《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 7| Cheerleading war
"Because I'm your mate" Xander replied bluntly give me the 'duh' face, I needed to get out of here this is so overwhelming.
I mind linked Mina "please leave with me I can't handle this right now", she looked at me out the corner of her eye as she replied.
"Yes I'll come just don't make it look obvious".
I quickly thought of something to change the topic "Hey Evie can we have extra practice last period I don't want to go to Science" I whined
Evie rolled her eyes at me but responded "sure but you still have to go to next lesson".
I nodded and stood up and looked down at Mina "you coming Mina?" I asked, without answering she jumped up and grabbed her bag. I began walking away fast to get away from Xander as I knew he'd most likely try to follow me and I needed space and someone to talk to. Mina followed closely behind as I heard a familiar voice whiney voice.
Turning around as I reached the doors I saw Millie's arms draped over Xander's and she was whispering in his ear. I nudged Mina and she turned to see what I was staring at, with a snort I turned and opened the door holding it for Mina as she walked through. That was laughable.
"Imagine finding your mate and letting a girl hang all over you seconds later" Mina exclaimed angrily.
Shrugging I replied "Oh well, it's not like I wanted to meet my mate anyways. Millie can have him for all I care. Plus if he isn't disgusted by Millie's presence he's not even someone I'd want to be friends with". I said sniggering.
Mina laughed back "embarrassing if you ask me".
We reached the field and sat in a similar place to last time we began rolling spliffs as Mina breaks the comfortable silence "Come on then Elle's, spill to me" she said while licking the spliff paper.
I sighed "I just can't believe he's my mate of all people, I'm not fit to be a Luna".
Mina shook her head "I think you'd make a great Luna if I'm honest. You're strong, caring and very commanding" she said with a laugh.
I snorted "you flatter me, but I'm not even sure if I could be with someone" I said as I flipped the lighter and lit both our spliffs.
"Maybe you should give it a shot, what's the harm in it?". Mina suggested taking a drag.
"It wouldn't work for me" I sighed deciding if I wanted to tell her "I've had a very bad experience with a boy in the past.." I trailed off, looking up to meet her gaze.
She furrowed her eyebrows "What do you mean?" She questioned.
"It's just-" I began before stopping "it's hard to talk about, I've never told anyone before." I said and quickly took a drag.
Mina put her hand on my shoulder and rubbed trying to comfort me, she looked at me in an understanding way "Elle you can tell me anything, you can trust me completely." I knew I could, I could sense it. She laid her legs out along the grass and patted them signalling me to lay down, I gently lay my head down on her legs and took another drag. She finished her zoot and began playing with my hair comforting me.
I decided to tell her "I had a boyfriend when I was 15, he'd already met his mate and been rejecting by her. I took pity on him the day I met him. He looked so sad and lonely, numb. I felt bad for him because I felt the same since my mum died, my dad never cared for me I grew up without love. I was craving it and so was he, I thought it would fix both of our problems if were we're together. We could help each other. I was so wrong" i took a deep breath in, finding all this hard to say.
"It's okay Elle, carry on" Mina said gently, continuing to play with my hair.
"He was desperate to mate with me and make me his, but I still had this hope of finding my own mate in the future and having eternal strong love, so I refused." This is the hard bit to say. "So he began cheating on me, beating me, emotionally abusing me and controlling me. I felt trapped and used and unwanted. I just wanted my life to end. My brother saved me, he found out about the abuse and attacked him scaring him off. I've not seen him since but I've received notes from him. I know he wasn't my mate but the cheating and the things he said have stuck with me to this day. I can't let myself fall for anyone again, even if it is my mate. Boys are all the same to me." I finished with tears pricking my eyes.
Mina sat up and pulled me into a tight embrace. We stayed there for over a minute before pulling away, she had tears trickling down her face mimicking mine. I sadly laughed and wiped hers away.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that" she whispered through tears "my dad hits me and calls me names too, I understand how it sticks with you. I'll always have your back" she said sniffling.
My eyes widened "Oh Mina! You should have said I had no idea. You can stay at mine anytime you want. We have so many spare rooms you could even stay forever if you wanted" I offered patting under my eyes.
She sadly smiled "thank you, you're so sweet. I'd love to stay with you I'll try to get my mum to accept it." She squeezed my hand "you know people like us deserve the best type of love, love from real mates. A real connection. Mates dont hurt each other, maybe Xander will be good for you. I know it's scary to let someone in but he's so genuine he's been waiting for his mate for years". She said looking up at my eyes.
I shook my head "I learned from my pain" I said simply "I'll never trust again".
I wish I could fall in love, but I've built my walls so high I know no one would put that much time and effort into pulling them down. I wasn't worth that much. I put on a hard exterior, when on the inside I actually hated myself and am scarred from my past. I needed someone, but relying other people leaves me weak, they could just leave at any point. Nothing is permanent.
Mina smiled sadly and patted her legs again, laying my head down on her she began reading out from a magazine in funny voices making me laugh hysterically and forget my previous sadness. I was laughing so much I hadn't even noticed Xander making his way over to us until he was next to us, growling angrily.
"you've been with Cole AND Jordan?" He thundered at me, making me jump up in shock at the loudness of his voice.
Embarrassed that I'd probably just looked scared, I quickly replaced my shocked face with my normal blank one before taking a long drag from my zoot that I was still holding, although I was nearly done with it.
I racked my brain for a petty reply and inwardly smirked at my slyness "Mr Alpha, I've been with a lot of boys let's not start listing them all, you'll be here all day" I said laughing, blowing smoke out of my mouth.
Mr Alpha looked shocked by this response making me laugh in my head, I know I was acting cruel and cold but this is how I protect myself from being hurt. I don't go into situations wanting to upset people I just do what I need to do to keep myself from being vulnerable, and if that's acting like a bitch so be it.
He looked deep in thought before he responded "From now on I'm the only boy you're gonna be touching or talking too. Understand?" He barked at me using his alpha voice, making a smirk creep onto my face, knowing his tone wouldn't effect me at all.
"Your Alpha voice doesn't work on me and I can do as I want." I said simply before taking a deep last drag of my zoot and blunting it out, dropping it in the ash tray. I made an extra special effort to keep my eyes away from his since they made me want to give in to him.
"You're my mate and Luna you will be loyal to me" He stated crossing his arms looking fed up with my shit already. Good. Maybe then he'll leave me alone and run off to his little girlfriend Millie. Wait why am I thinking that I can't let myself be jealous I need to not care.
I need to push him away I thought as I looked up at him, giving him my best serious stare "Look Alpha I'm not the type of person you want as your Luna trust me, just reject me and pick a better fitting female" I replied numbly before laying back down on Mina who had been silent the entire time. The girl I was hinting at in what I said was Millie.
He huffed at me in annoyance "I've been waiting for you for years I'm not just going to reject you the first day I meet you". I could tell from his tone that he was calm but also annoyed at me and how I was acting.
"I don't be with people like that, I don't have feelings for any boy I mess around with and It's going to stay that way" I said staring up at him, I'm desperately trying to scare him off or get sick of me so he'd choose someone else. I'm not good enough for someone like him and I knew it.
Smirking smugly he replied "angel I won't stop until you're all mine". Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he said this, my body loving how possessive and jealous he is over me. It made me feel wanted for once in my life. I did not like this feeling, however I was enjoying it at the same time.
I raised an eyebrow at him "we'll see about that Mr Alpha" I challenged just as I heard the bell ring.
Me and Mina immediately jumped up and grabbed our things before heading to geography. This was our last lesson before early cheerleading training for the assembly tomorrow, I was so happy I convinced Evie to practice instead of going to last lesson I don't think I could bare science right now.
We headed towards the building and entered through the back doors. I saw 3 cute boys in the corridor staring at me smiling, i smiled back I could sense Xander's presence less than a metre behind me so got an evil idea. Liking his jealousy I winked at the boys as I got to my classroom door immediately hearing a deep growl, warning the boys to back off.
I turned around to Xander and blew him a kiss cheekily before entering my classroom and walking over to mine and Mimas shared desk. Xander walked past the classroom and poked his head in looking around for me, his eyes landed on me and I felt him checking me out making me raise my eyebrows at him and roll my eyes.
"Stop stalking me!" i shout at him. He laughs and rolls his eyes before walking off down the corridor.
I watched as some girls checked him out and some attempted to speak or touch him. I expected him to flirt back or at least acknowledge them, to say I was shocked he just straight up ignored them was an understatement. Maybe he does just want me? Maybe this is what loyalty is like? I questioned myself. But a small voice in my head told me I was too ugly and fat for someone like that to truly want me and sadly I agreed, he probably wants me for power I concluded.
Sighing I looked up at the board and turned to Mina "hey can we go to mine after cheer tonight I don't really want to got to the pack house with Xander there" i whispered in her ear.
She bit her lip and turned her head slightly towards me "erm sure I think that's fine but Xander will probably make you come" she whispered back making me roll my eyes.
"Fuck him let's bring hoes over to the pack house" I sniggered making her laugh quietly.
The teachers eyes snapped towards us "is there something funny you'd like to share with us girls?" The mardy, old earwax asked placing her hand on hip sassily making Mina and me explode with laughter as we grasped each other.
Calming myself slightly "S-sorry mis-ss it was-s just an-n inside jo-oke" I stuttered out slowly trying not to look at the shocked and outraged teacher as I didn't trust myself not to burst out laughing again.
"This is unacceptable behaviour! For that silliness you will not be allowed to be partners for the upcoming project and I will pick your pairs for you!" She bellowed making me and Mina groan and start begging, telling her we're sorry and it won't happen again. "No I don't want to hear your excuses, actually I will do the pairs right now since we are on the topic of it".
I groan internally as she began reading names out, I didn't have any other friends in my class except Mina
"Mina and Richard you're the 3rd pair please sit in the front row" Mina groaned loudly after hearing this. Richard was nice enough but he was a creepy looking boy who barley spoke and picked his boggies in lesson. Gross. I gave her a sympathetic look as she moved she sat in her new seat and turned around and pouted at me.
"Miss you already bestie" I sung to her giggling causing her to giggle back.
"Girls pack it in! I separated you for a reason!" Miss thundered "Eleanor Jenkins you and Evan will be the 5th pair, please go join him at the back" she said through gritted teeth.
I rolled my eyes and collected my things before skipping over to my new seat joining Evan realising it was the one from the field.
"Oh my god! How did I not realise you were in my class" I hissed "phew thank god I got you instead of him" I said looking over at Richard and shivered in disgust.
Evan laughed "you're always busy day dreaming or messing around with Mina in lesson to notice anyone else, although I'm offended you knew Richard was in the class but not me" he said shaking his head.
Before I had chance to reply the teacher began talking, she was beginning to make me mad so to distract myself I mind linked Mina "miss you".
Seconds later she replied "miss you too bae" I could imagine her smirk as she said this.
"How's your nose fingerer?" I asked.
"Ew don't even, I'm really scared of him" I could visibly see her shudder as she said this.
"Aw I think he'd make a cute boyfriend for you! Also Im really bored of this lesson. If I knock her out you drag the body."
"I would actually make that deal if you were down, but shh we need to listen now she's talking about the projects and then class is over babyyy!" I glanced up at the clock as she said this and saw there was only 5 minutes left, ugh finally I thought.
Unhappily I began listening to the teacher as Mina told me too "so class you will get time in lesson to work on the projects, but for a high grade you'll have to meet up outside of class-"
Mina quickly interrupted my brain "oh great! guess I'm getting a low grade then!" I quickly shushed her since I was holding back my laugh.
"Your project is on beautiful earth so you pick a naturally formed thing on earth and write about it. For example a waterfall, or a spit, or a beach. I'll give you the last few minutes before the bell to discuss with your partners. Any questions? No? Okay, go!" She finally finished.
I turned to Evan and said "this project sounds really boring and I wasn't listening to majority of her rant but let's just do waterfalls because they are pretty" I said simply with a nod.
He laughed "like you then" he replied smoothly cocking his eyebrow.
I laughed at his very obvious flirt before the bell rang, I picked my bag up and walked out of the classroom where Mina was waiting for me. Evan followed as I began walking with Mina towards the hall. I quickly turned to Evan and said "you can come to my house tomorrow after school?" I asked him.
He nodded "that sounds good, I need to run so bye for now see you tomorrow at the cheerleading thing" he said quickly running off.
I was about to start a conversation with Mina before I was rudely interrupted by a growl. Oh look who's back again I thought as I snapped my head up to a very angry Xander towering over me. Damn why is he so tall it literally isn't normal.
"Why were you talking to him" he sneered pushing me up against the lockers. The corridor was now empty except Mina who stood there looking in shock herself.
"I'll meet you there Elle" Mina said giving me a sly grin before slipping away towards the hall, that bitch left me with the devil how dare she.
"Well! Answer the question" Xander growled.
I looked up at him and placed my hands on his chest for a few seconds watching his muscles visibly relax to my touch as the sparks ran through my fingers. I was enjoying the feeling before I forced myself to push him away
"I can speak to whoever I want Xander!" I angrily said back, whys he acting like the dad I never had. "I don't get why you're pissed anyways all I was doing was speaking to him, is that a crime? I asked sarcastically.
"You invited him over to your house!" He thundered his eyes turning black, showing his wolf was present, before punching the locker next to me with so much force that it smashed.
"Xander that's someone's locker! He's only coming over for a project because we are partners! it's not like it's a date or anything, yeesh" his face turned red as I said this, almost looking embarrassed "and even if it was I'm still allowed to do as I wish" I said sweetly pointing my finger into his chest as it began to rise and fall harder since he was so angry. I took this moment to turn and begin walking away from the classrooms.
"And where are you going" Xander asked, clearly trying to keep his voice calm.
"I have cheerleading practice for 2 hours so see ya tomorrow Mr Alpha" I replied giving him a salute and slamming the hall doors before he could say anything else.
I huffed and walked over to Evie, Grace and Mina "let's start practicing".
After and hour of practicing just us 4, the bell rang signalling the end of school. And the other cheerleaders poured in minutes later ready for after school practice for another hour at least. I loved practice except for the fact that Millie had to be part of it. I really hated that bitch.
We'd been practicing for less then 5 minutes before all the boys, including Xander unfortunately, entered the hall and sat on the bleachers. They talked, laughed and ate while they watched us practice.
Because the boys were here Millie started acting up trying to show off causing her to mess up her routine every time, it was very annoying and I could tell the other girls were also getting irritated. Since she was second head cheerleader she stood next to Evie at the front doing all the major flips in the dance and was obviously the focus point. We tried the routine one more time but as it came to Millie's turn to flip at the same time as Evie but she was too caught up drooling at Xander to do it, realising she forgot she quickly tried to flip but instead stumbles.
To cover up her embarrassment of messing up again she giggled "oops I'm such a clumsy person! Did you see that Xander" she asked twirling her hair.
I rolled my eyes and began walking over to the bleachers to have a sip from my water bottle as Evie said "what's your problem Millie! This is like the 10th time you've messed up. How are we going to the assembly tomorrow if you don't get this right? We've been practicing this for weeks!" She said in an annoyed tone.
Millie cocked her hip out and sighed "I'm just getting distracted that's all" she said giggling.
I placed my water bottle down and walked over letting out a laugh "you sure are aren't you" I said in a sarcastic tone "too busy drooling over MY mate to even try to do the routine properly?" I questioned smirked at her as she huffed her face turning slightly red. I knew it would annoy her by saying Xander was my mate as i know she wants him.
I looked over at Evie "ooo I have an idea Evie, why don't I take Millie's place so she can't get distracted!" I said giving her a sly smile.
Millie's eyes widened "what! No that's not-" she was interrupted by Evie
"I think that's a great idea Elle!" She replied giving Millie a huge fake smile "off you go to the back Millie".
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