《*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male Reader》A Normal Day


I woke up to my alarm. I didn't have it set as anything annoying. Thank god for that. I am a light sleeper so there is no need for any of those annoying alarm sounds. Instead, I had it set to my favorite song.

Anyways, I got out of bed, my feet touching the cold wood floor causing me to jump a bit. I pushed aside the feeling of my feet against the cold floor and walked to my closet. I pulled out a nice outfit and set it on my bed before going to shower.

After showering and doing all of the other stuff I had to do in the bathroom, I walked back to my room. I closed the door behind me and checked the time. 6:30 am. I had about and hour and a half to get ready and be at school. I walked over to my bed and unwrapped the towel that I had covering myself. I didn't look down so I wouldn't trigger any dysphoric feelings and grabbed my binder. I put it on and then used the towel that had previously been covering my body to dry my hair. I then proceeded to get dressed.

It was 7:15 now. I had made myself some toast and some eggs so I wouldn't starve at school. I ate the food quickly before putting the dishes in the sink. I grabbed my backpack, phone, and wireless headphones and walked out the door.

After walking out the door I connected my headphones to my phone and started to play some music. I then texted my parents to tell them I had left. Luckily my house was in walking distance of the school so I was able to walk.

I arrived at the school at 7:45. I had 15 minutes left. I rushed to homeroom to hopefully socialize a bit with my friends before first period started at 8.


I got into my homeroom and saw a few of my friends hanging out. Specifically Tobey, Ryan, Phoenix, and Aiden.

"Hey guys!" I greeted.

"Hey Y/n!" Tobey responded, waving to me.

"Hello!" Phoenix and Aiden said together.

Ryan nodded towards me. He really only talked to Tobey. That made sense though. They were dating.

We all talked until the first bell rang. The rest of our friends had arrived a few minutes after I had. After the first bell we had split up to go to our next classes.

The day was boring until lunch came around. I had gotten some of the surprisingly good food from the cafeteria before heading outside to sit with my friends. I spotted them and went to sit down.

"Got any tea?" I asked.

"Yep!" Tobey responded. "Skyler is cheating on you."

"I don't give a shit," I said.

Skyler was my current partner. I just found them annoying and was going to break up with them soon anyways.

"As expected," Lyric laughed.

"When are you going to date someone you actually like?" Mercury asked.

"When pigs fly," Aiden answered for me.

"I will eventually!" I protested. "There just hasn't been the perfect one yet."

"There is a new kid. Maybe you'll like him," Tobey said.

"Probably not. Got any more info on him?" Axel asked.

"Yeah! His name is Thomas Simons. I also heard that most people call him Tom or Tommy though," Tobey told us. He then proceeded to take a bite of his sandwich before continuing. "He's friends with Eryn and Freddie from homeroom."

"Nice! He sounds like a perfect guy to try and play!" I said excitedly.

"I'm not so sure about that. He's friends with Freddie and Eryn. They know about what you do," Phoenix mentioned.


"I'm up for the challenge!" I said excitedly.

"You do you bud," Lyric sighed. She looked at the rest of the group, "There's no stopping him now."

I looked at all of my friends. They all hated my dating games but still loved me. I was thankful for having them as friends.

"It's only halfway through the day and I'm so TIRED!" Tobey groaned, falling into Ryan's lap.

"You'll be fine Tobes," I said.

"Nooooo, I'm gonna dieeeee."

"We have 45 minutes until next period, go to sleep bug," Ryan whispered to Tobey, still loud enough for us to hear.

"Ok. Thank god for our hour long lunches," Tobey said, already half asleep and leaning on their boyfriend.

"I want a relationship like theirs," Greer whispered to me.

"Same dude."

I really hope I get one soon.

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