《*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male Reader》He's A Gamer Boy? Cute.


The weekend was pretty boring. I spent most of it working on some projects I had to do for school. I spent the rest of it editing tiktoks for my fans to enjoy. I really liked being an influencer on tiktok. It was a really nice way to pass the time and it was really fun. Sure, there were negative sides to it but that didn't stop me from doing it. What can I say, I loved it.

I woke up this morning at the usual time. It was Monday so I didn't bother to try and look that good. I chose to wear some baggy jeans, a white tank top, a jean jacket, and some chains. It wasn't as extra as I would usually go but it would do for today. I still looked hot.

I didn't bother to get food from my house today and went to the café again. I got a small snack for breakfast and some f/d (favorite drink) from the café. I arrived at school really early. It was 7 am when I got there and I opted to sit outside under one of the trees behind the school. I blasted music in my ears until it was 7:30. I continued to blast music in my ears as I walked to homeroom. Once I got there I saw all of my friends already hanging out. They usually never got here this early so this was a nice surprise.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them when I got to where they were hanging out.

"Hey Y/n!" Axel responded.

"Imagine being last. Couldn't be me," Tobey joked.

"Imagine dating someone. Couldn't be me," I fake cried.

"I'm lonely too!" Aiden added.

"SAME BRO!" Lyric yelled, high-fiving Aiden.

"I don't feel romantic love!" Phoenix said with a fake excited tone.


"You have us though!" Mercury mentioned.

"Yeah!" I agreed.

"Yep! And you guys are cool. Sometimes," Phoenix added.

"Shut up bro! We are so cool!" Axel yelled.

"Debatable," Ryan said quietly.

"Hey! We are definitely cool!" Tobey argued with their boyfriend.

"Only you are tolerable," Ryan whispered, still loud enough for the group to hear, before pulling Tobey into his lap and hugging them.

"Pizza! Thanks for the hug but why are you so clingy today?" Tobey asked Ryan, seeming to now be oblivious to the rest of us being there.


"Ok Pizza," Tobey said, turning a bit to hug Ryan more.

"Sometimes I can't tell who the bottom of their relationship is," Mercury laughed.

"Shut up bitch," Tobey said to Mercury.

"Where did the nickname 'Pizza' come from?" Axel asked.

"It's because Ryan's hot and sometimes spicy," Tobey answered.

"That's so cute!" Phoenix squealed.

"Agreed!" Lyric and Aiden said at the same time.

We talked about lots of different things until the first bell rang. Classes until lunch were boring except for my video editing class. That one is my favorite. I decided to take it because I was getting more popular on tiktok and wanted to make better videos. Tommy is in it too. Hopefully we get paired up or something so it will make my job easier.

Soon it was lunchtime. Today I had opted to go to the café to get some food since I didn't feel like having the school's terrible chicken salad they were serving today. I had also forgotten to pack lunch this morning. I had quickly gone to the café and bought some food. It wasn't a very healthy lunch but I honestly do not care.


I soon got back to the school and saw my friends sitting in the usual spot. I went and sat down with them.

"Hey Y/n!" Tobey greeted.

"Hey! Got anymore info on Tommy?" I asked.

I knew lot's of stuff about Tommy. I mean, I knew what he has said on stream and all of that. I knew Y/n was going to ask about what I have "learned" so I decided to slowly reveal stuff.

"Yeah! I overheard him talking to Eryn and Freddie about Minecraft so I think he's a gamer boy. That's your type!" I told everyone.

I looked over at Mercury who was trying to hold in their laugh. I had already told them what I was doing.

"Really!" Axel said excitedly. "Maybe Y/n will actually like someone!"

"The chances are low. You've seen how he is," Lyric reasoned.

"True," Aiden agreed with Lyric. They didn't seem to think that Y/n would like anyone anytime soon.

"I think he will!" Phoenix added.

"Sure, sure," Y/n groaned. "Let me just have some fun!"

"We are! You're just bound to fall in love someday. I hope it's with Tommy!" Mercury smiled.

"Mhm," Ryan quietly agreed.

"Do you know his sexuality?" Y/n asked me.

"Oh yeah! He doesn't label himself. He just dates. So I'm pretty sure he dates guys! I heard him say it once," I told everyone.

"Like you!" Phoenix added.

"Yep!" I agreed.

We spent the rest of lunch talking about lots of stuff. A lot of it was spent by the group awing over Tobey and Ryan being cute. The rest of the day wasn't that interesting.

I got home at the usual time, still blasting music in my ears from the walk back. I cleaned up the house as usual and then went up to my room. I changed into more comfortable clothes and got on my PC. I posted a tiktok I had edited over the weekend and then logged onto Minecraft. I played until it was 1 am. I then got ready for bed and tried to fall asleep. For some reason I couldn't get something, or, someone, off my mind.


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