《Sear (Alex Summers/Havok Fanfic)》~Chapter 5: Sear~


Charles and Erik explained everything to her. About Shaw, Cerebro, recruiting other mutants, and so many more. The topic that really caught her attention was of his sister, Raven.

Charles said that he met her when they were little when he caught her impersonating his mother. She had the ability to impersonate anyone and Natalye knew unmistakably that it is the same Raven from her childhood. Her best friend.

She said nothing to Charles and Erik, but listen and think.

-----34 Minutes Later-----

After they had explained things to her, the car ride became silent, but Natalye didn't mind it one bit she would sometimes prefer a quieter atmosphere and since she lived in an institute most of her life she got used to it. Sometimes, she hated the quietness, so she created some trouble of her own to fix that problem by messing with the nurses. That's the only thing she'll miss from that bloody place. Charles and Erik never really told her where they were going all they said was that she'll find out when they get there.

That answer wasn't good enough for Natalye, so she decided to break the silence. "Where are we going exactly?"

"You'll see when we get there." Charles said, focusing on the road.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because it's in a secret location. And if certain people were to find out where this place is then-" Charles hesitated.

"Then?" Natalye waited for Charles to finish his sentence.

"Then it won't do us any good." Charles finished.

Natalye slowly nodded her head. "How far away are we?" she asked

"We're almost there." Charles answered. Natalye sank in her seat, backing down and repeatedly tapping her fingers on her knees. She looked out the dark window and bit her lip which was what she did if she was nervous or excited, in this case both.


-----7 Minutes Later-----

The car finally stopped and Natalye couldn't be more excited and nervous. She got out of the car and looked around. The place was pretty huge that she'd be surprised if someone was not able to find it.

Natalye shut the car doot behind her and began to follow Charles and Erik inside. "Welcome to Division X." Charles said as they entered.

"Charles!" A female voice said. Natalye turned to see a girl with blond hair who was probably about her age run up to Charles, giving him a hug. "Finally, you're back!" She let go and turned to look at Natalye and gasped. "Natalye?"


Both girls were shocked. They never truly expected to see each other again yet they had each hoped they would someday. Both girls shrieked in excitement which caught the attention of many agents.

Both ran to each other and gave each other a bear a hug and began to jump up and down in excitement. "Oh my gosh!" Raven laughed "I never thought I'd see you again!"

"Oh my gosh! Neither did I! You look so different!"

"And so do you!" The girls began to babble and it was causing quiet a scene, so Charles decided to step in.

"Alright girls!" Charles yelled which caused both of them to quiet down. "Erik and I have important business to attend to. Which means Raven, Natalye is under your wings for now so watch over her."

"Okay." Raven answered.

"Alright. Lets get going." The four began to walk away.

"You have to meet the others!" Raven said, linking arms with Natalye.

"Others?" Natalye questioned.

"Yeah, other mutants! We're not the only ones, Nat." That's right! Charles mentioned there were other mutants they recruited. "I can't wait to introduce you!"


"Well, I can't wait to meet them." Natalye said, smiling happily.

She was still in shock and she was filled with excitement. Excited because she finally reunited with her best friend after so many years and shocked because Raven's appearance has changed so much. "You look different." Natalye states.

"Well, I can change form into anything." Ravens says lightly chuckling. "I guess after you got taken away I thought it'd be a good idea to change especially in this type of world we live in when people are too quick to judge."

"Hmm." Was all Natalye said.

"But, enough about me. Look at you! You look so different I almost didn't recognize you!" Raven says, nudging her. Suddenly, Natalye stopped.


"What is it?" Raven asked with worry. "Was it something I said?"

"No, no! Of course not! It's just-"

"Just what?" Raven presses.

"I just realized that I don't even know what I look like."

"Are you serious? Come on!" Raven says as she drags Natalye down a hall into a bathroom and pushed her in front of the big bathroom mirror. Natalye gasped, her looks definitely have changed. Her once blond hair turned to dark brown, her once deep blue eyes turned to an icy blue color (due to her mutation) and her once tan skin became pale (due to lack of sunlight) her features became more sharp and lips became more plump.

"Wow." Natalye breathed out. "I look..."

"Beautiful?" Raven suggested with a smile. Natalye smiled back.

"I guess..."

Raven chuckled softly. "Come on. We should get going."

"Okay, let's go." Natalye says, taking one last glance at herself before following Raven out the door. It was silent for a few seconds until Raven's voice broke it.

"Can I ask you something?" Raven said linking arms with Natalye again.


"How come you didn't know what you looked like?"

"Well, in the institute that they put me in they were very careful of letting any light near me considering that I have the power to control it and since mirrors could reflect light they had to get rid of them. And they wouldn't even let me out of my room to go anywhere and it was always dark and cold at night." Raven nods in understanding.

"I'm sorry. I can't even imagine what you've through." Raven says sorrowly

"Yeah it was terrible, but once in a while I would always mess with the nurses... Which is probably the reason why they shun me out from total light." Natalye laughs. She even got Raven to crack a smile. The rest of the time the two girls talked about Raven meeting Charles and some laughs from their childhood.

"Hey, Rae?" Natalye says calling Raven by her nickname.

"What is it, Nat?" Raven answers calling Natalye by her nickname.

"It's good to seen you again." Raven smiles.

"You too. Best friends?" Raven says

"Best sisters?"

"Forever." Raven holds out her pinky.

"And ever." Natalye wraps her pinky around Raven's and the two giggle after they said their old thing they did when they were kids. Then, the two continue to make their way to the room full of other mutants.

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