《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》You are my Sunshine


Songfic? I dunno what you call this. But it is a sort of alternative ending for Hannahaki Disease, not sure how much happier it is, though.

Chuuya was Dazai's sun, his light, his world. Even though Chuuya was such a feisty redhead, he knew that Chuuya was just his little tsundere. Yes, Chuuya was his. That felt good. Knowing that Chuuya was his and undoubtedly his.


Maybe the reason that the sun was red was because of Chuuya's fiery hair?

Oh god, that definitely makes sense! I'll tell Chuuya! Maybe this time he'll be flattered? Yeah! Time to put that theory to the test!


"What?" The love of my life was aimlessly flipping through the channels on the TV. Gosh, even his annoyed face was adorable. "Was there something that you wanted to tell me?"

"Maybe the reason the sun is red is because of your hair!"

Chuuya smiled. He SMILED. Was there something wrong with him today? But Dazai will just accept that today, all he wanted to do was cuddle with Chuuya. HIS Chuuya.

Chuuya was a tiny bit jealous now.

Dazai had at least flirted with ten people through the duration of the day... AND it was their date! What the hell, couldn't he refrain from doing that damn thing for one day?! Sometimes, he wonders why he even puts up with Dazai. That man! That no-good-bandaged-up-idiot-manchild!

Chuuya huffed.

It was so goddamn annoying, where was Dazai anyway? He just told Chuuya that he was going to the bathroom, but he's been gone for at least an hour!

Chuuya pouted.

Dazai's probably ditched him for a girl...


Speak of the devil.

"Where the HELL have you -"

Chuuya stopped, shocked by what was in front of him. That... He was carrying two ice-cream sundaes with extra sprinkles, two buckets of candyfloss and one MASSIVE soft toy. One giant fluffy teddy bear... How was he even carrying it anyway?


"What, did you think that I left you?" Dazai asked coyly. "You're the only one for me, Chuuya! You know that!"

"Tickle fight!" Dazai lept onto Chuuya with a mad gleam in his eyes.

"Dazai, NO!"

"Dazai, YES!" He cackled slightly. It turns out that Dazai's bandaged fingers were downright evil when tickle-fighting. Chuuya hadn't laughed so much since that one night with the fish...

"What was that for?" He lightly punched Dazai on the shoulder after that incident.

"You were sad."

Damn, could he not resist that goofy grin.


The storm raged around Chuuya. The icy rain hit mercilessly against him, turning his skin raw and red. He was being pelted by hail, sleet, and snow. But he didn't care. Where was Dazai? That idiot...


His voice was getting hoarse. The hypothermia was kicking in. Chuuya fell down on his knees and sobbed. His tears froze on his pale, blue face as they rolled down. He couldn't even summon up enough energy to keep kneeling.

That was it. And Chuuya let the darkness reclaim him again.

"You're such an idiot..." Dazai crouched near the frozen figure. "Why did you come after me, anyway?"

He slowly lifted Chuuya out of the snow.

"Didn't you know that I was going to come back?" He pouted slightly. "Didn't you trust me?"

He tenderly stroked Chuuya's cheek.

"You're such a fool."

Dazai began making his way back to Chuuya's motorcycle. He wrapped him in a blanket and tucked a hot water bottle with a note into the blanket. Leaving Chuuya safely sheltered in a warehouse, he left.

"Au revoir, my dear sleeping beauty. Wait for me just a little longer."

"What the HELL, Dazai?" Chuuya screamed.


Dazai crossed his arms defensively. "What do you mean?"


"You were ignoring me."


Dazai pouted. "You never used it, anyway."

"THAT'S NOT THE BLOODY POINT." Chuuya fumed. "That's it. I'm leaving you."

"Wait, Chuuya-!"

It was too late, he had already gone.

"I'm sorry..."


He was coughing up flowers.

"I'm sorry, Chuuya."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He spoke softly.

"I didn't want to be a burden-"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Chuuya slapped him across the face. "I could have helped you! Who is it that you love anyway? Tell me already!"

"Chuuya... I love you," He smiled. But it was a tired smile."Goodbye, Chuuya."

"No! Dazai, you idiot... D-don't you die on me..."

"I loved you too."



They died in each other's arms.

I hope you enjoyed that! Sorry, it's been a while... If you liked this one-shot, don't forget to like or comment!

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