《cai ⤶ nct 19th member》Group chat #2 💚


Howdoes one meme?

I think you went to the wrong chat Cai

None of these old farts know the ways of the meme


I'm not old

Yeah you are

Children shut up

Mum noooo

I asked a very totally important question

now somebody answer me goddamnit!

I know the ways of the meme world thank you

very much


uh, hyung's no

Your both ancient

hush child before I hit you

I was gonna say 'beat your ass'

but that sounds less violent

how does saying beat your ass sound more violent than

actually hitting someone?


Where's the logic in that

Mark I don't know why you'd think any of us

here would have logic or half a brain cell in the slightest


Nobody answered my question!

Cause we're ignoring you


your mean


No problemo

I know memes

I think

I myself am a literal living meme

No your not

Lucas is


But only Lucas, not Mark

Cause Mark's ancient

We're the same age!

your point is?

you guys stress me out...

Child don't complain about being stressed

I'm a single mother of 17 annoying children

*ahem* Lucas and Lele *ahem*

You don't get to complain

I'm telling Lele

What about Lucas?

He'll live


Yeah I agree

Nobody tell him

Save yourself an eardrum

How did we get from memes to talking about stressed

single mothers and ancient ramen heads aka Mark?

I really don't know

But I can't say I'm surprised


I would show you the ways of the meme world

But nah

I won't

I'm superior you fetus


Hyuck, we're the same age

your point is?

That if I'm a fetus you are too

Just a slightly more satanic one

oh you did not just say that

Imma leave before I suddenly become the one who's called out


for to 'intervene'


This is getting spicy

hyung wrong context

Actually it might be right I dunno

It's just that your ancient hyung

So your not caught up with the teen slang

I think

Yuta your not even that old

I am highly offended you ramen fetus

Why am I being bullied now what did I do?

you became a ramen that's what you did



You guys are meanies



You gonna come out from the closet so I can't attack you?



I'm just gonna leave before they start

roasting the lift out of each other


Winnie love me

ew no

your mean

At least I'm not old


Imma leave

Your so gonna get it boy

Why am I still even here?


You can only guess what happened next

Haechan got bored and left the girl alone

That pretty much sums it up

I'm still hella annoyed that my chapter deleted

This one isn't even close to the one I did before but oh well it's still half decent

Good night xx

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