《havoc | bellamy blake (book two)》16 | without putting up a fight


"What's taking them so long?" Jovie asked as she paced behind Bellamy who was kneeling next to Lincoln.

"Jo, you need to relax," Bellamy said softly as he grabbed her arm to stop her from pacing. "They're going to get here." Almost as if it were on cue, the hatch opened and Finn appeared with Abby right behind him.

"Oh, thank God," Octavia said, showing the same amount of impatience as Jovie. "Where's Clarke?"

"Trying to stop a war," Finn replied. Jovie glanced over at Nyko. He gave her a simple head nod, to which she returned. The two of them had recognized the desire for peace when she tried helping him at Tondc... before Finn ruined things. Now that Clarke had something to offer the Grounders perhaps they would be able to try for it again.

Abby made her way over to Lincoln. He was still chained up, but that didn't matter too much anymore. He was barely conscious, so he wasn't much of a threat at the moment. They still didn't know if he was going to make it out of this, but the least they could do was hope for the best.

"His pupils are unresponsive," Abby noted. "Tie off his arm. Tight as you can." Jovie hovered behind Bellamy as Octavia did as she was told, anxiously watching and waiting for the doctor to help. "Thanks to the supplies your brother found, Lincoln might have a chance." Abby's words of comfort made Jovie grip Bellamy's shoulder. At her touch he reached back and rested his hand on top of hers.

"What's that?" Octavia asked as Abby lifted a syringe.

"This will bring down his fever," she told her. Lincoln grunted as Abby injected the needle into his arm. "Hold him down." Bellamy jumped up and ran over to help Octavia hold him down. Jovie grabbed his other side as he began to convulse again.

"What's happening? Why isn't it working?" Octavia asked.

"His heart stopped," Abby said. Nyko approached as Abby began trying to restart his heart again. Jovie found herself gripping the arm that she was holding.

"Come on, Lincoln," she mumbled under her breath. "Not you too."

"You're their healer?" Abby asked Nyko. He nodded his head. "Tilt his head back. Pull his chin down to open his airway."

"Come on," Octavia whispered. By the solemn looks on everyone's faces it appeared no one believed he was going to make it. Jovie wanted to believe that he was stronger than that, but death was stronger than anyone. After a few seconds, Abby began to ease up. "You're stopping. What's wrong?"


"I'm sorry," Abby said simply. "He's gone." Jovie sat back, closing her eyes as she tilted her head up in defeat.

"No, it's not possible. You're wrong!" Octavia cried out as she pushed Abby out of the way to try herself.

"Octavia," Bellamy said.

"Come back," she whispered. Bellamy reached his hand over to rest on her back as she desperately tried to resuscitate Lincoln. Jovie opened her eyes when she heard the hatch door open again, revealing Clarke. The blonde looked over to her mother who just shook her head. When a brunette with an embellishment on her head came in after Clarke, Jovie furrowed her eyebrows. She hadn't recognized this Grounder. By the look that she was giving Clarke, it was clear that she held a position of power. By the time that Jovie found Bellamy slowly starting to reach for the gun, the woman gave the order.

"Kill them all." Everyone whipped out their weapons and pointed them at each other, ready to fight.

"Please, you don't have to do this," Clarke said.

"You lied, and you're out of time," the woman spoke. It didn't take long for Jovie to realize that this had to be the Grounder's commander. The Grounders were looking to her for orders.

Suddenly, Abby swiftly pressed the electric baton to Lincoln's chest.

"Hit him again," Clarke said. Jovie took a step forward when Lincoln suddenly let out a gasp and began breathing again. Everyone looked shocked as he was once again alive.

"Lincoln," Octavia whispered.

"Octavia," he replied. Jovie let out a sigh of relief when it became evident that Lincoln was himself again. He finally recognized Octavia and that proved everything. The Commander slowly put her weapon away as she held Clarke's gaze. Jovie didn't know what this was going to mean for the two groups, but she was eager to find out.

After everything had happened, Clarke went back with the Commander to discuss matters while everyone else headed back to the camp. Jovie stood guard with Bellamy, anxiously waiting for Clarke to come back with something.

"Hold your fire! She's back!" Bellamy announced as Clarke eventually approached with a few Grounders with her. Jovie rushed to the gate to help let her in.

"What happened?" Jovie asked.

"Are you okay?" Finn added.

"Shut the gate," Clarke ordered. "You can't be out here," she told Finn. Jovie frowned at the statement. It was clearly directed to him and she had a bad feeling she knew why. Jovie stayed with the two of them as they made their way further in.


"What did she say?" Abby asked as a small group began forming around them. "Is there a chance for a truce?"

"Yes," Clarke announced simply.

"What's wrong?" Finn asked, picking up on the hesitance in Clarke's demeanor. She looked over at him.

"They want you," she said. "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

"No!" Jovie said. "They'll kill him."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven asked.

"That's their offer," Clarke said.

"That's not an offer," Raven argued.

"It's a punishment," Finn concluded. Jovie ran a hand through her hair in frustration. She knew what was going to happen. The camp was going to go against Finn because it would mean their safety. She knew the Grounders weren't going to agree to peace with them without some kind of consequence for all of the deaths that Finn caused. "For what happened at the village. Blood for blood."

"That's insane," Bellamy said.

"If we refuse?" Abby asked. Jovie could already hear people making comments about how they had to give him up, which made her take a step closer to Finn. She wasn't going to let them take him without putting up a fight. She had forgiven him, but that didn't mean anyone else did.

"They attack," Clarke answered. The crowd started getting louder and louder, clearly against Finn. People started advancing, and Jovie found herself standing in front of Finn as protection.

"Back off," Raven grunted as she pushed one of the men away. She wasn't going to let them take Finn away either, but Jovie began to worry that they wouldn't be enough to protect him.

"Listen, Raven, Raven. Nothing is going to happen to him," Clarke said as she pulled the girl away from the crowd that Bellamy was holding back. "I promise, okay?"

"I'm not dying for him," one man said as he approached. "Spacewalker burned three months of oxygen from The Ark. He should've floated a long time ago."

"And I burned up oxygen from existing. Does that mean I should've floated too?" Jovie snapped, pulling out one of her daggers to show he should step back. Raven threw a punch, getting dragged away from the crowd. Jovie wanted to help her but right now Finn needed her more.

Jovie grabbed Finn and pulled him away from the crowd, needing to get him out of there while they were still fired up. Right now they weren't thinking clearly. They were scared. Maybe if they realized what they were trying to do, which was willingly put a teenager to death, they would rethink things. Jovie sat Finn down behind a big piece of metal. He obviously needed to process the information and so did she.

"Listen, Spacewalker, we're not gonna let this happen to you," she promised him.

"Maybe you should," he mumbled.

"Finn," she scolded him. He was giving up. She could see that. Jovie looked up when she saw her brother approaching, taking the seat on the other side of Finn.

"Hey, man," Murphy said. "Look, Jo, Byrne actually gave me a gun."

"Congratulations, John," Jovie said sarcastically. "She must have a lower IQ than you if she did that."

"Guess we really are screwed, huh?" He joked back. Murphy was clearly just trying to lighten the mood, but it was going to take a lot more than that. Finn was dealing with something much greater than anything a stupid Murphy joke could fix. "Look, we kicked their asses last time. We'll do it again."

"A lot of people died last time," Finn said.

"Hey," Bellamy said as he and Clarke came up to them. "We're reinforcing our defenses. Doubles on the perimeter. No one's getting past that wire." Finn stood, so Jovie did too.

"I'll see where they're thin," Finn offered.

"No. You should head inside," Bellamy said. "B Corridor would be easier to defend, if it comes to that."

"I'm not gonna hide," Finn argued.

"Right now, we have to think about keeping you safe," Clarke said. "I'm gonna talk to Lincoln."

"Come on," Bellamy said. "Finn." Jovie walked away with Bellamy and Finn as Clarke stayed with Murphy. The fight was not over yet.

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