《The Shy Demon(Valak x Reader)》FINAL CHAPTER: A GRAND REVEAL


Holding my head, I groaned in pain as my vision blurred. 'What the fuck is wrong with me?!' My fists clenched the crimson bed sheets and my breathing became heavier with each breath. A cold sweat broke out on my forehead as my legs twitched. "S-SOMEBODY HELP ME!" A figure crept into a room, wearing a sinister smile. Glaring at him, I screamed out in anger. "F-FUCK YOU! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?!" A chuckle escaped his lips and he approached me. Placing his hand on my forehead, he replied, "W-WHAT?!" He sat on the bed and stared at me. I screamed as I felt my forehead being pierced. Glancing up, I saw two, black horns protruding from the painful area. My expression immediately dropped once I realized what he had done. 'He performed... the ritual.' "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME," I screamed in a demonic tone. He seemed taken aback and a sudden force threw him across the room with the boom of my voice. Gasping, I covered my mouth and watched in shock. I looked down at my hand and saw black, claw-like nails growing. "NO WAY!" My eyes wandered to the mirror and saw the true horror that I had become. Red eyes gazed back at my pale figure in the mirror and a black, slender tail wiggled behind me. Black locks laid on my back and covered my breasts. I noticed that my breasts and butt dramatically increased in size. "Y-YOU MADE ME A SUCCUBUS?!" Valak stared at my figure in awe and a smirk crossed his lips. "I can't have such a low class demon by my side for eternity." Tears rolled down my eyes and I ran over to him with my claws out. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Standing up, he grabbed my hands and laughed at my attempt to harm him. I struggled to get out of his grip and bit his arm. My razor-sharp teeth pierced through his pale skin as he let out a demonic screech. "YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME FOR I AM YOUR CREATOR!"

Lucy walked into the dining room carrying a large platter of waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and jelly. Varius and Zurk sat beside each other and talked about random, irrelevant things. "I need to get new contacts. I was thinking about buying green ones," Varius said. "I thought you liked the blue ones? They suit you more. Green was... Nyx's color," Zurk sighed. "I miss Mom and Nyx. I want them back," Varius said and a small tear escaped his eye. Zurk rubbed his back and replied, "Don't worry. They will come back soon." "Yeah! Let's keep a positive mindset," Lucy chimed in. "Yeah... I agree with Lucy," I pitched in and sipped on my orange juice. Sensing a strange energy, I cocked my head at the ceiling and saw a black portal form. My body jumped into defense mode as my wings, horns, tail, and claws manifested. "Yo, what the he-" A body fell into the middle of the table, ruining the food in process. I grabbed the mysterious person by the neck and slammed them against the wall. They coughed up blood and stared back at me. 'Damian... what is this scum doing here?' Varius, Zurk, and Lucy surrounded me while my grip tightened around his neck. "Why the fuck are you here?!" "Go away," Lucy yelled, "You just bring heartache everywhere you go!" "Get the fuck outta this house before I rip your spine from body," I warned. "Yeah, get the fuck out." Damian's yellow eyes showed an emotion that was foreign for him; remorse. "Unhand me you foul beast." "Is that really a way to speak to somebody holding your neck, seconds away from snapping it?" "I had ENOUGH!" Lucy grabbed a broom and her demonic features manifested. Varius and Zurk manifested their demonic features as well. I threw his body onto the ground and everybody surrounded him. Lifting up our feet in sync, we proceed to aggressively beat his body. Lucy swung the room like a maniac and Zurk threw a boiling pot of tea at him. Damian winced at the pain as Varius slammed a metal pan down onto his face. Grabbing a knife, I slammed my occupied hand down into his stomach and blood spurted out. "You deserve this pain for the burden you brought us," I seethed out in anger as my yellow eyes dilated with fury. "P-Please listen to me-" "WE HAVE NOTHING TO SAY TO YOU DAMIAN!"


"SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH FATHER,"he blurted out. We stopped and stared at him in confusion. "Who ever said they give a fuck about him?" "I have no father." "Father? I don't have a father, just a scumbag who decided to have sex with mom," I said in a harsh tone. "Lilith... you became... strong. Father did something to mother." "I will castrate that bastard myself if he hurt her," Zurk hissed. Lucy stared down at him and breathed furiously. "And... YOU DIDN'T STOP HIM?!" Lifting up the broom, she gave him a few, hard blows and screamed. Varius snatched Lucy up and held her back as her eyes flickered a sinister yellow. "Something... is different. Mother isn't the same woman anymore. Her energy... it's different." Furrowing my brows, I replied, "How do we know you're not lying?" "C-Come with me," Damian said and opened a black portal. We shot each other skeptical glances and followed him into the portal. Walking into a luxurious living room, everyone looked around suspiciously. A female walked into the room and dropped what she had been carrying. Glass shattered onto the floor as her eyes widened in shock, fear, and happiness. 'Nyx... it's her.' Lucy screeched out in happiness and jumped on her, making Nyx fall onto the ground. She smothered Nyx in hugs as Nyx tried to sit up. "Nyx... you're... alive... I missed you," Lucy cried out. "I missed you too. I missed all of you," Nyx smiled. Varius and Zurk ran over to them and embraced them. 'Looks like I have to get in on this too.' Before I could walk over to the embrace, a large crash echoed from upstairs. "What's going on?!" "Mother," Nyx whispered as she ran up the stairs. Curiously, we all trailed behind her and she came to a complete stop at one of the rooms. Her face dropped in horror. "Nyx... are you alright?" Approaching behind her, my eyes witnessed a shocking sight. My mother clung onto Valak for dear life as a pool of blood seeped below him. Her head seemed to be covered by a wrapping of some sort that was marked with hexes. Valak's smirk widened upon seeing our frightened and shocked expressions.

Who are these strange people? They all seem to be... afraid of me. I rest my head in the cook of Valak's neck, cowering away in fear. His hand rubs my back as I glance at the strangers. "Don't worry about them, I'm here," he whispered in my ear as he waltzed with me. Suddenly, he drops me and approaches the strangers. I crawled to the corner of the room and watched them in fear. 'They can't see me like this. Nobody can see me like this.' Valak talks to the strangers and engages in physical contact. While he is talking to those strangers, I sit in the corner and keep my eye fixated on the ground. Twirling my hair nervously, I noticed a small pair of feet standing in front of me. Looking up, I see a woman who looks similar to my Valak. Her high ponytail sways slightly as she wore a curious expression. "Mother, don't you remember me? Its me, Lucy." "Lucy?...I'm sorry... I don't know anyone named Lucy, let alone do I have a child,"I tremble. 'This poor girl must be confused,' I thought while her facial expression changed into a frown. "M-Mother... It's me, Lucy. You have to remember," she shouted and grabbed my arm. I aggressively pulled my arm away and covered my face. "Please... go away." "M-Mothe-" "I SAID GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE," I yelled and my eyes flickered crimson. Backing away, a few tears escaped her eyes and she trembled. She ran out the room, sobbing. I pulled the cover over my horns and sighed. These people are scary and they make my blood pressure rise. I peeked out from the cover and watched as valak forced all of the shouting people into a portal. 'Why do they continue to call me mom? Do i actually know these people.' i thought while clenching my head. This is all too much for a to handle.



This was an amazing journey for my first story on here! I am very glad that a lot of people enjoyed reading it. And i want to thank everyone for supporting the story. Although all good things must come to a end, if a sequel is requested by a high amount it will be considered! Anyway thanks for tuning into this, be sure to check out my other fan fictions!

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