《Devil's Affection [Affection Series 5] {Completed}》Chapter 14
"Devilin," Scar smiles as she watches the boy open his eyes slowly as he was unconscious for the last two days.
"What?" he jerks up, at once looking around to find himself in one of the rooms in Martin's pack?
"Easy there, you have been sleeping in here for the last two days, you gave everyone quiet a fright," she states as she passes him a glass of water and he thankfully sips on it.
"Thank you"
"You are welcome, so did you get to see her?" Scar asks directly without beating the bush and Devilin eyes snaps her way in surprise.
"You have been calling her name every now and then" she answers his silent question and he smiles sadly her way.
"I guess you all know"
"That the girl my mate kicked out of here is our daughter" Scar finishes for him.
"I am sorry" Devilin apologizes, but even he does not know why?
"I think we all have been sorry for far too long and it's time to un-sorry it all"
"Un-sorry?" Devilin asks not understanding it.
"I would love to ask you to rest for a few days in this bed but right now you need to fly to where my daughter is...
She needs you and we need to find her soon before my mate kills himself with the guilt, he has held in his heart...
Hi guilt will only go away when he takes his daughter back in his arms that he kicked twice out of our life" she smiles as she passes him his clothes before leaving the room.
Devilin finds Adrian standing outside of his door as he makes his way out both of them just stands their not knowing what to say.
"I will bring her back," Devilin promises as he walks towards the man who nods.
"But before that" Devilin speaks before he flicks him on his forehead lightly and Adrian gasps.
"These are all of her memories; from the moment she was born till the day she met you. Some of them are a bit jumbled but I did try to put them all in order.
"Thank you" Adrian nods as he was in no condition to speak anything.
"Wait when you see her next, tell her that..."
"I think she would love to hear it from your own mouth instead of mine, anyway I have a few of my own things to tell her when I see her next so"
"How will you find her?"
"She is my mate Adrian, it is my duty to find her every time, so leave the easy part to me" he grins as he walks away from him.
Devilin walks up to his car but stops as he sees something from the corner of his eyes and he turns to smile at the girl.
"So, she is your mate"
"I am sorry I caused so many troubles for you all. If I..."
"Ariel, I think we all have been sorry for far too long and it's time to un-sorry it all"
"Uh-huh, she is your sister and the next time you meet her just hug her with love that is all my mate asks for...
Just love" he smiles as he kisses her cheek lightly before driving away from the pack house.
Just as he crosses the Martin's land he stops his car and summons the shadow, it was time he sees for himself just how useful the pet was.
"Master, you called" the shadow speaks as it surrounds around Devilin body.
"Remember the taste of my blood properly; you need to find someone who has the exact blood running in her body as mine"
"How can I even forget this blood who gives me life master, I will find her for you" the shadow speaks as it starts its work taking his master towards the girl.
"Wait a little longer for me my stalker, I am coming" Devilin whispers as he stares at the diary sitting in the passenger seat of his car before he starts to drive following his pet.
Scar smiles as she finds her mate sitting in the garden staring at the sunset. She touches his arm lightly so not to startle him before she joins him.
"What are you thinking?" she asks as she puts her head on his shoulder.
"All these years she was alive, she even was here with us, how could we not know she was ours Scar?
She tried to tell me who she was but I never believed her, I hurt her so many times, even the last time she left the house she had been hurt because of me...
I don't know what to do anymore; I have been nothing but a failure to her"
"She calls you Papa, like I used to call my father" Scar states instead as she pulls her head away from his shoulder to face him.
"It did not matter to me, who was my real father, it did not matter to me who was wrong and who was right...
For me both of my father's loved me equally, both of them wanted to protect me from the unknown even if their ways were not to my liking the truth is I will always love them, no matter the past...
She is our daughter Rain, no matter where she grew up or with whom she will always remain our child...
It is her right to be angry at us but it is also our duty to turn her tears into happy ones, I don't know what will happen when she comes back but what I know is, you and I, we will give her so much love that we have been hiding in our hearts...
I do not know about anything else but one thing that you are and you will always be a great father to any of our children...
We will fill her bad memories with good ones, taking one step at a time, righting the wrong doings" she speaks softly holding his face in her hands.
"Thank you for being in my life"
"You are welcome, now I heard you have some memories of our baby girl. I would like to see it as well" she smiles as they both wipe each other's tears and enjoy their time filled with the antics their daughter did.
"Master" Erika calls as she steps inside the room with a tray filled with a glass of blood.
"What the fuck are you doing here now?" Thomas asks with a sigh as wherever he turns he finds this girl.
"I was just bringing you your dinner master, what, is not the blood to your liking?"
"I do eat food Erika and why the fuck does this blood smell so bad"
"Oh well there were no humans around to slit their throat and bring you fresh blood so I killed s few frogs and insects flying around though their blood were not red and ya" she smiles innocently and Thomas closes his eyes praying for patience.
"Why don't you just go and check on Raine, just leave me alone"
"Oh well, I just thought you would like to go on with your plans on how you will conquer everything"
"And what makes you think I will share my plans with you?" Thomas asks as he raises a brow her way.
"Oh well, I just wanted to hear it all and be prepared for the time, I do want to turn evil you know...
What better way than to get a little training from you just for future reference...oh well I will go and check on Raine, but my offer still stands" she informs as she slowly steps away from the room.
"Bastard, I even cleaned the glass before putting in that nasty blood," Erika grumbles before she goes to check on Raine.
"Seriously, how long is this mourning of yours going to last because I sure did not decide to come along to see you act so un-Raine like...
My life back home was boring but here it is dead-beat"
"So what the fuck do you want me to do?" Raine snaps at once as she stares at Erika from her lying position on the bed.
"Oh no, you did not just used the F word to me. This is fucking war between us, you think you have it worse boo-ya you did not...
Do you have any idea how hard my life was compared to yours you cannot even dream about it"
"Of course I cannot because I don't want to. Not everything is all about you Erika so go bug someone else"
"Don't you fucking use that tone with me, young lady, I am much more experienced and older than you...
Moreover, if it were not for me you would not even be here, no one would even be here, because of my life every one of you are even alive"
"What the hell does that mean?"
"If it was not for me then Adrian would have never even thought to mate with a human, it was my meeting with him and the impression I left on him that made him marry your mother...
Just for your information, yes everything has to be all about me, because if it were not then you would not even be in here...
I get it that your parents did not chose you in the first place but would you have lived all your life happily knowing your mother could have survived if your father chose her? Would you be happy knowing the one woman who keeps him happy is lost to him because of you? Because trust me that is the guilt you would have to live for the rest of your life...
That is the guilt, Adrian has been living with from the moment he thought he lost you, but you are here. It is not his fault if that fucking tart of a bloodsucker kidnapped you...
I get it that the way it all happened was not the same as you thought it would be but big news life is not always rainbows and butterflies, it is also filled with nasty mosquitoes that bite and give you malaria...
My father abandoned me as well you know, but I forgave him because I do not want to live my life thinking about what if when I can turn them into fuck yeah...
My mate never accepted me when I loved him every day, he treated me like shit yet I loved him, and yes, I kept pushing and pushing him until he finally gave in...
I could have left it at that, I could have easily gave up on us when times were hard but I did not because I am not the kind of girl who gives up easily and look where I am now, with two kids I want to beat the shit out of sometimes...
However, that is not the point, the point is I never gave up on things I wanted, you do not look like any of your parents well big deal fuck the looks, you still have their blood running in your body and that one connection not most have...
You have your parents out their alive and given them a chance they will prove to you how much they love you...
Your mate went and fell for your sister? Well fuck that as well, you are young and beautiful, intelligent, make him rue the day he even thought of cheating on you...
Above all, of it, fuck you for even thinking for once that this is your entire fault and letting Thomas the bloodsucker win this battle...
You want your parents back in your life, then you fucking fight for them, you want your mate back in your life, then you fucking stop mourning and get the fuck out of your bed and start to kicking some butts so the next time you see your mate he will be like damn did I just broke her heart?
You are a fucking dragon master with virgin blood, that's the most powerful thing in the whole wide world" Erika shouts as she shakes Raine's shoulder hard taking a deep breathe after the big lecture.
"I am sorry to use F word and thanks for everything I guess I needed that boost" Raine sighs as she gets up from the bed.
"You are welcome, now can we please go kick some butts?" Erika pleads and Raine grins as she nods her head.
"Let's show Thomas that he messed with the wrong girl this time," Raine states in determination, as she walks out of the room.
"Tiger, if I am not wrong Dante has twin sons right?" Ace asks as he pokes his head inside of the room once Raine is out of it.
"Yes, so?" Erika asks as she walks out as well with the boys following her.
"So, why did you not correct her and tell her that it's Devon who is Ariel's mate?" the boys asks in confusion.
"Boys, there are a few things in life one has to find out themselves and if I told her, her mate never cheated on her, it would not be so fun when they meet...
In addition, this is my way of revenge on Dante; I still have not forgotten how he threw me off guard by producing a son out of nowhere" Erika growls as she keeps walking.
"She is crazy. We should tell Raine about Devilin, poor girl will cheer up" one of the boys suggests and all three shakes their head no.
"I don't want to die young, and as Tiger said their next meeting will be more fun, she will find out eventually"
"Miracle" Thomas grins as soon as he sees Raine making her way towards him.
"Where's Blue?" Raine asks as she stares in his eyes.
"Here I thought you came to see me"
"I will open the portals and give you what you want but before that I want you to hand me Blue"
"Uh-uh, it does not..."
"Listen Thomas, you don't have a choice or say in this. I know you can never hurt me not unless you want each of these doofus to go against you as we both know they will go against you if you so much as harm me, they have gone against you for my safety" she grins as she looks around the room.
"So, you do remember that day" Thomas grins back as he once again takes his seat.
"Are you giving Blue back to me or not?" she asks once again seriously and Thomas sighs before asking one of the doofus to bring the girl.
"But how can I be sure you will not betray me?" he asks as he holds Blue away from Raine who frowns seeing the girl was still asleep.
"Even if you will let go of Blue I cannot get away from here because you still hold my family on hostage, you have held on to them for far too long and I plan to set them free from your hands this time...
I will take each one of these mandrakes away from your clutches, I will make you rue the day you even thought to hurt my family...
When I am done with you, betraying will be the last of your worries also tell the square root of negative one to multiply by itself, because shit just got real," she vows and Thomas stares at her in amusement.
"Challenge accepted, I will let go of Blue and all of your friends, let's see who will make who rue the day" he smirks before setting Blue in Raine's arms and kissing Raine's cheek.
"I will be waiting to see what Miracle you will create this time," he whispers in her ear as he walks away.
"I am not moving an inch from here," Erika protests as she holds onto the door handle while the boys try to pull her.
"Come on tiger we really need to take Blue back home while Thomas is letting us go"
"Uh-uh, I have invested too much to be here to easily walk out, no way"
"Erika, I think this is where I will have to stop you, this is my fight and I want to fight it myself...
Thank you for knocking some sense into my head, but I cannot drag you through more, you need to get back home and make sure they are all safe" Raine smiles and Erika groans as she lets go of the door handle.
"Fine, I will take her home safely but I will come back for you and I still have to kick Thomas's ass for ruining my boy's reputation," she promises as she hugs Raine and walks away with the boys.
"Make sure they arrive safely" Raine asks one of the mandrakes who nods as he follows Erika and the boys quietly.
"Ready for the lessons?" Thomas asks as he walks inside the room Raine was sitting in.
"What lessons?"
"If my memory serves me right you don't know how to open a portal, and if you want to get away from me soon you better learn how to get control of your powers...
Those tattoos are not just for show, you know" he grins as he orders her to follow him.
Thomas walks ahead of Raine before he turns and stands in front of her as he starts to speak again.
"There are many dimensions in this world, not everyone can get hold of the way to them...
Some uses portals to pass these dimensions; it takes years of practice to get hold of it, to open the right portal at the right time, all you have to do is have a clear view of things, know which portal you want to use...
Once you get hold of it, it is easier to manipulate them, you can walk easily from one to another, hide yourself when the times arrives...
Close your eyes, go to that place in your mind where you are all alone, peaceful" Thomas whispers as he goes to stand behind Raine and slides her hair to one side of her neck as whispering in her ear while he slowly wraps his hands around her waist.
A Black smoke surrounds her whole body and her tattoos starts to glow red once again.
"There, there Raine use your powers..."
"Uh, I am not doing anything" Raine's voice stops his next words.
"What do you mean, then what is this..." Thomas frowns as he goes to pulls Raine closer to his body but the smoke makes it impossible for him to do so.
Thomas goes flying when without any warning; someone punches him away from Raine.
"Touch her again and I will fucking end you, right now" Devilin's voice startles both of them.
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