《cai ⤶ nct 19th member》\\Adventure// 💚




"Ya know Hyuckie, I feel like we've been past this tree before" Cai mutters

Birds chirping and bright sunlight bursting in through the trees above, illuminating the grass below.

Amazing right?

Well, not exactly because the two are lost.

In a park.

Yes a park. (Jisung Pwark)

"Yeah... now that you mention it, it does look a little familiar" Haechan says back, scratching his chin, as if pretending to be in deep thought. Even though he's not, he's just thinking of a way to possibly abandon Cai without her noticing.

Cai stops. "Hyuckie, I have this feeling. You know that feeling where you can sense Taeyong wanting to kill you?"

Haechan stops also and turns to the shorter girl. "Yes. I believe I know that feeling well"

"Well I'm feeling it"

Haechan hums. "Well my friend, that's probably a sign from the gods saying 'get your asses home', which is what I intend to do once we find our way out"

The two stand in silence for another couple of moments. Letting the occasional parents, couples and children walk past. Obviously knowing where they're going unlike Cai and Haechan.

Cai grabs onto the sleeve of Haechan's shirt and starts dragging him along with her as she starts off cluelessly towards the parents, down an annoyingly familiar stone path. To which Haechan wiggles out of her grip before whacking her slightly on the shoulder. Annoyed that she crinkled his favourite shirt. One of many.

"Where are we going?" The boy asks, looking around like a lost puppy

"I have absolutely no idea" Cai mumbles, keeping straight behind a small family in front at a steady pace

"Why don't we just ask them how to get out?" Haechan suggests, only to be whacked on the shoulder.

Cai sends him a disapproving look.


"If we ask those tourists how to get out of a park in a city that we live in. How do you think that'll make us look?"


Haechan and Cai continue walking down the path, trying not to seem like extremely not-stealthy stalkers until a small gasp flies out of the girls mouth. They stop.

"Hang on a second" Cai pulls out her phone "Why don't we just call Taeyong to come and help us?"

Haechan face palms with a heavy eye roll.

"Your telling me this now, after walking cluelessly around this park for an hour?"


"I hate you"



So I'm thinking of ending this book soon.

Maybe in another few chapters.

I know it's fairly short for a 19th member fanfic, but as I've said before I really have a strong distaste for this ff.

So instead, in its place I'm going to start a second 19th member. Basically like this one but better. I'll actually edit the chapters before posting them and only post a chapter every couple of days since I'm still in school.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

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