"...And he tried to blame it on Y/n even though his pants were visibly wet." My mom said and everybody laughed but Quincy.
I laughed harder than necessary and slapped his back hard. "Ah good times."
He flinched and glared at me. "Don't do too much."
I looked at Summer who sat next to me and smirked. She looked up at me and nodded then we both looked at Vanessa who rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"You know what tattoo would suit you Quincy?" Summer looked at him.
He shook his head. "No, what?"
"A rainbow." She smirked.
"Or maybe just a tattoo of a girl in a bikini." Vanessa cut in.
"I want a tattoo of a girl in a bikini," Travis smiled, "on my face."
My mom looked at him with a raised a brow. "Oh yeah?" She asked.
"Why on your face?" Jasmine asked chuckling.
"Because then she'd be sitting on my face." He said and popped a fry in his mouth.
My eyes widened and Quincy smirked at me as my mom smacked him in the back of his head. "How old are you little boy."
"What?" He whined out, "Y/n always talks about-"
"No!" I yelled, "no I don't."
I heard Zayn snicker. "Please, Travis tell us what Y/n is always talking about."
I shook my head. "Travis don't."
"Travis, Yes." Vanessa leaned forward.
I glared at her. "She always talks about how whenever a girl sits on her face they scream in joy."
I blushed and covered my face with my hands as the table burst out laughing. "That's not funny," my mom glared at everyone as they kept laughing. "That's what you talk about around my son?"
I quickly looked up shaking my head. "No, that's all Quincy."
"Don't try and blame me Y/n." He smirked and sipped his lemonade.
"Wait till we get back." She pointed at me.
I shrunk down into the booth. "Oh, Y/nn is in trouble." Jasmine pointed at me.
"Nobody asked for your input bit-" I started but my mom cleared her throat, "best friend." I smiled.
"Aww, I always knew you'd grow to love me." She cooed.
I rolled my eyes and laid my head on Quincy's shoulder. "I hate your girlfriend." I whispered in his ear.
"Yeah right, everybody knows you two have a soft spot for each other." He smiled at me.
I scoffed and looked over at Jasmine who winked and blew me a kiss.
I smiled softly and slyly flipped her the bird. "Nope, I hate her." She chuckled and went back to eating her food.
"Hey Y/n," Gigi said grabbing everyone's attention, "aren't you and Summer going on a date tonight?"
I smiled and looked over at Summer who blushed. "Possibly."
"What?" Quincy exclaimed and then he smacked my thigh. "How'd she know before me?"
I shrugged. "Winter must've told her, don't hit me."
Quincy leaned over me and pointed at Summer. "I'm supposed to be the first to always know."
Summer giggled and nodded. "Yes sir."
"Why'd you ask Gigi?" I asked.
"I wanna know where you two are going." She said.
"Uh uh, I can't tell you that it'd ruin the surprise." I shook my finger.
"But, I really wanna know." She pouted.
"Just give up Gigi, I tried to get it out of her already." Summer said.
I nodded. "What she said."
I looked up at Vanessa who was looking down playing with her food.
Remembering how puffy her eyes were this morning I started to feel bad. Maybe I shouldn't have been so mean last night.
I nudged her foot and quickly looked away when she looked up. I picked up my sandwich when I felt her kick my knee.
I looked back up at her and she tilted her head smirking. I nodded slowly and mouthed. "You don't wanna go there."
She squinted her eyes. "Don't I?" She mouthed back. I smirked and watched her waiting patiently.
She frowned and picked up her drink going to take a sip.
I quickly kicked her calf making her jump and spill her drink. "Damn mama, your clumsy." I said trying to hold in my laugh.
Travis, who was sitting next to her, grabbed a bunch of paper towels and started to clean up the mess. "Don't worry Nessa I'll help."
She smiled at him and stood making ice fall to the ground. "Thank you Trav, let me go clean up." She walked away and glared at me.
I took a bite of my sandwich smiling. "Go help her clean up Y/n." My mom said.
I looked at her and frowned. "But, I didn't do anything."
"You made her spill her drink, you not slick so go ahead." She nodded towards the bathroom door and grabbed her paper towels.
I looked at Summer who shrugged. I sighed dramatically and stood up walking to the bathroom.
I opened the bathroom door and walked in to see Vanessa wiping her shirt with a towel. "Nessa, more like Messa," she looked up at me, "bum dum tiss." I imitated drums.
She chuckled. "Shut up, I'm mad at you."
I walked closer to her. "I warned you." I looked down at her stained shirt and pulled off my sweater handing it to her. "And you made fun of me for wearing a sweater, look at you now."
She rolled her eyes and snatched the sweater from my hands. "I'm not saying thank you." She put the sweater on and crossed her arms.
"It's okay, your welcome," I smiled, "um, I'm sorry about last night by the way."
She shook her head. "Don't be, I should be apologizing," she leaned against the sink, "I had no real reason to bring up what I did it was immature so, I'm sorry."
I looked down and shifted. "Why were you crying?"
She sighed. "If you're asking if your the reason I was crying then no."
I shook my head looking back at her. "But, that's not what I asked is it?"
She bit her lip. "It's not something I want to talk about."
I nodded. "I get it," I shrugged, "just tell me who's ass I have to beat."
She smiled. "Nobody needs their ass beat Y/n but, thanks for offering."
I smiled and threw my arm over her shoulder. "We should get back before Quincy eats my sandwich."
We started to walk to the door. "Would that be a bad thing?" She asked.
"Yes you ass." I laughed.
"Ew, you're wearing this?" Quincy shook his head and threw my shirt across the room. "Try again."
I huffed. "If I would've known I would be taking her out I would've brung better clothes," I sat on the bed, "but I didn't know so, that's all I have."
He sighed. "Fine," he stood and shuffled through my clothes, "put this on."
I looked at what he had in his hands and nodded. "I guess that's cool." I took off my shirt and put the other one on.
"You're lucky I buy you clothes all the time or else your style would suck," he shook his head, "and who the hell brings sweaters to Honolulu?"
"Quincy, shut up." I said.
He rolled his eyes. "Where are you taking her?" He asked sitting back on the bed.
"Well, a while ago I asked her what type of dates she likes and she told me nothing cliche but also nothing overboard so," I pulled off my shorts and picked up my bottoms, "there's this huge waterfall nearby that's surrounded by trees and naturey shit like that."
"Naturey?" He asked.
"Hush," I pulled my pants on, "I have pizza, drinks, and her favorite snacks," I walked to the mirror and nodded In approval, "I'm going to drive us there and we're going to watch a bunch of Disney movies under the stars."
He nodded and smiled. "Nice, nothing too extra and not exactly cliche."
"Not exactly? It's not cliche at all." I frowned looking at him through the mirror.
"It's kind of cliche." He said.
I started to panic. "Wait really, what if she doesn't like it?" I asked turning to him.
He stood. "Calm down she'll love it, that girl is already head over heels for you."
I let out a sigh of relief and nodded. "Okay," I bounced a little, "I'm ready."
He rubbed my shoulders. "You go out there and show her what she's been missing for nineteen years."
I nodded and put on my shoes. "Showtime." I walked out of the room and knocked on the door to the room Summer was in.
"Come in." I heard Vanessa say.
I walked in and saw Summer sitting in front of a mirror. "Hey, I'm almost ready." She smiled at me through the mirror and then put on her lipstick.
I walked up behind her and leaned down. "Damn Winter, you trying to kill me."
She blushed looking at me. "That might be the plan."
I smiled and stared at her. I'm pretty damn lucky to even have a chance with this beauty.
I heard someone clear their throat behind us. "Don't start fucking right there, go on leave." Quincy said.
I stood up straight. "Stop being so jealous Quincy, it's not cute."
Summer stood and chuckled. "Your right, it's pretty hot."
I smiled at her and Quincy nodded. "Listen to her Y/n."
I rolled my eyes and looked around the room not seeing Vanessa anymore.
"Let's go?" Summer wrapped her arm around mines.
I looked down at her and smiled. "Let's."
"Please me, baby turn around and just tease me, baby you know what I want and what I need, baby!" Summer yelled off-key.
My eyes widened. "Oh my God, can I get an autograph before you become a famous singer?"
She laughed. "No I'm sorry, I'm already too famous for that."
I sighed. "Well, I tried."
"I should've asked this when we first pulled into the woods but, where are we going?" She asked.
I chuckled. "Why would I be taking you to the woods?"
She hummed. "Hopefully not to kill me."
I sucked my teeth. "Dammit, now I have to turn around."
She laughed as I pulled up to a cliff and turned the car around so the trunk was facing the waterfall.
"Damn." I heard Summer whisper under her breath while looking out of the window.
I smiled and stopped the car getting out and walking to her side. I opened the door and grabbed her hand to help her out.
"Quick question, what's your favorite Disney movie?" I asked walking us to the trunk and popping it open revealing a bunch of pillows, food, and my laptop.
She smiled softly as we climbed into the car. "Princess and the Frog."
"Great choice." I smiled opening my laptop and logging in as I glanced up at her to see her staring at me. "You like?" I asked.
She nodded. "You're trying hard to win my heart huh?"
"That's the goal." I said clicking play on the laptop.
I laid back on the pillows and she laid her head on my chest resting her hand on my stomach. "Let's not forget our five-course meal." I said pulling the drinks out of a bag and placing the pizza on my lap.
"So this is why you starved me throughout the day." She smiled up at me.
"I wouldn't say starved but, yes." I grabbed a slice of pizza holding it to her mouth as she bit it.
"Damn this is good." She hummed.
"It better be, I literally searched for hours to find this pizza." I said.
"It was so worth it." She said grabbing the slice from my hand and taking another bite.
Yeah it was.
"Oh shit, you really got the tattoo." I laughed looking at Summer's lip.
She giggled. "I was 16, I was going through that dumb faze."
I nodded. "I see."
We were now sitting outside of the car watching the waterfall, talking and eating.
She laid her head on my shoulder and intertwined our fingers. "Hey Y/n?"
I gripped her hand. "Yes, hermosa?"
She looked up at me biting her lip. "I really, really like you." She whispered.
I smiled the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. "I really, really like you too."
She shifted holding eye contact with me. "Y/n, if we do this you have to be all for me."
I frowned. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I'm pretty sure you're in love with Vanessa already and I don't want your feelings for her interfering with our relationship." She said holding my cheek.
I nodded. "I'm all for you Summer, and yeah, I do still have feelings for Vanessa but, I would be an idiot to just drop you for her."
She shrugged. "I don't know, it's really hard to ignore feelings for Vanessa."
"You speaking from experience?" I asked hesitantly.
She nodded. "I was madly in love with her, she was actually my first love."
"You never get over your first love." I whispered.
She nodded. "That doesn't mean I can't find someone to love more than I love her."
I smiled. "Would that be me?"
"We'll see." She smiled and glanced at my lips.
She really needs to stop staring at me like that before I propose to her right now.
"Why are you so, perfect." I shook my head.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her forehead on mines. "Stop saying stuff like that Y/n, I can't fall in love with you so fast."
"Would that be a problem?" I asked rubbing her thigh that rested on my leg.
She bit her lip. "I'm not sure yet."
I leaned down kissing her nose. She lifted her head and connected our lips softly. I hummed into the kiss and gripped her waist. My heart pounded against my chest as she wrapped her arms around my neck leaning back onto the grass pulling me with her.
I shifted crawling in between her legs and grabbing her thighs pulling her closer. She let out a soft moan as I put one hand on the side of her head and caressed her cheek with my other.
Shit, her lips feel like two plump pillows. She slowly ran her fingers down my neck leaving a trail of fire.
I shifted taking my hand off her cheek losing my balance and quickly placing my hand on the other side of her head.
Then I felt a sharp pain shoot through my hand and I jumped back. "Ow." I looked down at my palm seeing blood.
A lot of blood.
Summer quickly sat up grabbing my hand. "How the hell did that happen?" She asked.
I looked down to where I placed my hand and frowned when I saw a sharp stick. "Fucking stick."
She looked down at it then she stood pulling me up with her. "Let's get back to the house so we can clean this up."
"You're not hurt are you?" I gripped my hand as she closed the trunk. "That was really close to your head."
She paused and smiled at me. "You shouldn't be worrying about me right now."
I nodded. "Right, I'm about to bleed to death." I walked to the driver's side and opened the door.
"No, what are you doing I'm driving." She said stepping in front of the door.
"I know, I was just opening the door for you." I smiled.
"Mmm," she bit her lip then shook her head. "Y/n just get in the car."
I nodded and jogged to my side of the car and climbed in. She started the car and pulled off.
I looked over at her. "I had a great time Winter."
She tapped the steering wheel. "I did too Y/n, thank you bébé."
I shook my head. "Don't thank me, just get used to it."
"You're making me feel all giddy inside." She said.
I chuckled. "Butterflies?"
"Fucking elephants." She giggled.
- In Serial54 Chapters
A Psychic's Scarlet Dream
Those who can do things scientifically impossible are called supernaturals. Among those who know about them, there maybe those who fear them, those who respect them or even those who want to kill them. That however doesn’t matter to the supernatural named Kais as he has and wants no connection with anything that might be related to the world of supernaturals. However, the day he meets a particular brown-haired youth, that would change and he who has tried to run away from the truth for many years will be forced to confront it. New Chapters every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
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A musically minded genius in his second year at the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music finds himself swept up in a subsistent world full of smiling psychopaths and grim-faced allies. Between keeping the secret and keeping the balance, can Ladron manage to fulfill his dreams and not get himself killed until he dies a lethal death of being killed from dying?Probably not, but at least he's got the battle tunes ready. (Props to my Editor AficionadoAvacado for putting up with my idiocy)
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The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story (ASOIAF)
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She was floating around under water. Suffocating and slowly dying, the blue of the water causing her to not see anything. Tears covered her eyes, leaking out and flowing down her face like a stream. Suddenly she can see a bright light, and a hand was reached out towards her. She slowly reached up taking his hand. He pulled her out into the light. Her darkskin glowing and shining. With one more pull she was out the water, sensing everything around her. Finally seeing everything around her. She can finally BREATHE.
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ᴋɪᴍᴇᴛsᴜ ɴᴏ ʏᴀɪʙᴀ |ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛs|
---Welcome to another Kimetsu No Yaiba one-shot book. Mostly any anime/manga I get obsessed with, I'll write about it.---I have read the manga up to the latest one. If you haven't read it, avoid reading Kokushibo, Yoriichi, Sanemi, Genya and Muichirou(I will update this depending on where the anime is at)
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Daddy Roman
Roman Reigns is well known in the DDLG Community. Alexa Bliss is a little crying out for a good daddy.
8 135