《Sear (Alex Summers/Havok Fanfic)》~Chapter 6: Sear~


"We're almost there!" Raven says excitedly. She didn't even give Natalye time to respond before tugging her arm and dragging her through the hallway accidentally bumping into a person.

'Sorry.' Natalye mouthed. "Raven, slow down this isn't a game of tug-of-war!" Natalye blurted as she struggled to keep up. However, it didn't stop Raven from slowing down.

"Come on!" Raven says with laughter in her voice, tugging harder on Natalye's arm until they stopped in front of two metal double doors. The first thing Natalye heard were the voices that belonged to a couple of boys and a girl, talking about random stuff. Natalye couldn't see what they looked like (obviously) but, they were unmistakably the mutants that Charles, Erik and Raven talked about.

"We're here!" Raven opened the door and dragged her inside. The voices quiet down and all eyes were turned to her. Once again, Raven dragged her to where the couches were where the other mutants sat and began to introduce her. "Guys this is my best friend, Natalye Prime. She'll be joining us."

Everyone waved at Natalye, receiving a few "hi's" and "hello's." Natalye waves timidly and notices one of the guys stand up and walk up to her. He had red hair, blue eyes with freckles across his nose and he looked to be about 7 inches taller than her.

"Hi, I'm Sean Cassidy." He says holding out his hand. Natalye took it, about to start shaking it before Sean flips her hand, bringing it up to his lips and gave it a kiss.

"Oh," Natalye laughs awkwardly. "Charming..." Sean winks at her.

"Okay, okay break it up." A dark skinned man with brown hair says as he pushes Sean away from Natalye. "Sit down." he commands. Sean puts his hands up and walks all the way back to his seat. "Hey, I'm Darwin." he says while shaking Natalye's hand.

"Nice to meet you." Natalye smiles which Darwin returns gladly. Then, a girl with black hair comes up beside Darwin who kindly steps aside.

"I'm Angel." She says, giving Natalye a kind wave.

"Hi." Natalye smiles kindly

"And that's Hank over there." Raven says as she points to a guy sitting on one of the long couches. He brown hair and wore glasses who just waves and smiles awkwardly.

"And that's Alex." Raven points to a guy with blond hair and blue eyes. Alex just gave a tight smile and a slight nod. To Natalye, he seems like the type of guy who isolates himself from everyone.

"And now you met everyone!" Raven beams and everyone else smiles. After everyone introduced themselves they all sat down in their seats. Natalye sat on the arms of the long couch Raven and Hank sat on between Raven and Alex.


-----Natalye's POV-----

"Hey, can we play a game or something? I'm bored." Sean complains.

"Codenames!" Raven says out of nowhere.

"Codenames?" Natalye questions.

"Yeah, I mean we're government agents now we should have Codenames." Raven explains. "I wanna be called Mystique."

"Damn! I wanna be called Mystique!" Sean complains.

"Well, tough, I called it." Raven says as she changes form to impersonate Sean. Everyone jumped back in shock while I just sat on the armrest laughing at everyone's faces. I've seen Raven change form and I've grown used to it. "And I'm way more mysterious than you." Everyone claps in amazement and things got more exciting.

Raven calls out Darwin after changing back to her human look. "Darwin, what about you?"

"Well, Darwin is already a nickname and it sorta fits. Adapt to survive and all." Darwin gets up and walks over to the fish tank submerging his entire head inside. A few momets later he grew gills like the fishes and opened his mouth, showing that he could breath r which was quiet impressive. Everyone clapped a power like that could make this person indestructible.

Darwin drew his head back and shook out the water, taking in the applause and admiration. "Thank you, brother, thank you."(A/N: I think...) Darwin points at Sean. "What about you?"

"I'm going to be... Banshee." Sean says.

Why do you want to be named after a wailing spirit?" Hank asks.

"You might wanna cover your ears." Sean says as he gets up. Everyone was hesitant, but did as he said, well, everyone but me and Sean noticed. "Cover you ears, sweetie. Wouldn't want those pretty little ears of yours hurt." Sean says winking again.

Rolling my eyes, I put my hands up to cover my ears. Sean crouched down, sucking in a breath, looking side to side before letting out a sharp sound that caused the glass window to break. Everyone laughed in amusement, except for Hank and I which I just gasped, hoping that we wouldn't get in trouble for that.

"Your turn!" Sean says, pointing at Angel.

"My stage name is Angel." Angel says as Sean wolf whistles. She took off her black leather jacket, turning around to reveal her tattoo on both of her arms. "And it kinda fits." she says as the tattoo began to come to life and turn to a pair of dragonfly-like wings.

"You can fly?!" Raven asked in shock.

"Uh-huh. And..." Angel pauses as she turns to face the window Sean broke and spews out a small ball of fire, aiming it exactly at the statue in the courtyard, hitting it exactly on top of the statues' head. Everyone laughed histerically, I had to admit it was pretty funny. "What do you wanna be called?" Angel gestures to me as she puts her leather jacket back on.


I hesitate, knowing that I may have to show them my powers until I hear Raven gasp. "Sear!" she says.

"Sear?" Alex questions.

"Yeah! It was a nickname I gave her when we were kids." Raven says. "Come on, Nat! Do that thing you used to do."

"Uhh, I don't don't know, Rae." I say.

"Come one, please!" Raven begs.

"Show us!" Angel says.

"I wanna see!" Sean says.

Everyone wanted to see what my powers were and they all began to beg me to show them. So, I decided to give them what they wanted.

"Alright." I sighed. I scooched forward until I sat at the edge of the armrest, leaned forward and everybody followed suit. I brought my hand out into a fist and uncurled my fingers, so my hand was flat, palms facing up. Everyone had confused expressions on while Raven was grinning from ear to ear.

Suddenly, the lights began to flicker causing everyone to look around. Then, the lights in the kitchen lamps began to shut off and one by one zooming through the air and stopping at my palms as well as the ones around the room until it was pitch black. The only light source left was the one that I held which was a small ball of light.

Then, it got bigger and brighter and it bursted up like a geyser and then, the room was filled with little mini balls of light. Everyone gasped in awe and began to reach out to touch one of them. "I wouldn't do that." I say. "Unless you want your fingers seared off and be fingerless for life."

Then, everyone began to back away, sinking into their seats, keeping as much distance from my light as possible. I turned my palm out, so it was facing the opposite direction of my face and drew in the mini balls of light and once they were all gone it was pitch black again. I got up from my spot and walked in between Alex and Sean, raised my hand, palm facing the statue and manipulated the light I drew in and used them to shoot at the statue like lasers coming out of my hands which charred the statue.

Everyone laughed and clapped. It's funny how we keep using the statue like target practice. For my final trick I used the remaining light energy from the mini balls of light on me and disappeared.

The lights came back on and everyone could see again.

"Woah! Where'd she go?" Sean said in alarm. Everyone began to look frantically around while I made my way behind Sean, so I could scare him.

I counted to three, reappeared and yelled "boo!" Which made Sean scream and jump in his seat. Everyone laughed hysterically until all of our stomachs started to hurt. I look over at Hank and say. "Alright, your go. What'll your name be?"

I make my way next to Raven on the armrest and give her a high five. Then, I look over at Hank and see that he's become stiff. I hear a chuckle from Alex. "How about big foot?" He says, taking a sip of his coke.

"Well, you know what they say about guys with big feet, but uh- yours are kind of small." Raven sasses. Everyone oohed.

"Ouch." I said.

"Okay!" Darwin says quieting everyone down. "Alex, what is your gift? What can you do."

"Oh, it's not um- I-I just can't do it- can't do it in here." Alex stutters.

"Can you do it out there?" I ask, pointing to the courtyard. Alex became hesitant. "Oh, come on, Alex." Then, everyone except Hank started cheering Alex's name until he finally got his lazy butt up and began walking towards the broken window.

I was the first up. "Get down when I tell you." Alex said. I walked up to the broken window, watching Alex cross the courtyard to the side of the window. I feel Raven and Angel lean on me as the 6 of us peaked our heads through the window. "Get back." Alex warned.

We did as he said but, seconds later we peaked again. "Get back!" He said with a bit more aggression in his voice. Seeing as we weren't backing away, Alex just scoffs in defeat.

Then, Alex strains his muscles and red hoops surround him. He swings his body, releasing the hoops like a frisbee which created weird sounds like two pieces of metal being rubbed against one another. One of them happened to hit the statue, slicing it in half and setting it on fire.

Everyone clapped loudly while we girls jumped up and down, clapping. You've got to admit, Alex has a really awesome gift, but he seems... Hesitant to use it.

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