《Conspiracy Theories✔️》Illuminati Rule The World


The Bavarian Illuminati started with Adam Weishaupt in 1776, although there were other Illuminatis which existed prior to this time. Freemasonry is often associated closely with the Illuminati as the goal of Adam Weishaupt was to take over many of the Freemasonic lodges in France during his time.

As the Illuminati spread many people started to learn about it, including George Washington of America. In a famous letter he wrote:

The goal of the Illuminati is to operate behind the scenes without people knowing who or what is controlling it. In the words of the founder Adam Weishaupt:

The Illuminati uses many symbols and secrets which have special meaning and significance only to the initiated few who are privy to such knowledge. Through symbols with multiple interpretations the general public is left confused as to what is really being communicated through their secret language. A pyramid with an eye at the top might mean one thing to your average person, but it might mean something completely different to an initiated member of the Illuminati. Confusion and misdirection is one of the greatest strengths of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is believed to still exist in this day and while it may no longer operate under this name, and while the internal structure may be different, the general plans of this order are still in place and well.

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