《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 6| Alpha Xander
I'm in a meadow, looking around I gazed at the grassy fields filled with bright yellow and blue flowers. Looking upwards the sun blinded my eyes and warmed my face, the gentle wind blew my hair as i caught a scent. Vanilla and Cherry. Inhaling deeply, never wanting the scent to disappear, I glanced around looking for the source of the smell as my eyes caught sight of a beautiful pure white wolf staring at me from across the meadow with huge bright green eyes. I was stuck in a trance staring at the beautiful wolf as I began taking small steps towards it. As I did the smell became stronger and stronger.
Eventually I was standing in front of the beauty, my hand lightly shook as I reached it out slowly and gently began rubbing the wolf's white fur, causing the wolf to let out a pur. Feeling the tingles pass through my fingers as I touched her, I let out a surprised gasp.
"Mate" I whispered staring at my hand in awe "mine" I growled possessively.
"You're time will come Xander, it's closer then you think. Don't give up hope" a gentle voice spoke from behind me.
Whipping my head around I stared at a pale woman with blonde hair standing in a ball of light, her face looked too perfect to be real and she let of a aura of calm but also power.
"Who are you?" I demanded.
"I'm the moon goddess child" she spoke so gently as if I was a 5 year old, "you're dreaming Xander, I decided to pay you a visit. We don't have much time left".
I growled "how dare you tease me with my mate in a dream!" I thundered beginning to shake.
Her face showed no reaction to my angry yelling in my alpha voice, instead she smiled and continued speaking gently "child this is not a normal dream, this is a prediction of what is to come" .
"What-t? What do you mean I-" i stuttered desperate for answers as I was interrupted by a loud familiar voice.
"Xander! Wake up you're going to be late to your visit to the Moon stone pack!" My older brother Callum yelled causing me to jump awake, the meadow and the woman disappearing from sight as my eyes snapped open to my dark room in the pack house.
Looking over at the clock I groaned as I saw it was 6:15 Am and I needed to leave for the Moon stone pack in 15 minutes, great. Ignoring my brother I pulled myself up and walked over to the bathroom joined to my bedroom and started the shower. While I waited for it to heat up I began shaving my face so I looked clean for the pack visit. I've been visiting numerous packs in the last few months to try and find my mate, so far there's been no success and I leave disappointed every time.
"But the moon goddess came to us and said it's sooner than we think, maybe this is the pack!" My wolf Ryan exclaimed excitedly.
"I have a good feeling about today's visit as well, I can't wait to get there" I spoke back to him
"We'll hurry up then" Ryan growled.
I rolled my eyes and stepped into the shower, washing my body and hair as I let my mind wander. I'd been waiting for my mate for years, because I'm the new Alpha I have stronger senses than a normal werewolf meaning we usually can sense our mates after our first shift at 13. It's unusual for an Alpha to still not have found their mate by the age of 16, never mind 18. I was desperate to find her I'd been saving myself for her all my life, no other girls ever interested me as I always knew she was my one, even though I'd never met her. I needed someone at my side to help guide the pack and I needed someone to love. I felt so lonely and empty, as if a part of me was missing. Alphas are typically very jealous and possessive over their mates by nature, so the thought of my mate being with another person instead of me made my blood boil, i wanted her to myself. My mind has sometimes gone to the fact that maybe my mate is dead, I've been to majority of the packs in America and not found a single trace.
I sighed and stepped out of the shower, drying myself down and pulling new boxers on with a plain black T-shirt and black jeans. With that I left my room and headed down to the kitchen where the cooks had prepared my breakfast. At the table my brother Callum, my Beta Jack and my Delta Cole sat together eating and laughing in whatever discussion they were having. I seated myself at the head of the table and grumbled a good morning before sipping my black coffee. They were all up early for a border run before heading to their first day back of school this year, which ill fortunately be missing to search for my mate.
"So little brother how do you feel about today?" Callum asked cheerfully.
I shrugged "This is the last pack I haven't checked, if she isn't here I have to accept she's more then likely dead" I said numbly.
"No! Our mate isn't dead the Moon goddess said.." Ryan yelped sadly.
"You can't give up hope, maybe she's a rouge?" Callum suggested.
I sighed "maybe, but I doubt it" wanting to stop talking about it I brought up another topic on my mind "keep and eye on the new members as they'll be starting with you today, there's one girl and one boy" because they are new members of the pack we have to keep a close eye on them in case they are a threat or traitors.
Cole nodded knowing I was speaking to him "Tommy's been telling us that they are both alpha trained and are amazing fighters, maybe they'd be good new fighters for the pack" Cole stated while shoving bacon into his mouth.
"When I arrive back ill observe their fighting abilities and add them to the list of good fighters, at the minute we have enough for border and rouge control" I said standing up they both nodded in agreement. Leaving the table they both wished me good luck as I walked towards the front door to leave.
I felt both nervous and excited since this was the last place she could be, I had no plan for what to do if she isn't here. The Alpha of this pack is Alpha Daniel, he's a very strong and smart leader the pack is strong and has amazing training. We are allies meaning in hard times of war we have each other's backs, although he lacks emotion. Daniel is very stern and serious and has been since his mate Lilly died in childbirth, that's what losing your mate does to you, in most cases the mate left behind is led to suicide but Daniel is strong for his pack showing his commitment and determination.
The drive is about 2 hours if you don't make any stops and go above the speed limit which I do both. Finally pulling up at 8:30 I park in front of the main pack house, stepping out of my car I made a silent prayer to the Moon goddess "please let her be here, please let her be here" I didn't even care if she was a slave or a omega i just needed my Luna before I lost my mind. Walking towards the steps the door opened and I was met with Alpha Daniel. He was a bit shorter then me with brown/blonde hair styled with gel and a stern face holding no emotion.
"Ahh Alpha Daniel thank you for allowing me here to search for my mate, it means lot. How have you been doing?" I politely greeted, putting my hand out.
"Welcome Alpha Xander, it's my pleasure you need your Luna after all. I've been doing good how has your rouge situation been?" He asked taking my hand and shaking it while patting me on the back.
"It's not much better but we've added more patrols" I answered with a nod.
He nodded and began guiding me inside while explaining his had gotten worse, we spoke about pack business further in his office before beginning the day touring the pack territory in search for my sweet mate.
Nothing. She wasn't there. After saying my goodbyes and thanks for Alpha Daniel I headed back to my car and climbed in letting my serious Alpha face fall and replaced it with my saddens and disappointment, too say I was devastated was an underestimate. My wolf was howling sadly in my head. This was my last chance and she wasn't there, the Moon goddess tricked me and deceived me. Did I not deserve a mate? Is it because of all of the people I've killed? Surely not I've seen plenty of ruthless killing Alphas meeting the love of their lives. I feel as though I'm being punished unfairly, I'd saved myself for her all my life just to come out with nothing.
I started my car and began my drive home, looking at the clock I saw it was 11pm on the Monday. Annoyingly I won't be home until 1am and I'm exhausted, the thought of getting up at 6am again to go to my first day of school fills me with dread, I decided I'd probably miss first period since I'm so tired and it won't matter anyway since no one can punish their Alpha. I sighed and let my mind wander while I was driving making the drive go unbelievably fast as I was already pulling up to the pack house. I stepped out of my car and looked down at my phone.
1:05 Am.
I opened the pack door silently, not wanted to wake anyone when a scent hit me. I deeply inhaled it smelt like Vanilla and Cherries, just like in my Moon goddess dream. My wolf yelped happily in my head. "Its mate! It's our mate! Follow the scent quickly, find her find her!" He jumped around in my head happily as I followed the scent back out of the door and towards the woods.
I began running through the woods in my human form, until I was eventually lead to a familiar clearing at the edge of a backyard. Glancing around I noticed it was the new members house that me, Cole and Callum had been patrolling. Excitedly I realised that this means she will be going to Black Moon school, I can meet her tomorrow! Happiness and excitement flowed through my body as I knew I'd found her.
I sprinted back home and up into my bed room, removing my clothing I got into bed ready to sleep as tomorrow is a big day. I wonder what she looks like? I wonder what's her name? What she sounds like? I slowly fell into a deep sleep thinking if my mate happily as I nodded off to a dreamless sleep.
Nope I thought. Tiredly slamming my hand on the clock to shut it up, I'm not waking up right now. I quickly fell back into a deep and peaceful sleep.
What felt like seconds later, I re-opened my heavy eyelids and pulled myself up into a sitting position. I lazily looked over at the clock and saw it was 8pm "fuck" I groaned to myself. Guess I'm missing the first 2 periods then since I need to do a border run before coming home and getting ready. I pulled myself out of bed and dressed before heading down to the kitchen quickly making myself a bowl of cereal I ate and left the house. Making my way towards the forest, I removed my clothing and shifted into my wolf beginning my border run around the territory, this usually took 1-2 hours. I really should have got up at 6 and got to school on time, I'm loosing precious time with my mate! This thought pushed me to move faster.
Running towards the main road I looked at from the trees and smelt the delicious scent again. I nosely pocked my snout out and peered down the street, I saw a car heading my way with a girl and a boy sat in it. I growled lowly, why was my mate in the car with another male? I couldn't properly see her to distinguish features but I knew for sure that this was my mate since the scent got stronger as the car approached, my eyes followed the car as I noticed she too was staring at me, she looked confused? I wasn't quite sure, but as soon as the car passed I ran in the direction she was heading and watched the car through the trees, careful to run further in so no other cars could spot me. I watched as the car pulled into the school parking lot as I lost her in the crowd of cars and people. Sighing, I decided fuck it. I'll get someone else to finish this run and returned home quickly, my mate was more important.
I ran up to my room needing to shower so I can impress my mate. I used my best manly products so my scent was as nice as possible as well as washing and conditioning my hair. After my 5 minute shower I dried quickly and pulled on some clean black jeans and a white T-shirt. I shaved my chin and under lip to get rid of any stubble, I wonder if mate likes stubble of not? Messing with my hair I decided to add a tiny bit of gel which I never usually do as I usually leave it a fluffy mess never feeling the need to look good, I already cared about what she thought of me and I hadn't even met her yet. I'm gonna be so whipped.
I ran downstairs with my backpack and shoved my black trainers on before grabbing my keys, I remembered to quickly kind link someone to finish the border run before getting into my car and quickly speeding off to school maybe I can catch her before first lesson?
When I pulled up I practically sprinted to the front door and yanked them open, I could smell her sweet scent in the corridor but as I made my way there the bell rang and I heard numerous classroom doors slam.
Staring into the now empty corridor, I accepted she'd probably gone to class. Huffing I attended my first class which was science. I shared this with Cole and saw he'd left a space next to him empty so I walked over and took it. As soon as I sat down Cole turned it me "sooo did you find her at Moon stone pack?" He asked hopefully.
I shook my head "no she wasn't there" I answered watching his eyes turn disappointed for me "but I have smelt her here in our territory, last night when I returned and this morning in school" I added excitedly, my eyes probably turning black as my wolf was now present.
I watched as Coles eyes widened "so she's been here all along?" I shrugged, it was slightly annoying that I'd spent all that time searching and travelling for her and she ends up turning up in my own territory, I don't get how she slipped through my fingers "but I'm happy for you bro you deserve it, I'll help you search for her at lunch." I nodded turning my attention to the board already bored at his lecture.
Finally class was over, God that was so boring. I followed Cole out of the classroom listening to him as he went on about some 'amazing head' he got last night from one of the slutty girls, he usually doesn't tell me shit like this since I can't relate in anyway but apparently it was the best he's ever received.
I rolled my eyes at him "I don't get how you can be interested in girls that you know aren't your mate" I stated.
He shrugged "I don't really want to be tied down anytime soon, having a mate is a lot of responsibility" he said as we walked to our next class across the school. Cole was a player and he'd been with majority of girls around school, I feel sorry for whatever girl turns out to be his mate.
Sadly I didn't see my mate in the corridor like I was hoping, I could smell her scent softly through the corridor but it wasn't strong enough for her to be close. we'd now made it to our next classroom, but just as I was entering I heard the voice that makes me want to drop dead in a ditch. It belonged to Millie West.
"Hiiii Xandy" she giggled giving me puppy eyes "I missed you yesterday" she said pouting holding onto my arm desperately. She's a cheerleader here at school and is a dirty flirt, she's had an obsession with being Luna since the day she met me I just wish she'd give it up and realise I don't want her. Even if I hadn't of found mate she wouldn't have been my first choice, or any choice for that matter. I pushed her away and grimaced I opened the classroom door and said "yeah yeah, hi Millie" I said bluntly and slammed the door behind me as she started speaking back.
Halfway through the lesson I got a got called to the office by the headteacher, who is a werewolf, to discuss a rouge who decided to start school here at Black Moon knowing full well there's a pack here. We were discussing what to do when Jordan mind linked me "hey I just used you as an excuse to get out of my boring lesson don't bait me in, okay?"
I rolled my eyes and replied through mind link "fine but you have to meet me ASAP before lunch I need to talk to you".
"I'll just come now, where are you?" He asked.
"Main office" I bluntly said.
I turned to the principle "I'm having Jordan come down to the office to ask if he's met the rouge, since he's in his lessons" I said too which he nodded.
Seconds later Jordan knocked "enter!" Principle sanders yelled.
Jordan entered and we discussed the rouge situation and decided to have a meeting with him to ask to join our pack, if he refuses he has to leave. Happy with the arrangements me and Jordan leave just as the bell rings for lunch.
When we are out of the office I pull Jordan back "I smelt my mate" I quickly say "I need your help finding her".
Jordan looks at me confused "where did you smell her? At the pack yesterday?" He questioned.
I shook my head "no, when I came home last night I smelt her at the pack house and then I've smelt her in school today" I explained.
"How is that possible? How didn't we find her before?" He said looking shocked.
"I know, maybe she moved schools or just came of age or something" I suggested making Jordan gulp, which confused me but I let it go.
We began walking as Jordan replied "true" under his breath "erm she's more then likely in the lunch hall then, let's go check".
We quickly make our way to the double glass doors leading into the lunch hall as I stopped in my tracks, stopping Jordan also. I deeply inhaled smelling the same smell of Vanilla and cherries as before. I gently opened the doors and the scent hit me even harder.
"Can you smell her?" Jordan asked, I nodded quickly and he began looking around too.
I heard loud laughter and it sent a chill down my spine, I lifted my eyes and my gaze fell on one particular girl that I'd never seen before. She was amazing. My mouth practically fell open as I examined her head to toe. She was very short as out 5ft something, she had long black curly hair that was up in a high pony tail, big green eyes that were glistening as she laughed, a very sharp and beautiful face with big pouty lips. The beauty was wearing a cheerleading uniform that showed off her womanly shaped legs and hips as well as her lightly sun kissed skin. From what I could see she was curvy and slim. She was perfect. The way she spoke and laughed sounded like an angel to me and I couldn't help standing there, just admiring her.
She is mine.
Then I noticed the boy that had been walking with her, he was being very touchy with her which me and my wolf were not happy about "grrr get his hands of our mate right now before I mess his face up!" Ryan growled in my head.
"Its that girl with curly black hair Jordan" I mind linked him quickly, he looked at me in pure shock.
The red headed boy she's sat next to starts poking her waist causing her to throw her head back and laugh, this made me begin to shake. I was the only boy allowed to touch my mate! With that I let out a automatic deep growl, causing the room to fall silent. People at her table looked up and stared at me as I began making my way over to her. I saw Cole, Evie and Jack sat there smiling at my angel until they spotted me and their faces dropped. I let out another loud growl causing my girl to turn her head around to look at me, her smile disappearing.
Our eyes met for a brief second before I looked down at the red headed boys hands which were still on my mate.
"Get your hands off her!" I demanded with a growl causing the boy to immediately let go and scoot away from her. Good, I thought.
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