《Conspiracy Theories✔️》9/11 Was A False Flag


The conspiracy surrounding 9/11 revolves around many pieces of information which are questionable and which give credence towards other conspiracies. One of the major views held by "9/11 Truthers" is that it wasn't Al-Qaeda on their own who carried out 9/11, but rather various criminal elements within the United States government military industrial complex and surrounding organizations such as the CIA. While it is true that Al-Qaeda did fly planes in the World Trade Towers, many assert that the United States government allowed this act to happen in order to create a sense of fear in the general public, so as to allow for greater government control on their lives.

Many will point to Operation Northwoods which is a declassified United States document explaining this same pattern of logic to justify an invasion of Cuba. This is commonly referred to as "Problem, Reaction, Solution", that is, where a problem will be created to get the desired reaction by the people wherein the desired solution can be presented to the people as they beg for something to be done. The situation is framed in a context so that people will want whatever solution they are being tricked into getting.

There are a litany of features which people will present as evidence of 9/11 being an inside job such as:

Mysterious Building 7 Collapse

Collapses fell like controlled demolitions

Explosive material found at Ground Zero

Fire not hot enough to melt steel

Pentagon not hit with plane

Bin Laden known asset to CIA

NORAD ordered to stand down

Black Boxes destroyed

Countless eyewitness testimony and insider testimony

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