《*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male Reader》The New Guy


Today was when the new kid was coming. Or at least that's what Tobey had told me. I woke up at my normal time and got out of bed. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night. I was up late because I had decided to go live on my tiktok account. I had also been working on an assignment that was due next week. Interacting with my followers was always really fun. They had helped me a lot.

Anyways, I picked out a comfy but still good looking outfit. I wanted to still look hot for the new guy. I had showered last night so I didn't have to this morning. Instead I just went to the bathroom and used it before getting dressed. After getting dressed I checked the time. I had 45 minutes until I had to leave for school. I decided to spend some of the time putting on eyeliner.

After putting on the eyeliner, I went downstairs and made myself a sandwich. It was time for me to leave when my sandwich was done so I grabbed my bag, phone, and headphones. I then connected my headphones to my phone and started music before putting my phone in my pocket and the headphones on my head. I then took a napkin and put my sandwich on it and walked out the door, sandwich in hand. On the walk to school I ate my sandwich and threw away the napkin on my way to homeroom.

It was 7:30 when I got to homeroom. I saw Tobey sitting in the back corner on their phone. It was only us two in the classroom.

"Hey Tobey!" I yelled to him.

They jumped before responding, "Hey Y/n! You scared me!"

We both laughed and then talked until more of our friends got to the room. When Ryan walked in Tobey screamed at him and ran up to him to give him a hug. The rest of us all awed at the sight.


Soon enough Freddie and Eryn walked in with a new person.

"Is that the new guy?" I whispered to Tobey.

"Yep! Tom Simons is his name if you forgot," they laughed. "Want me to go over to him and say hi?"

"If you want to."

I walked over to the new kid. Or Tom Simons. Tommyinnit. I was the only one who knew he streamed and I planned to keep it that way. It was one of those decisions you make because you want to see how interesting life will get.

"Hello!" I said when I got to them.

"Hey Tobey!" Eryn said.

"Hey dude! This is one of the nicer people in the popular kids group," Freddie told Tommy.

"I guess you could say that," I laughed before continuing. "You are Tommyinnit, correct?"

He looked surprised. So did the other two.

"U-uh, yep! That's me! Big man Tommy!" He responded.

"Chill out dude. I'm not going to tackle you in a hug or scream like a crazy fan or some shit," I assured him.

"Do you know who we are then?" Freddie asked, gesturing to him and Eryn.

"Yeah. I'm not fucking dumb," I laughed. "Don't worry though. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one out of all of my friends that knows you guys. Besides my boyfriend, Ryan. I force him to watch you guys all of the time. Oh! And my best friend Mercury! Neither of them will do anything stupid though."

"Ok, good," Tommy said, letting out a breath that he was holding in.

"If anyone else does though, don't be worried. Literally the whole school is nice," I added. "I have to go now! Bye!"

They said bye to me and I walked back to the group. Not gonna lie, I was shaking a bit from meeting my idol. It was scary but I had managed to get through it. Thank god.


After that interaction with Tobey I looked to where he was heading. I saw a really hot guy.

"Who's that one guy that Tobey just punched in the shoulder?" I asked my friends.

"Oh! That's Y/n. He's a play boy. We call him the fuckboy of the school. Be careful around him, he'll try to play you," Eryn told me.

"I'm not going to let him play me! I'm not gay!" I protested.

"You literally came out on stream last night," Freddie responded, completely unamused.

"Oh yeah. I did do that. I'm unlabeled though! Not gay!" I pointed out.

"Yeah, yeah. But you still like men," Eryn said.

"You got me there," I sighed.

It was lunchtime now. I had gotten food and was now sitting with my friends.

"I'm gonna break up with Skyler today," I told them.

"Is it because of Tommy?" Mercury asked, smirking.

"No! I've been planning to do it. And they are right there! I'll be back!" I said, leaving the table and walking over to Skyler.

"Hey Sky!" I greeted them.

"Hey," they responded with no energy.

"Let's break up," I told them.

"Wha- WHY?!"

"Well, I never liked you in the first place and you are cheating on me. So, bye!" I then ran back to my table with my friends.

"They're not even crying," Aiden laughed.

"I know. I also don't care though," I responded.

"As expected," Axel said.

"Yep. He's bound to find someone eventually!" Phoenix added.

"He's Y/n. Everyone goes after him. Of course he's going to find someone!" Tobey yelled.

"You have a boyfriend! Give him some advice!" Mercury yelled to Tobey.

"You have a partner too! You do it!"

"My advice is shit! You know how I reacted when you told me you liked Ryan!" Mercury argued.

"FiNe! You have to find someone first. Then you have to get paired with them in a class. Somehow, you figure that out yourself. Then you hope they like you back and spend your nights crying until you get so tired that you accidentally confess to them because you are too tired for life," Tobey said.

"Speaking from experience?" Lyric asked, laughing a bit.

"Yep!" Tobey responded.

"Is that how you ended up confessing to me?" Ryan questioned.

"Uh, yeah!" Tobey laughed.

"Oh god," I groaned. "I'll never get a partner!"

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