazel eyes opened.

Greeted by two worried sky-blue ones.

Perhaps, there was a happy ending for them after all.

A/N: I'm so sorry it came out this late, thank you so much for sticking around!

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