《The Man Without Fear [Daredevil Male Reader X MCU]》The Man Without Fear: Infinity War


[Hey everyone, I'm back. I know, I've been away for a bit but this isn't a story I plan to update every 2 weeks, seeing as I aim for 10000 or more words for each chapter and I have other books to write. But I'm here now so I hope this chapter is to your enjoyment.]


Distant voices could be heard in the background of the Quinjet (Y/n) currently found himself standing in, his tired eyes still looking down at the unconscious body of Wanda Maximoff. The pair had struggled in their fight against Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight, but thankfully (Y/n) was able to pull through, though at the expense of Wanda. She now laid on a table in the center of the ship as it headed off for 'home' as Steve referred.

But (Y/n) cared little for where he was going, all he wanted was his girlfriend to be okay. But (Y/n) didn't have just one girlfriend, he had two, and the second one was currently heading his way with a glass of water in hand.

Natasha: "She'll be fine, (Y/n)."

Tilting his head in the direction of the voice (Y/n)'s nostrils immediately took in the scent of Natasha's perfume. It was a toxic aroma that the former assassin only brought out on special occasions, what those occasions were was as much a mystery for (Y/n) as anyone else.

(Y/n): "I can hear her heart, yet the pains still there." [Turns to Nat] "Why?"

Natasha: "Because you love her. Drink."

The Black Widow proceeds to force the drink onto (Y/n), when (Y/n) sense this he goes to grab the glass but in the process wraps his fingers around Natasha's own that still held the glass. The pair remained silent and still momentarily. This was the first touch they had together since (Y/n) supposedly died, both knew this deeply.

(Y/n): "Nat, I--"

Natasha: "What? What, (Y/n)? Is it that you're sorry for just disappearing? No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let you walk out that door alone when you said something about stupid ninjas in New York. I shouldn't have let you go."

(Y/n): "You couldn't have stopped me."

Natasha: "I know, I..."

Natasha normally wasn't a person to stutter during a sentence, she had been trained otherwise. But seeing her do it now, it felt strange to (Y/n).

Natasha: "...When you didn't come home that night I went to the room and cried. Cried, (Y/n). I've never done that before."

(Y/n): [Snickers] "I guess I was the first one to get close to the Black widow then, huh? Not bad for a blind guy."

The now blonde-haired beauty was seconds away from spinning around yell at (Y/n), but when she did so only to be greeted by that same charismatic grin. One thing Natasha didn't want anyone to know was that the reason she fell so hard for (Y/n) in the first place was his attitude towards moments like this. Sure, she was angry and upset, rightfully so, yet she still felt awkward talking about all this. She's the damn Black Widow, after all, she can deal with countless opponents and infiltrate even the highest class building, yet when it came to talking about her feelings she wanted to do nothing but vomit.

Yet with (Y/n), he had this way about him. With a single sentence he could lift the whole mood of a conversation, and he was doing that right now. But just as fast as he could change a conversation to smiles, he could also revert them back to a less serious state. Such was what he did when Natasha, who had previously lowered her head, felt an arm rest upon her shoulder. When she looked up her eyes were immediately swallowed by the world of which (Y/n) could create with his deep (E/c) eyes.


(Y/n): "I did miss you, Nat. So much so that every night I would look out to the stars from a planet I didn't even know existed, and you know what I did?"

She chose to let her uplifting gaze respond for her.

(Y/n): "I prayed. I prayed that I would be brought back to you..." [He turns to Wanda] "And Wanda. I didn't care what state I was in, as long as I could feel you..."

His hand slowly wanders down her arm.

(Y/n): "...And know that you both were by my side, then I'd be okay. Because at the end of the day, Nat, you, and Wanda are my rock. And I love you."

Moments like this made Natasha glad (Y/n) was blind. Because right now the Black Widow was in her most vulnerable state, whether it seemed like it on the outside or not. She always pictured herself as a strong killer that feared nothing and would do what had to be done. Yet with (Y/n), he was the first person she actually wanted to sleep with, even if that sounds crude. After all, in her time as the Black Widow, Natasha had to 'persuade' plenty of men to get what she wanted, most of her time her body was enough. But the sex would be nothing to her, she'd just make sure to have a nice cold shower when she got home.

But when she first met (Y/n) back in Avengers tower four years ago, fuck...All she wanted to do was rip the cheap lawyer suit off. You could only imagine what she thought when she first saw him suit up as Daredevil. But right now with (Y/n), she was a silent being as a small pink glow flowed onto her cheeks. But as Natasha was struggling to come up with what to say next she was suddenly interrupted by the voice of Sam who just so happened to be listening to every word of the conversation from the front seat of the Quinjet.

Sam: "Come on, Natasha. Guy pours out his heart like that, you can't help but forgive him."

Natasha: [Turns to Sam] "Hey, Sam, you mind? This is kinda private."

Sam: [Scoffs] "Geez. Change your hair to blonde for 3 months and you've already got the character down pat."

Falcon mutters which causes a glare from Natasha, however, it also caught (Y/n)'s attention.

(Y/n): "You changed your hair to blonde?"

Natasha: "Uh, y-yeah. Why...?"

(Y/n): "Oh, nothing. Nothing...It's just...I always liked your hair being red."

Natasha: [Raises an eyebrow] "You couldn't see my hair though, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Well, no. B-But from what I imagined you looked really nice."

A small smirk and another raise of an eyebrow caused (Y/n) to be the one to blush this time. And when the stuttering started to follow Natasha remembered why she missed him so much, and with that thought, she came to the conclusion that perhaps she was being a little bit too hard on the Man without Fear.

Natasha: "And you're saying I don't look nice with blonde hair?"

(Y/n): "N-N-No. Not at all. I love it, I mean--I sure I would. I-I can imagine it looks...Great?"

Natasha: [Sighs and smiles] "I see I'm not the only one who's changed up their wardrobe."

She's obviously referring to (Y/n)'s Black, Red, and Silver nano-armor suit given to him by Tony. He didn't look bad, not at all. But just the idea of (Y/n) being out of his usual red suit made Natasha smirk a little knowing all the times she tried to convince (Y/n) to go for a darker color such as herself.


Natasha: You wearing black now? I didn't think you had it in you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well, blame Tony. Apparently, I needed an upgrade or something."

Natasha: "Oh, so what you're saying is when Tony tells you to wear a different color, you will. But when I tell you to put in a little more black, you can't dare to do it."

(Y/n): "Hey, I'll have you know that I had no idea this suit even existed. Beside's Wanda never seemed to hate the color on my old suit."

Natasha: "That's because she wore red too, meaning you guys matched. So she was more than happy with it."

It was clear by the tone in Natasha's voice that this topic meant a whole lot more to her than one may think. But it wasn't out of anger but by the sound of it...Jealousy. A fact which caused (Y/n) to chuckle.

(Y/n): [Grins] "Is that jealousy I sense coming from the mighty Black Widow? I never knew such an emotion came from her."

Natasha: "Oh, so just because I wanted to match with my boyfriend when we go out to fight crime I'm jealous, huh? Well, boy, wait until you see what Wanda is like when it's just me and her."

The look on Natasha's face clearly gave away the fact that the topic of (Y/n)'s suit color was a prime argument between the two girlfriends of Daredevil. And whereas it kinda made (Y/n) smile hearing that his girlfriends had such fights over such a little thing, his thoughts failed to grasp how the situations involving moments like that actually turn out.

But before he could ask any more questions about the topic he and Natasha instantly turned back towards Wanda where the Sokovian born female could slowly begin stirring from her sleep. So as the couple got reacquainted with one another and helped the sleeping beauty wake up, meanwhile in the front of the ship Steve grinned slightly, glad to see Nat was started to regain her old characteristics around (Y/n).

Steve: "It's good to see them back together."

Sam: "Yeah...Even if their attempts at flirting is making me want to vomit."

Steve: "Well, sometimes being away from someone for a time can do things to people. Like you and that one girl, what was her name again...Carol?"

Sam: "Man, are you ever going to let that rest? I called you up ONE night, and I was drunk may I remind you, and I talked about my problems."

Steve: "Crying, don't forget crying."

Sam: "Dude I told you I have allergies."

Steve: "To love?"

Sideways glancing to Sam only gave Cap a slight view at the annoyed/embarrassed look on Falcon's face, clearly showing that Captain America had successfully gotten to the bird-themed hero.

Sam: "Man, fly this damn jet."

Steve: "Hey, I'm always here for you."

Nothing but mutters followed from Sam's mouth as he instead focused on looking out the window as an army of trees cowers beneath the start sky below. The next day at around 11 a.m. inside the Avengers compound, Rhodey could be seen seated on a chair in the conference room of the building as holograms of Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross and a few other people of congress talk to him about the location of Vision.

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "Still no word from Vision?"

Rhodey: "Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh--"

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "On a stolen Quinjet with five of the world's most wanted criminals."

Rhodey: "You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?"

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own."

Rhodey: "If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here."

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel."

The hologram of Ross says with snark as he gets up from the holographic table he was sitting at and walked over until he was face to face with Rhodey. And though he was a hologram, he still carried the stature of a general of war, yet Rhodey didn't back down with his bitter response.

Rhodey: "That's right. And I'm pretty sure I've paid for that."

He refers to the leg braces which were the only thing keeping War Machine from behind a cripple. Yet Ross held no sympathy for Rhodey whatsoever.

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "You having second thoughts?"

Rhodey: "...Not anymore."

As he says those very words both Rhodey and Ross turn to the left where they're greeted by the entrance of the fugitive Avengers. Steve and Sam could be seen assisting the injured Vision, while (Y/n) and Nat helped an awake, yet still dazed, Wanda to a nearby chair. But even with Wanda in his hands, (Y/n) still found time to tilt his head in the direction of the Secretary of State and smiled.

(Y/n): "Mr. Secretary."

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "You got some nerve. I'll give you that."

He says as he approaches (Y/n), but it is in fact Natasha who responds.

Natasha: "Last time I checked, you could use some of that right now."

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "The worlds on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?"

(Y/n): "I've already sought forgiveness for the things that needed to be forgiven, none of which involved you, General. Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight." [(Y/n) takes a step forward, looking right at Ross] "And if you wanna stand in our way...my way...we'll fight you, too."

Whether he seemed threatened or realized his lack of superiority over (Y/n) and the rest of the Avengers, Ross slowly backed away and turned to Rhodey.

Secretary Ross [Hologram]: "Arrest them."

Rhodey: "All over it, sir."

He smiles towards Ross before taping the hologram, ceasing its transmission, and cutting off the broadcast. Once the room was rid of any sign of Ross, Rhodey sighed and turned to look at the others.

Rhodey: "That's a court-martial."

(Y/n): "Worth it, though."

Rhodey: [Chuckles] "For sure...It's good to see you're alright, (Y/n)."

(Y/n): [Hugging Rhodey] "You too, Rhodey"

Stepping to the side and taking his turn to hold Wanda, Nat and the others get in their greetings with Rhodey. Once done the group of heroes stands in the room in complete silence for a moment.

Rhodey: "So...You guys really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years."

Sam: "Yeah, well, the hotels weren't exactly five star."

Rhodey: [Turns to you] "What about you? Haven't heard anything about a Devil in New York lately."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well, I was a little busy."

Rhodey: "With what exactly?"

(Y/n): "Oh, you know. Giant wolves. The Goddess of Death. Army of Asgards dead..."

Everyone's eyes except for Wanda's went wide in disbelief, most of which having trouble comprehending even the first thing (Y/n) mentioned.

(Y/n): "Oh, and I was a Gladiator on an alien planet with Thor for a while."

Another wave of silence followed as everyone looked at one another before Sam broke the void.

Sam: "Damn. And here I thought we had the best stories."

(Y/n) smiles and offers Sam a pat on the back.

Rhodey: "Wait. So let me get this straight. You were on an alien planet..."

Steve: "With Thor..."

(Y/n): "And Bruce, he was there too."

Sam: "...And you're still fucking alive? How?!"

Wanda: "He's tougher than he looks."

Everyone immediately turns to Wanda, the Sokovian not expecting the number of eyes to lay upon her at once causing her to blush and drop her gaze.

Rhodey: "...Anyway. Follow me, let's go somewhere where I can fully comprehend all of this."

Rhodey once more shakes his head and leads the way towards the living room of the building. But as (Y/n) goes to follow after with Wanda by his side, he's immediately pulled back by Natasha who he turns to look at.

Natasha: "Was everything you just said real or did you just imagine it all because you hit your head when you were crushed by that building in New York?"

(Y/n): [Thinks momentarily] "...Nope. It really happened."

Natasha: "Huh...Good to know."

She immediately dawns a large smile as he walks off, clearly, something (Y/n) sensed as he merely tilted his head in confusion in the direction Natasha took off in. Thankfully he had Wanda there to clue him in on what was going on.

Wanda: "Don't take this the wrong way, but I think Nat thinks you're hotter now."

Quickly he shifts his head in the direction of Wanda who merely grins as she wraps her arms around (Y/n)'s own.

Wanda: "...And so do I~"

The young hero is left with nothing but silence as he's pulled away with Wanda, unable to say a word as he tried to process exactly what just happened. Eventually just deciding to smirk and toss an arm over Wanda's shoulder as they took off for the others. A short time later everyone could be seen gathered in a small room where a hologram of both Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive could be seen being transmitted from (Y/n)'s new Daredevil helmet.

Steve: "So these are the guys we're dealing with?"

(Y/n): "Some of them."

Rhodey: "So we gotta assume they're coming back, right?"

Wanda: "And when they do...They'll know where to find us."

As she says those words Wanda travels her gaze across to Vision, who seemed to question why he was being looked at until he remembered he had a stone in his head.

(Y/n): "It's safe to say we're gonna need all hands on deck for this one. Where's Clint?"

Natasha: "After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal. It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest."

(Y/n): "Wow. House arrest, huh? Poor Scott."

Steve: And what about Tony, Peter, and uh..."

Sam: "What did you say that Doctor guys name is again?"

(Y/n): "Strange."

Sam: "Strange, how?"

(Y/n): "No. His name, it's...You know what? Let's put that on hold for a moment. The important thing is Thanos has the biggest army in the universe and he won't stop until he gets all six Infinity Stones. Which..."

Vision: "I currently have one placed in my head."

Everyone soon turned their attention to Vision, a sense of worry coming over them as they remembered just how bad things were. No one wanted Vision to die, but with the exact thing Thanos was looking for currently in his head, things seemed grim.

Natasha: "Well then, we have to protect it, and Vision."

Vision: "No, we have to destroy it."

(Y/n): "Excuse me?"

He tilts his head towards Vision, ready to knock down any offer, but Vision beats him to the punch.

Vision: "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps... its molecular integrity could fail."

A bunch of confused people was about to ask what exactly Vision meant by those very big words until it became self-explanatory as the android shifted his gaze to Wanda.

Wanda: "And you, with it. We're not having this conversation. I'm not hurting you Vision. You're my friend." [Yeah! And that's all you're ever going to be you stupid google home 2.0]

Vision: "Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it."

(Y/n): "Which also means you dying, Vision. We're not doing this."

Vision: [Turns to you] "As much as I appreciate your friendship. Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him."

(Y/n): "But it should." [Looks up at Vision] "We don't trade lives, Vision."

Vision: "(Y/n), if I am not mistaken, but do you isn't it you, a man with no powers like anyone else in this room, goes out and risks his life to protect the innocent. What's the difference to what I want to do?"

Everyone seemed interested in the answer (Y/n) was about to give, but before they got it they'd have to watch the Man Without Fear lower his head and sigh.

(Y/n): "Because you have a choice, Vision. I don't." [Looks up] "I stood in front of my father's body, I watched him die, and that night I realized that there wasn't anyone who could actually do proper good in the dark streets of New York. Cops are on Fisk's payroll, the Avengers consider the streets too small, so I took it upon myself because that was the path God was putting me on."

Vision: "And does he not do the same for me?"

(Y/n) takes a breath, but before he's able to speak he's interrupted by Steve stepping forward.

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