《The Shy Demon(Valak x Reader)》Chapter 11: The Solution


Valak's POV

Looking at her sleeping form, a smirk crossed my lips as I traced my black nails along her body. A faint, black mist escaped my palms. I knew this was the right moment. This woman had successfully bared my children and succumbed to my sinful desires. She wasn't born to be a servant of God, but a servant of me; of Satan. The mist wrapped around her body, whirling around in different patterns. She turned onto her side as the mist began to glow a sinister red. It lifted her up into the air as I closed my eyes.The red mist entered through her mouth and traveled throughout her body. Shifting around uncomfortably, she coughed violently and clenched her fists. I put my hand over her mouth which made her relax once again.

After the mist had traveled to every inch of her body, it exited through her mouth and faded into the atmosphere. Carrying her body, I set her onto Nyx's bed and walked into my room. Sitting on the bed, I put my sinister facade back on. 'I need that antidote and I need it fast. My feelings for her are getting too strong. I shouldn't have performed the ritual,' I thought in the back of my mind as I clenched my fists in anger.

Damian's POV

I watched my sister poke at her food with a shocked expression. We still couldn't get that vile image out of our mind. "Are you okay?" "Oh yeah, I'm totally fine. It's not like I seen my parents fucking each other and my life is forever scarred." The memories came into my consciousness as she spat out those harsh words. "Don't be so vulgar Nyx." "Shut the fuck up Damian. I just seen a disgusting sight and now I have to eat NASTY food." I know she hated the food here since it was too spicy for her tastes. She threw the fork down and sighed, propping her face up with her hand. A sudden thought came into my mind as I watched her poke at the food she hates. 'I should get her human food... I know she feels grossed out by that terrible sight.' Reaching into a portal to Earth, I stole a pizza from a restaurant and set it before her. Her eyes lit up with surprise. "Damian... are you teasing me?" "No," I responded, "I understand how you feel." She silently stared at me as she picked up a piece of pizza. "I don't know what the fuck got into you but... thanks." "Yeah," I trailed off as I watched her eat the gooey pizza. 'That looks gross,' I grimaced and stood up.

Walking out the door, I bumped into Murdak, who wore a smug grin on his face. "Ahh.. son of Valak. Why is a pathetic demon-human hybrid here?" "Why is an insolent worm such as yourself here?" Murdak let out a laugh before replying, "I'm here to watch the downfall of your father." Shooting him a dirty glance, I asked, "And what downfall do you presume?" "He's developing human feelings. You know the dark lord will gut him like a pig," he grinned. Narrowing my eyes, I glanced at his pouch. A mysterious, pink potion hung out of it. It was labeled as an antidote. "And why do you have an antidote? Did you POISON my FATHER?!" Murdak appeared to be shocked for a second before his face contorted back to normal. "Don't accuse me of such a petty action." I furrowed my brows as my eyes glowed a sinister red. "You do not fool me, Murdak. Your thoughts say otherwise. You did poison my father and that's the antidote." Murdak caught onto my wit as he readied his sharp claws. "And what are you going to do, Damian?" "What I do to all those who defile either me or my father; kill them." Without hesitation, I struck my hand through his chest. Blood spilled out his wound as I grasped his spine, ripping it out. The backbone made a loud crunching sound from the strength of my grasp. Murdak was a weakling. He couldn't even stand a fight against a human. His red eyes widened as he fell onto the ground. I bent over and pulled the antidote out from his bag. Groaning in pain, he tried to slice me with his claws but it was to no avail. "Tch. A weakling like you should not be in any position close to Satan. You're just a weakling." Lifting my foot up, I slammed it into his skull. Brains splattered across the floor as he released a final scream. Grinning to myself, I swiped my finger across the bloodied floor and tasted it. "The flavor of death is always my favorite... I should get this to father immediately."


'I don't know what type of positive energy has gotten into Damian but I'm not complaining. Maybe he is trying to improve his life and be a civilized person? Oh,oh or he went on a yoga life journey to better himself' i thought while laughing to myself. My laughter soon came to a complete halt when i felt a bizarre surge of power then a intense wave of. Placing my pizza down I sat up from my sitting position and cautiously searched the perimeter for the source of this outre feeling. After walking for about 10 minutes i came across no lead. Sighing in frustration i turned on my heel to walk back to my meal, only to bump into my mother. I gasp and look at her "Geez mom you scared the shit outta me. you can't go sneaking around like that!" i said while clutching my fast beating heart. After i calmed down I pulled her into a warm embrace. I awaited for her to return it like always but I noticed that she didn't nor did she say anything. 'Okay this is creepy.' I thought to myself while releasing my hold of her. "Mother are you alright?" i asked in a worried tone. Still no response was given. I grab her hands and shut my eyes 'Maybe i can get a reading on her Aura.'. I calmed myself and focused carefully and strictly on her, i notice that her aura was fine but she was filled with what appeared to be shyness and regret. Releasing her hands i open my eyes and stare into her emotionless ones. " I'm sorry for being so selfish, maybe i should send you back to earth because i don't like hot this place is affecting yo-." "No Nyx i'm fine as a matter of fact i think this is a perfect place for a sinner like me." she replied in almost a whisper while staring at the ground. I checked her head for any types of lumps or bruises that could make her even think this way "Are you serious?" I ask truly baffled by my mother's words. She merely nods her head "I just need some rest don't worry about me sweetie." after saying that she simply walked past me and into her room, I can hear her lock the door. 'Well in the current situation it looks like there's no reasoning with her. But regardless of her sudden mood change i have to find a way to get her back home.' i think to myself while returning to the dining room.

I glance down at the glowing pink liquid while twirling the small bottle between my fingers. If Murdak was trying to get revenge on my father why would he make an antidote for it? Could it be a lie and this very potion is another potent attack that he was waiting to use?' I sighed slightly. I don't have any other options but to try it, i mean what more damage could it cause. Walking down the long corridors i searched for my father intensely. Each turn seeming to be more and more hopeless. I didn't even notice how long i had been walking until i notice the furniture in the hallways were beginning to have shadows casted from them due to the sunset illuminating through the many windows. 'Just where could he possibly be?' I huffed in frustration until a picked up his scent. It was faint but it felt strong but there was a hint of weakness That's rather peculiar. That poison must be really taking a toll on him i must find him quickly. I ran to the scent quickly until i found him sitting by a window staring out of it blankly. "Father i've gotten rid of that treacherous dog Murdak. It wasn't as eventful since he didn't beg for his life. But i have retrieved the antidote." I say proudly. He turns his head toward me with a unreadable expression before standing up and approaching me, he comes to a complete stop when he is in front of me. I look up at him as his eyes bore into mine " F-father are you not pleased? Have i made some type of error?" I say shifting uncomfortably. His hand raised and planted itself on my head. I was confused by his actions but i dare not flinch. "Damian, Oh my dear Damian you've proven your loyalty many times. And to be honest, I am quite proud of you and i want you to know that all of your achievements will be recognized." he said in a calm voice while ruffling my hair. I beam slightly as a small smile tugs at my lips. 'All i ever really wanted was father's approval. But if i give him the antidote will he still be proud of me?' I shrug off my mortal thoughts. "I think that Murdaks poison..... is affecting you. So please take the antidote."i say in almost a whisper. I hesitantly place it into his hands. 'I hope i'm making the right choice.'


I look down at the small bottle that holds the glisting liquid. 'This can put a end to these ridiculous feelings....But you don't want that' i shake my head frantically trying to ease these absurd emotions. Flicking off the lid i quickly down the liquid in one gulp. Instantly i feel its powerful effect begin to take over, the room starts to spin as i clutch my abdomen. I fall to my knees breathing heavy as a strange pink orb comes out of my stomach, 'What the hell is that?' I watch it closely. It glides to the top of the room before engulfing it self into a burst of flames and then just vanishing. "Father do you feel alright?" I hear my son call but he sounds so distant, so far away and muffled. I rub my head in frustration even after taking the antidote she is still on my mind, i still crave her touch and Feeling my anger boil over my thoughts come to full affect. "Damian you are to return back to earth at once." "B-but father I-im needed now more than ever. I believe you need to regain your mindset since it appears to be scattered." I glared at him for trying to speak against my orders. Before he can continue such disrespect i backhand him sending him flying into a table "How dare you think for a second you could ever oppose me! You are hereby banished to the human realm until further notice, maybe then your will be eradicated." I say coldly. Carefully opening a portal leading back to his original home I kick him through. 'I don't have time to deal with my stubborn son right now let alone his smart mouth.' clenching my fist i close it and make my way back to the being who constantly raids my mind. I've made a foolish mistake and now i'm stuck with the results.

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