《The pack slut and the Alpha》Chapter 5| Mate
"ELEANOR! Wake the fuck up now" Kayden thundered causing my sleeping body to shoot up and fall of the bed. My tired muscles slammed into the floor with a big crash causing me to growl lowly.
Slowly lifting my head up to look at a very angry Kayden stood in the door way "what the fuck was that for?" I sneered crossly.
"Oh i don't know Eleanor maybe because it's 8:10 and you were still sleeping?" Kayden answered sarcastically.
Confused I racked my brain, groaning as I remembered my broken alarm clock "for fuck sake, I forgot I broke my clock".
Sighing, I pushed myself up and ran into the bathroom as I heard Kayden say "you better be ready in 10 or Im leaving without you" before slamming the door behind him.
Rolling my eyes, I quickly jumped in the shower and started washing my body and shaving my legs, avoiding getting my hair wet since I didn't have time to dry it. I bolted out and grabbed my towel patting myself dry and shoved my bra and thong on and my cheer uniform followed. I picked some white Nike trainer socks paired with my white Nike air forces. I ran my fingers through my hair and tied it into a high ponytail and began smoothing out the bumps with bobby pins and my fingers before yanking some pieces out at the front to frame my face. I decided to add a tiny but of makeup since I'm fast at it and it was only 8:15, I'd been really fast wow. I'm impressed with myself.
I brushed through my eyebrows with tinted eyebrow gel and gently filled the bottom in a tiny bit. I got my lashes out and applied them and quickly added some mascara before blending a bit of BB cream on my face with my sponge. I powdered my face and added a bit of blush to my cheeks and nose, finishing with a bit of lipstick. Finally done, I sprayed deodorant under my arms, brushed my teeth and sprayed some vanilla perfume before sprinting out of my room with my bag on my shoulder.
I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl as I was left and jumped into Kayden's car who decided not to speak to me. I huffed in annoyance and stared out the window, taking a bite of my red apple. We were driving down a empty road that had the woods running along one side of it, feeling as though I was being watched I gazed into it seeing if I saw any other wolves. And too my surprise I did.
I saw big dark eyes peering out at the edge of the forest belonging to a black wolf, it was probably the biggest wolf I've ever seen and I recognised it as one of the wolves that were stood in the wood clearing at the edge of my garden on my first day here. I wondered why it always seems to be following me? As if reading my mind, the wolf bolted back into the woods as we passed by and began running in the direction we are heading, before it disappeared from sight. Shrugging it off I thought it's probably just a pack member observing who the new people are.
Finally reaching the school I immediately opened the door and jumped out, sick of the silent treatment I was receiving, I headed towards the double doors where I saw Mina stood waiting for me. Catching my scent, Mina looked up and flashed me a mischievous smile opening her arms for a hug making me laugh and squeeze her tight. "Sorry I'm late I forgot I smashed my clock" I said casually while shrugging.
"No worries, I only just got here myself" Mina replies yawning as we started making our way up the steps and heading to our lockers.
Surprisingly me and Mina shared all the exact same classes which I was very happy about as we'd be able to sit together, although unfortunately I only had English and PE with Grace and Evie. Which I had neither of today. "Is there cheer practice after school?" I questioned too which Mina replied with a nod.
"The alphas here today as well I think, although he's never on time. Anyways do you want to come over after school?" Mina asked.
"Yes of course! I get so lonely at home" I said honestly.
Walking towards our first classroom I got a whiff of something amazing, grass and chocolate making me stop in my tracks. That may not sound appealing but the scent was mouth watering, but as fast as the scent appeared it disappeared causing me to shake it off as some girls shampoo or perfume. We opened the classroom door and entered, choosing a 2 seater desk at the back in the corner and began gossiping with each other.
I learnt a lot about Mina in the past few days, she was an only child with strict parents who were both high up fighters in the black moon pack. She'd been trained all her life just like me and was one of the best fighters in the pack. Mina told me that Grace was also and amazing fighter whereas Evie was not so good. Mina hadn't found her mate and wasn't interested in finding them either, she said she was happy living her life mate free which I agreed with. We were like the same person. Although Mina wasn't a virgin and hadn't been since she was 15, I was confused myself at why I'd saved mine as I was intending to save it for my mate but I also didn't want to meet my mate. Makes sense right?
Hearing whispering from the humans and feeling eyes on me I snapped my head up to two small human girls staring and whispering to each other quietly, but with my wolf hearing I listened in.
"Such a sket"
"Apparently she already got with Cole, can you believe it!"
"It was her first day as well, dirty"
"Bet she's proud of it" one snorted.
I began sniggering and as did Mina, assuming she heard too I mind linked her "did you hear that?".
"Yes, everyone's been whispering about it all morning, you go girl."
I laughed at this until I heard them still whispering, beginning to get irritated by them I turned my attention to them and loudly said "if you've got something to say why don't you just say it? I can hear you. Silly bitch, watch your mouth" raising my eyebrows as they both gasped and turned around in their seats as the teacher entered and immediately began the lesson "yeh that's what I thought" I muttered.
"Pussy ass bitches" Mina whispered trying to keep her laugh in as the teacher stared us down.
Thank God class is over I couldn't bare being near them annoying human girls anymore, I was ready to rip heads off. I wasn't feeling shifting into my wolf in the middle of maths today. I headed towards my locker to get my history book for next lesson before lunch and had already forgotten my combination. Cursing to myself I pulled my phone out and looked at what I'd written in my notes "7822" i repeated to myself under my breath as I punched the combination in, sighing in relief when the stupid door finally swung open.
Retrieving my book from my locker I slammed the door closed and turned and made my way down the hall towards Minas locker. Just as I was rounding the corner I was slammed roughly into the lockers, causing a huge slam. Looking up I caught my eyes on a big pair of deep brown ones which were widening with laughter. Jordan's.
"That wasn't funny you made me jump" I grumbled, rolling my eyes and pushing him away.
He howled with laughter "Y-your fa-ace w-was worth it" he stuttered out while still shaking with laughter.
I looked at him in amusement and cocked my eyebrow at him "Done yet?" I asked.
After a few more seconds of laughing he calmed down and said "Yes" moving closer to me and pressing me against the lockers "And now I can do this" he whispered letting his lips meet mine.
I immediately responded and began kissing him back wrapping my arms around his neck tugging him closer, not caring that everyone in the corridor could see and was gasping and whispering about it. I just enjoyed the moment. He slid his hand up my cheer skirt and gently rubbed my thigh teasingly, causing me to bite his lip hard to conceal my moan.
We continued our kiss until the bell rang when I pulled away giving him a smirk. I unwrapped our arms and blew him a kiss before sauntering down the corridor giggling at his husky voice as he shouted "see you at lunch sweetheart" I looked behind and stuck my tongue out as I continued my walk to Mina's locker who was leaning against it casually.
"Sorry babe I got a bit distracted along the way" I said laughing.
"Yeh I can see that" she giggled "God girl you're getting more then me, you're really giving everyone something to talk about!".
Laughing in return we both turned towards the class doors, hurriedly entering history before we were given a detention. Boys looked me over as we entered and winked at both me and Mina as we winked back, whereas some girls were giving us glares and whispering about us "sucks to be a fan ain't it babe" I said to one of the whispering girls causing her to immediately shut up.
Sitting through half of the lesson I began to get bored, turning to Mina I whispering "I'm bored of being in this class".
"As am I" she responded groaning "lets say we have cheer practice before lunch?" she suggested with her eyes glistening with mischief.
"Yes! You do it you're more convincing" I said as she nodded back in return.
Mina raised her hand seconds later as our history teacher huffed and said "what is it Mina?".
"Please miss, me and Elle have cheer practice quickly before lunch. Since Elle's new and is learning the routines we have our first cheer assembly tomorrow!" Mina said surprisingly smoothly, the lie sounded good.
The teacher pinched the bridge of her nose and said in a rough voice "how am I meant to know you're telling the truth, miss smith? Do you think I'm going to let you go without a note-"
Mina interrupted by saying "I will get Mr Xander Reynolds to write you a lovely note" she said sarcastically knowing the werewolf teacher will be forced to let us go now Mina mentioned the Alpha.
"Fine, of you go" she responded through gritted teeth going back to her lesson immediately, ignoring me and Mina packing our things and leaving the classroom.
"Yes! We finished class 45 minutes early! Let's go smoke on the field?" I asked Mina excitedly.
Mina clapped her hands and said "That's sounds good, I've already mind linked some cute guys to join us" she giggled.
We carefully snuck out the back entrance of the school and creeped towards the back field where no teachers would see us out of the windows. Finally relaxing as I sat down on the warm grass, leaning back on my arms as I enjoyed the rays of sun shining down on my skin. Mina joined me and began rolling 2 spliff's for us as I pulled out my blue lighter, producing a flame and lighting both of them. Bringing mine to my mouth and sucked in and breathed it down and then blew the smoke out seconds later.
"So who's coming then" I asked bringing the spliff back up to my mouth.
"Some boys from the rugby team that you haven't met yet" she replied inhaling a drag "oh and Jordan" she said cheekily, giving me a wink while blowing her smoke out making me laugh.
When I was half way down my spliff, the boys emerged from the school building and joined us sat on the grass in the sun. They were mad cute. One called Evan had wild red hair which was styled to the side with bright blue eyes and freckles all along his nose. There was another called Antony who had brown hair and very pale skin with freckles also. And lastly Michael joined although he didn't stay long as he left 5 minutes later claiming he was going to go meet someone.
Nevertheless, me and Mina happily sat talking and flirting with these two beautiful boys. It was clear Mina was more interested in Antony as she was getting more flirty and touchy with him. They eventually turned away a bit and began making out, Antony pulled Mina into his lap deepening the kiss. I laughed, turning away I mind linked Mina "ooo" and I heard her faintly giggle back.
Me and Evan continued flirting and eventually began kissing, he pushed me backwards to lie on the grass making a gasp escape my mouth. He crashed his lips on mine again as he felt up my body with his hands eventually resting on my breasts as he gave one a gentle squeeze through my cheer top. I gripped his hair and pulled him further into me getting really into the kiss as he kissed down my neck and gently teased the skin, sucking and biting. Definitely leaving a hickey. Just as a low moan left my mouth, we heard the bell from the main building of the school go off signalling that is was lunch time. Sighing I thought, what is it with bells ruining my kisses?
Evan pulled me up as I walked over to Mina pulling her up from her sitting position saying "come on bitch we have to meet Grace and Evie for lunch!" She nodded back and we both turned around and waited for the boys to follow our lead as we headed towards the lunch hall. We were all walking together in a huddle messing around with each other, Evan lifting me up and carrying me for a bit as I let out a half scream while in a fit of giggles. I laughed more when I saw Mina attempt to give Antony a piggy back but failed miserably claiming he was too fat.
We entered the lunch hall still laughing hysterically along with Mina, not caring that everyone was staring. Calming down I walked over to the lunch line with Mina and the boys and began choosing food. I realised in my fit of laughter I'd failed to notice the strong mouth watering smell had returned,I recognised it from earlier earlier in the corridor. I sniffed around unable to detect where the smell was coming from, instead I continued to pick up yummy food for my rumbling belly. Once finishing paying me and Mina began to walk over to our table alongside Evan and Antony, I could tell I was a bit high since I was finding everything too funny. I sat down next to Mina at the table giggling loudly as Evan poked my sides lightly which were unfortunately very ticklish. Everyone at the table laughing in return at my state when suddenly everyone's eyes focused on something behind me causing their faces to drop their smiles and turn very serious.
I was still laughing with Evan until I got a huge whiff of the smell I'd been catching throughout the school, although this time is was 10X stronger. My stomach dropped as I heard a voice in my head which I hadn't heard in over a year speak up "mate" Leila whispered to me "we found mate" she said so quietly as if she was weak.
Before I could respond back to Leila I heard the biggest and most deadliest growl I'd ever heard in my 16 years as it echoed around the now silent lunch hall, something I could only compare to my fathers angry growl from back home. I gulped as I slowly turned to look behind myself and saw a huge man stood there. He was amazingly beautiful with high defined cheekbones, plump lips which were turned up in a growl, brown hair styled perfectly with shorter sides, he stood at about 6'3 with noticeably huge bulging muscles, he had a scar running through his eyebrow although this just made him look more mysterious. My eyes traveled up his body, taking him in, as they met his dark brown eyes. And that's when it clicked, that's when I felt the bond. This God looking man was my mate.
"Get your hands off her" he growled lowly glaring at Evans hands that were still on me.
Evan quickly let go and scooted away from me. The God before me let his eyes wander away from Evan and back over to me as he leaned in slightly staring into my eyes, he lighting touched his hand to my cheek. Tingles erupted on my skin where he was touching and I gasped, shocked by the sudden feeling and pulled back, causing a growl to come from deep in his chest.
"Mate" the mysterious man growled causing hundreds of shocked gasps around the hall. I was even shocked myself.
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