《*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male Reader》So, That's An Issue


Today was Friday. We got out of school early today because the teachers all had some big meeting. We were all going to Tobey's house after school.

I woke up and got ready as usual. I was too tired to find a really nice outfit so I opted for sweatpants and a tank top. I still looked hot as fuck. I also threw on a beanie because, why not?

I grabbed my backpack and all of my other stuff and headed to school. As I walked out the door I glanced at the time on my phone. 7:00. I hadn't grabbed breakfast so I decided to go to the café near my school. I got to the café at 7:10 and bought some coffee and a doughnut.

I soon arrived at school, doughnut in hand, and went to homeroom. Once I got inside the room I looked around. To my surprise, Tommy was here.

"Hey Tommy!" I greeted him before making my signature face, the fuckboy face.

"Why the fuck are you making that face? And how do you know my name?" he questioned.

"I make the face for fun. It seems to annoy you cutie," I smirked.

His face went a bit red before he yelled, "SHUT UP!"

"I know your name from my friend Tobey. They talked to you yesterday," I added.

"Oh," he said, his eyes widening before he asked another question. "They didn't tell you anything else, right?"

"Why'd ya get so scared? No, they didn't," I answered, now walking to the opposite corner.

"Why are you talking to me?" Tommy asked.

"You're cute Toms. Wanna go out?" I asked, avoiding his question.

"I know what you do," he told me.

"Oh? Well that's a problem," I whispered the last part to myself.


"You play people for fun. That's not very nice."

"I promise I won't play you."

"I don't believe you."

And with that, our conversation was over.

"What happened during your guys' days?" Tobey asked.

We were all at Tobey's house now. We had settled in his room on the floor. His room was really cool so we all loved being in it. His PC had some streamer that he watches called "Ranboo" playing some story game I've never heard of.

"Nothing really interesting," Lyric answered.

"Well, I kissed Ryan in front of some homophobic assholes!" Tobey said excitedly.

"That did happen. I was there," Mercury added. "It was hilarious!"

"Yep. It did," Ryan smiled at Tobey.

"I found out that Tommy knows what I'm trying to do," I told them.

"Oof. Maybe you will date him for real and not as a game? Then he might actually date you," Phoenix said.

"I hope that happens," Axel laughed.

"Same," Aiden also laughed.

"Come on guys! I'm just trying to have a little fun!" I groaned.

"Hopefully this 'fun' doesn't last for much longer," Tobey said.

"Well, it's an issue for you Y/n," Phoenix said.

"Yep," Lyric agreed.

"It is an issue!" I yelled.

"Shut up assholes! I wanna talk about other stuff before you all have to go!" Tobey demanded in a joking tone.

"Fine," we all groaned.

Eventually I had to go home. I walked into my house only to find beer bottles all over the kitchen counter. I cleaned them up and saw both my mother and father on the couch blacked out. I put a blanket over them before going to my room.

I went live on tiktok and filmed some tiktoks too. I then changed into some better clothes for bed. I wasn't tired yet and sat in my bed thinking. I thought about the fact that I had to basically make sure my family stayed healthy. My mother and father paid the bills but I had to pay for food and even sometimes make it for them so they wouldn't eat only chips and drink beer. The money from tiktok wasn't enough.


I shook my head to try and erase the thoughts from my head. I got out of bed and looked at the time. 11 pm. I decided to play some Minecraft to try and get my mind off of things. I'll go to bed later.

If only someone could save this wreck of a child they call Y/n.

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