《cai ⤶ nct 19th member》\\Little Crush// 💚


"Alright kiddos, that's good for now. Take a break, you've all done well!" Dance teacher-nim announces as he stops the music.

The dreamie's all collapse in exhaustion, taking much needed drinks of ice cold water while they regain their breath. Chenle and Jisung fell to the floor like their extra asses are and pretended to be dead- not surprising. Mark went over to Haechan and began asking him about parts of the routine he wasn't so sure of, while the #norenmin couple were just calmly chatting amongst themselves (I ship it so hard).

Cai, with her hair sticking to her neck and face with sweat and only dressed in a black sports bra and leggings was stretching and taking sips of her water while looking at herself in the mirror. She began going over some of the more, pop-lock moves in the beginning part of Go, grunting to herself irritably with a scrunched up facial expression when she couldn't get it right.

"Jisungie stop staring at noona, it's weird" Chenle says as he flicks his dongsaeng's forehead, snapping him out of his little trance as he gazed over at his noona from across the room.

Jisung rolled his eyes and shoved Chenle back, knocking him over from his sitting position onto his back. "I wasn't staring, Lele, I was simply gazing out of curiosity. That's all" The younger states as his eyes start wandering back to his noona.

Chenle flicks his forehead again. "Your staring again Jisungie!" The older giggles as the said boy becomes a little, noticeably flustered at the statement. Attempting to shove his hyung back but failing adorably as he falls straight into his face in front of Chenle who by now is laughing like the loveable dolphin he is.

Cai, who notices from the mirror smiles and runs over to her two dongsaengs. She plops to the floor and pulls Jisung into her chest, squeezing the now incredibly flustered boy against her sweaty body, rocking back and forth like she would with small child.


"Aw, Jisungie your so adorable. I just wanna pinch your squishy cheeks and squeeze you!" The older girl giggles as Chenle falls backwards laughing his head off, and gathering the attention of the others who come over to see the sight.

Renjun crouches down beside his fellow China line buddy and pulls him back up into a sitting position while Jisung throws a 'hyung help me' face at him, which he intentionally ignores.

Chenle still laughing like the dolphin crackhead he is. (he's my baby dolphin crackhead who I love and uwu over all the time <3)

The #nomin couple and #markhyuck couple (I ship them) laughing along with their hyper dolphin as well.

Cai giggling into Jisung's hair.

He may look like he wants out, but in reality he doesn't. He loves the sweet raspberry smell of his noona, despite how creepy that sounds coming from a 16 year old fetus.

"Alright Cai, let the poor boy go now" Mark says as he calms down a little from his adorably crazy laughing fit (tis adorable, no wonder Haechan tries to kiss him all the time)

The said girl pouts and reluctantly lets go of Jisung, who awkwardly crawls out of her lap and to his sitting position beside Chenle like he previously was in, before he got attacked by a chocolate loving raspberry smelling child.

Aka Cai.

Chenle, just as he's about to start laughing again stops and stares at Jisung in shock.

"Jisungie has a crush on noona!" He screams and Jisung almost chokes on his saliva.

"N-no I don't, Lele come back here!" The younger stammers as he clambers up to chase the dolphin boy for exposing him.

Everyone else laughs.

"Don't worry Jisung Pwark! I love you too, but as my child, because your still a fetus!"


Did y'all enjoy this little scenario of lil Jisung Pwark having a cute crush on his noona?

I know it's not the best but hey, where I'm at it's currently 1.28am and I'm going stir crazy.

Sue me I'm a night owl.

Anyways, you can request anything you like. Give me some inspiration pls.

Night night lovelies~

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