《cai ⤶ nct 19th member》Felix (2) 💚


"Knock idiot"

"No you do it"

"I don't live here you do"

"Your point is?"

"Open the goddamn door Felix"

"Hey, don't roll your eyes at me"

"Don't look at me with that tone of voice"


"....I don't even know either"

As the two continue bickering, the door opens revealing Jaehyun. Dressed in a white shirt and skinny jeans, with a strong odour of sweat. He snickers at the two.

"I opened the door, happy now?" He asks with a laugh and the two's cheeks turn a cherry tomato colour.

Jaehyun opens the door further, letting them both inside before he kicks the door shut.

Cai leads the way into the living room, with the taller Aussie boy trailing awkwardly behind her. His hands shoved nervously into the pockets of his skinny jeans.

The girl stops dead in her tracks when she's greeted by a pissed off Taeyong. His arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows furrowed on his face. Evidently, Cai looks guilty, Taeyong looks annoyed, Felix looks nervous and Jaehyun just looks plain confused.

"I'm just gonna go shower...yeah" Jaehyun mumbles as he leaves the room as fast as lightning. Closing the door to the bathroom so he doesn't have to witness the scene.

After a few moments of silence, Cai speaks up. "Taeyong I'm really sorry I never told you. I wasn't thinking straight and i kept telling myself I'd tell you but I never had the guts to do so. Please forgive me I'll do anything" Her lip wobbling as she finished the sentence.

Taeyong raises a brow. "Cai, your sorry you never told me what?"

As Cai opens her mouth, Felix cuts in. "We're sorry we never told you, but Cai and I are dating. She was scared and feared your reaction, so please don't take it out on her take it out on me. I should've told you when we first got together"


"Okay, why are you here though?"

"Because we were on our way to a date but Cai forgot her sunglasses"

Cai's mouth drops open as Felix slides a hand around her waist, bringing her closer to his body and Taeyong drops his arms in defeat.

"I'm not, well, mad exactly. I'm just disappointed really. But I'm happy for you guys" Taeyong says quietly and Cai nods her head. She walks forwards and hugs her elder before letting go of him and walking hesitantly back her 'boyfriend'.

Taeyong gives a smile. "Go on, go to your date. I'll see you later"

Felix smiles and grabs her hand before dragging her out the door.

As the door closes Cai pulls away.

"What the hell Felix?! We're not dating" Cai whisper screams.

"I know that. But I do believe we're still going on a date are we not?"



Cai got her man.

Hope you enjoyed Reader who requested this and others :)

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