《havoc | bellamy blake (book two)》17 | give him up


"What do you think is going to happen?" Jovie asked Bellamy as they stood guard outside. Finn was in one of the tents. Jovie wanted to stay with him, but he had said he wanted to have some time alone, so her next best option was keeping guard.

"I don't know," Bellamy answered honestly. "But we won't let them have him." Bellamy knew how much Finn meant to Jovie. Jovie didn't show when she was scared, but he knew she was. He had learned to understand her, even when she didn't show her emotions.

"Jus drein jus daun. Jus drein jus daun," the sound of a herd of Grounders chanting filled the air. Jovie's hands instinctively tightened around the handle of her daggers. The whole thing was giving her flashbacks to back at the delinquents' camp when they had fought the Grounders for the first time. This time they were fighting them for Finn.

"They're trying to scare us," Bellamy announced as the soldiers at Camp Jaha stood ready with their guns loaded.

"No one shoot unless you get the order," Jovie demanded. She was not going to have another reckless incident like the one that got them in this mess in the first place. All it took was one scared guard to slip and pull the trigger. Then it would be all over.

"Open the gate," Abby said as her, Clarke, Bellamy, and Jovie walked forward. Two Grounders with masks riding horses were at the gate.

"Where's the boy?" One of them asked.

"We're not giving him up," Abby answered. "We're ready to fight, if that's what it comes to." A horn blew and the riders were quick to retreat.

"Watch the woods. Watch for movement!" Bellamy said.

"Bellamy," Clarke said, turning their attention to the woods.

"Don't shoot!" Kane screamed as he walked out of the woods. Jovie internally let out a breath of relief. She didn't want to admit it, but she had been concerned about him. She had urged him to talk to the Grounders' Commander, to try for peace. She didn't want to have another person's life weighing on her. "Don't shoot!" He casually approached the camp, immediately talking to Abby.


"You can't be out in the open. We need to get somewhere safe," Bellamy said.

"It's safe, for the moment," Kane replied. "Come on, we need to talk. I managed to buy us a bit of time." As he passed by, he made eye contact with Jovie and gave her a small smile and a short head nod. She returned it. She still didn't particularly like him, but her respect for him was starting to grow.

It felt like hours that Abby was in the meeting with Kane and Jaha. Jovie stood impatiently outside with Bellamy and Raven as they waited for her to finish. They needed to be the first ones to hear the plan. Abby finally walked out and the three of them immediately jumped in.

"What's happening?" Raven asked.

"You were in there a long time," Bellamy noted.

"There was a lot to talk about," Abby said vaguely.

"Well, what's going on?" Raven asked.

"There was a lot to talk about," Abby repeated.

"What are you going to do?" Jovie questioned.

"Hey, we are not turning him over to the Grounders," Bellamy ordered as he stepped in front of her to block her from walking.

"Step aside now," Abby said.

"Abby!" Jovie said. She ignored the blonde.

"We're all trying to find a way out of this," she said before walking away.

"They're gonna give him up," Bellamy came to the conclusion.

"Like hell they are," Jovie said before rushing forward to find Finn and Clarke. Bellamy and Raven were right behind her.

It didn't take long to find the two of them and when they found them, it looked like Finn was deep in thought.

"Finn," Bellamy said, alerting him to their presence. "You need to get out of here."

"Where would he go?" Clarke asked.

"The drop ship," Bellamy answered.

"We need to go. Now," Jovie said, implying the urgency of the situation.


"No. You know that this is the safest place-" Clarke started.

"They're turning on him. We can protect him at the drop ship til we figure this thing out," Bellamy told her. "Grab your gear. Meet at Raven's gate in five. She's already working on cutting the power for the fence."

"Okay, but nobody's coming with me," Finn said.

"That's not happening," Jovie said. She had already made up her mind about that and she was sure the others would agree.

"That isn't up for discussion," Bellamy confirmed. There was no way they were going to just let Finn out without any kind of protection. That was just as dangerous as handing him right over.

"We are surrounded by Grounders," Clarke reminded them.

"We split up, take the low ground. We'll make it through," Bellamy said.

"We have no other choice, Clarke," Jovie said. "If we don't get him out of here, they're going to turn him over."

"Meet at the drop ship," Bellamy said.

"There he is," a man said. "You're gonna get us killed." He went to swing a pipe at Finn, but Bellamy was quick to knock him to the ground.

"Anyone else?" He said to the crowd. No one made a move then but that didn't mean they weren't going to later.

"They're right. We have to go," Clarke said.

Bellamy, Jovie, and Raven were the first ones to get to the drop ship. They were still waiting for Clarke and Finn and it seemed to be taking longer than expected. There had to be something wrong.

"I checked again. Still no sign of them," Raven said as she walked in to where Bellamy and Jovie were.

"Where are they?" Bellamy asked rhetorically.

"We shouldn't have split up," Raven said.

"I'll go find them," Jovie said, already getting ready to head out.

"Wait, someone's coming," Bellamy said, holding up his gun at the entrance. It was a shock to Jovie when her brother walked through.

"Woah. Hey, hey, hey," he said as he held his hands up.

"John?" Jovie asked.

"What are you doing here?" Bellamy questioned.

"I believe I was invited," he replied.

"I thought we could use an extra gun," Raven confessed. Bellamy paused before nodding.

"Might be a good idea," he said. For once, Jovie was glad to see her brother could be put to use.

"Finn should have been right behind you," Raven noted.

"Don't worry. Spacewalker's gonna be fine," Murphy dismissed her casually.

"Something's wrong," Jovie said quietly, more to herself than anyone else. "Bell, let me go look."

"No. No, we're all staying here. It's too dangerous to separate now. We just need to wait," he said.

Thankfully it wasn't much longer before Finn finally appeared with Clarke. Though, it wasn't the best situation considering he was carrying an unconscious Clarke.

"What happened?" Bellamy asked as he rushed over.

"A Grounder hit her on the head," Finn told them.

"Finn, over here," Jovie called, already clearing a spot for him to place her.

"I need a bandage, a wrap, anything," Bellamy said.

"Here," Murphy said immediately, handing him a rag.

"Hold her head," Bellamy said. "Clarke, can you hear me? Clarke?" She slowly moved her head, letting out a soft groan. "You're gonna be fine. You just need to rest." Jovie watched as Finn rushed out of the drop ship after talking to Raven. She was about to go after him, but Raven beat her to it. She decided it would probably be better to stay with Bellamy and Murphy to help them with Clarke, figuring Raven was capable of handling Finn.

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