《havoc | bellamy blake (book two)》15 | who you are


"Nyko," Octavia said. "Is it true?"

"Yes," he answered. "Death is the only way."

"Hold on. There could be a way to bring him back," Clarke inputted.

"None that I've ever seen," Nyko told her.

"We have to go. The camp's leaving," Finn's voice filled the air.

"You!" The second Jovie realized what Nyko was going to do, she jumped up.

"Nyko, stop!" She screamed.

"Get off him!" Bellamy ordered.

"You slaughtered my people," Nyko growled. "Elders, children, innocents."

"Let him go," Jovie pleaded. She completely understood that Nyko was angry and upset, but she couldn't just let him kill Finn.

"Nyko, you're killing him," Octavia said.

"Blood must have blood!" He screamed.

"Get out of the way!" Bellamy screamed.

"You are not killing him!" Jovie fought, trying to grab his gun as Octavia stood in defiance too.

"Move now." Clarke rounded the other side and shocked Nyko to the ground with the baton. Jovie let out a breath, looking back at Bellamy.

"Lincoln?" Octavia whispered, dropping to the ground next to him. "He's not breathing."

"His heart stopped. Move," Clarke ordered before beginning to restart it. He finally gasped, and everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"He was dead. How did you do that?" Nyko asked in disbelief.

"You've tried bringing Reapers back before?" Clarke asked. Nyko nodded his head. "And they died like this." He nodded his head again.

"What is it?" Bellamy asked when he noticed the look of realization on Clarke's face.

"I know how to stop the attack."

Jovie was just about to descend the ladder when she heard Clarke and Finn talking. She froze in her spot when she heard Finn's words.


"Even if you can't save Lincoln, he won't be the same," he said. She knew she shouldn't have been eavesdropping, but she couldn't help but wonder what Finn was going to say. "The things he's done... it'll stay with him."

"We don't know that," Clarke replied.

"Yes, we do," Finn stated. Jovie frowned. She knew firsthand that actions would stay with you and now Finn knew that too. She never wanted him to know that. He was Spacewalker. He was easy-going and optimistic. Now he was scared and broken. She hated that she couldn't do anything to help him.

"Lincoln's savable," Clarke told him. "And so are you... now, come on. We have to hurry." Jovie swallowed the lump in her throat then finished the way down. She had been avoiding Finn, but after directly hearing how he was hurting, she had to get over herself and find a way to forgive him. Forgiveness seemed to be something she was struggling to give a lot recently, but in the end she would rather have her family.

"Finn!" She called out. He seemed shocked that she was calling after him. He glanced back at Clarke and she nodded his head, understanding that Jovie needed this moment to talk to him.

"What's up?" He asked awkwardly, unsure of what her intentions were. He was trying to keep his distance because that was what Jovie seemed like she wanted and he wanted to respect that. He also felt guilty for doing what he had done, which included accidentally shooting her too.

"I wanted to talk to you," she explained. "I guess I'm just trying to make amends with people." Not knowing what was happening to their other friends was making her realize that it was important to keep the people that you love close to you. It was too easy to lose people and she didn't want to lose anyone while they thought she was mad at them. She wouldn't be able to forgive herself if that happened. "What you did wasn't right, but you didn't mean to do it. I know you didn't."


"I wasn't thinking. I was just too focused on finding Clarke that I lost it," he said. She imagined she would lose it too if she couldn't find Bellamy. She hoped she wouldn't do something like he did, but love made you do unthinkable things.

"I know," she told him. "That's not who you are, Spacewalker." The sound of his nickname made him smile. He didn't think she would ever call him that again. "Trust me, I know what it's like to do things that you're not proud of. But you can't let that define you or else it'll eat you up and you'll never be able to move on. Don't forget what you've done, but don't make that who you are... because you're much more than that."

"Thanks, Blondie," he said genuinely, pulling her in for a hug. He couldn't express how grateful he was for Jovie. Despite how much she had been through, she was always able to see the positive traits in people. She always tried to find something good within all the bad. She was fiercely brave and unconditionally loyal.

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