《Conspiracy Theories✔️》Federal Reserve Created For Economic Terrorism


The Federal Reserve is not Federal, nor does it have reserves. The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 by a group of very clever bankers and politicians under the sponsorship of the Rothschilds. These bankers knew that if they could control the money supply of the United States, like their families had done before in places such as England, then they would be able to generate huge profits while crippling the United States of America.

The Federal Reserve has been constructed in such as way whereas the profits are privatized to a small group of bankers, and the losses are socialized to the general public through taxes and inflation. By controlling the money supply these private bankers are able to change the rate of inflation and deflation through interest rates and credit. Since most people know very little about banking the Fed is easily able to create crises after crises and profit from the people along the way.

The Federal Reserve has never been audited and it operates above the control of the President of the United States and Congress. While the President may appoint the Fed Chairman, once he is appointed he has no oversight above him. The Fed Chairman along with the owners of the Federal Reserve, direct the direction of the nation much more than Congress ever could. The nation is completely submissive to the economic conditions created by the Fed.

On July 26, 1983 a list of the member banks holding Federal Reserve Bank of New York stock was leaked. The top 3 stock holding member banks were: Citibank, Chase Manhattan Bank and Morgan Guaranty Trust.

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