"How'd you even stab yourself with a stick?" My mom asked wrapping my hand.
I looked over her shoulder at a smirking Summer. "Um, I'm not sure it all happened so quick."
She looked back at Summer. "Mhm," she finished wrapping my hand, "you sleeping with Travis and I again?"
Should I? I don't want to make things awkward for Vanessa but, I'd prefer to sleep in a bed.
"Nah I'm good," I said, "where is everybody by the way?"
"Outback." She yawned.
"And Travis?" I asked.
She nodded. "He's out there with them."
"I'm assuming your the only one inside because you're tired." I raised a brow.
"Y/nn this is going to be the only week I can actually sleep peacefully for a long time to come so, I'm taking every chance I can to rest, plus it's already 10." She kissed my forehead. "Now go have fun, goodnight you two." She said walking out of the bathroom.
I'm happy she can finally relax and not worry but, we'll be back to our normal lives soon and, it sucks knowing she's going to have to go back to living in constant fear. My heart dropped at the thought of what could happen when we all go back. Will my "dad" be so pissed that he tries to...let's just enjoy this week of freedom.
I get snapped out of my thoughts when Summer walks towards me. I jumped off the counter and wrap my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked.
I shook my head. "Just thinking about how embarrassed I'll be if you tell everybody I cried."
She threw her head back laughing. Her laughs contagious and causes me to smile. "You were perfectly fine on the ride over but as soon as you saw your mom you burst out crying."
"Seeing my mom was like having someone ask you what's wrong when you're trying not to cry, as soon as someone ask that it's over," I chuckled, "you better not tell anybody."
"We'll see how I feel," she smiled, "but, that was the cutest shit ever." She pinched my cheeks.
I smacked her hands away. "Stop it Winter."
"Stop it Winter." She mocked me pinching my cheeks harder.
I pushed her away by her waist making her drop her hands. "Don't make me beat you up with my bad hand."
She giggled. "Are you threatening me?"
"Obviously, you're tarnishing my reputation by pinching my cheeks." I pouted.
She shook her head. "What reputation."
"They don't call me Thuggy Y/n for nothing." I shrugged.
"Oh no bébé," she snorted, "you're far from a thug." She turned and walked out of the bathroom.
"That's what you think!" I yelled following her out the bathroom and down the stairs.
I heard her giggle as she walked out the back door. I smiled to myself replaying her laugh in my head. She always closes her eyes when she laughs which makes her 10 times cuter. I honestly loved making her laugh, it's the best sound ever.
Walking out the door I saw everybody doing their own thing. Zayn and Gigi we're walking away from the group, Jasmine was chasing my brother around, and Quincy, Vanessa, and Summer we're sitting on the sand talking.
I walked towards them and sat next to Summer throwing my arm over her shoulder.
"Look at you two love birds." Quincy cooed.
"Shut up." I smiled.
"What happened to your hand?" Vanessa asked.
"I stabbed myself with a stick." I clenched my hand shaking my head.
"Did you cry?" Quincy asked.
"No." I quickly said.
"Yes she did." Summer nodded.
Quincy laughed out loud and Vanessa giggled.
"Wow, I thought we talked about this Winter." I took my arm off of her shoulder.
"Nope, don't remember that." She stood and dusted herself off.
"Oh, now your running?" I asked.
"Shut up." She chuckled and walked towards Jasmine and Travis.
"Ugh, look at the time," Quincy stood stretching, "time for me to..." He looked between Vanessa and I. "Yup." He said and ran away.
I laughed shaking my head. "Last time we were alone out here we had an argument, let's skip that part tonight yeah?"
Vanessa nodded. "Yeah, how was your date."
"It was great, you know besides getting stabbed." I held my hand up.
She chuckled. "I'm happy you two are happy together."
I smiled at her. "Um, I kind of already decided but I still want to make sure it's okay with you."
She nodded. "What'd you do?"
I smacked my lips. "Nothing, I just wanna know if you'd be comfortable with me rooming with you and Summer."
She smiled shaking her head. "Y/n I'll be fine as long as you two don't start having sex while I'm sleeping."
I nodded and shrugged. "I don't know I've been pretty horny."
She shoved me laughing. "Ew, shut up."
I scooted closer to her tilting my head. "So, no more tension between us right."
"Hm," she tapped her chin, "I'll see."
"Mmm, you'll see." I nodded my head.
"That's what I said." She leaned back and stared out at the water as I studied her side profile.
The way the moonlight bounced off her face made her look like a goddess. Her eyes sparkled as she held a slight smile on her face. A breeze blew making her hair fly around as she tried to contain it by running her fingers through her hair.
I gulped as she turned to me, connecting our eyes. "You should stop staring at me."
I blinked. "Yeah, I should."
"Yet, you're still staring." She whispered.
"Sorry." I cleared my throat looking away.
Why the hell does she affect me so much. Yeah, I have a little crush but damn, the things that smile does to my heart is really something. I looked up when I heard Summer laugh as she chased my brother around by the water.
Right, I have Summer and she's more than enough. The way her touch always causes goosebumps and the way her smell relaxes me. I shouldn't even be thinking about my feelings for Vanessa.
"By the way," Vanessa said from next to me, "I kind of got ranch on your sweater."
I snapped my head towards her. "Ew Vanessa why ranch out of everything."
"I'm sorry, I know you despise ranch but those wings were so messy." She laughed out.
I scoffed. "You only got ranch on it so you could keep it."
"Maybe." She smiled looking away.
Damn that smile.
I slowly opened my eyes for the tenth time tonight. I reached over Summer who was peacefully sleeping and grabbed my phone checking the time.
I looked over at Vanessa who was cuddling a pillow on the other end of the bed. I smiled shaking my head slowly getting up feeling the cool breeze blow through an open window. I walked out of the room softly closing the door behind me and heading downstairs.
I hope Quincy didn't eat my cheesecake, he doesn't even like it but he'd eat mine just to make me depressed. Rounding the corner to the kitchen I spotted Jasmine sitting at the island.
I slowly walked to the fridge. "Ew, I didn't want to see your face this early in the morning."
"Right back at you." She mumbled biting her apple.
I frowned glancing at her then opening the fridge. "You okay?"
"I'm fine." She said.
"Bullshit if you were fine we would've been arguing right now." I said.
My eyes widened as I spotted my cheesecake and let out a quiet yes. I grabbed a fork and then walked to the island sitting next to Jasmine.
"So?" I asked taking a bite.
She huffed looking at me. "Maybe I don't feel like arguing today Y/n."
I hummed taking another bite. "So your just up at 5 in the morning biting into that apple like it killed your dog, that's pretty normal."
She bit her lip and sat down her apple. "Why are you up?"
"I couldn't sleep." I looked up at her.
"Why, those two beauties upstairs making it hard for you?" She asked smirking.
I chuckled. "There's my Jazzy."
She shook her head looking down. "Seriously, I'm okay Y/n."
I picked up a piece of my cheesecake and held it out to her. "You want?"
"You're offering me some of your cheesecake?" She asked. "I should be worrying if you're okay." She smiled taking the fork into her mouth then pulling back chewing.
I shrugged. "I'm just tired."
"You and me both." She said.
I've known Jasmine since I was 15, so about four years now. And I know she has problems just like everyone else, but the thing about her is that she lets her problems eat at her until she's alone. Then she snaps and she does stupid things to try and hide her emotions from, well, herself.
"You know I care about you a little bit right?" I asked.
She laughed. "Yeah, I know."
"I don't like it when you get all sad and shut everybody out for weeks, more specifically I don't like it when you shut me out." I said sliding the rest of my cheesecake towards her.
She smiled up at me as I stood. "So, finish that for me while I go and get ready and then we'll head out." I said heading towards the stairs.
"What, where are we going at 5 o'clock in the morning?" She asked.
"We're going to cheer you up, finish that and get ready." I walked upstairs smiling to myself.
Time to bond with Jazzy.
"Y/n I'm gonna smack the shit out of you." Jasmine said reaching over the table and pushing my head.
I swallowed her ice cream and chuckled leaning forward. "No balls."
I spoke too soon because she quickly reached out smacking me, hard. "Ow Jasmine, what the fuck." I rubbed my cheek.
"My balls bigger than yours." She smirked leaning back and continued to eat her ice cream.
I bit my lip looking at her. "You're happy now that I'm in pain, fucking sadistic ass." I mumbled.
She giggled. "Aw, I do feel better."
I rolled my eyes jumping at her as my phone rang.
"What?" I asked.
"Someone's mad." Jasmine said.
I flipped her off as the voice replied. "Don't what me where are you?" Vanessa asked.
"Oh hey, I'm out with Jasmine." I said.
"You guys went out at 8?" She asked.
"Actually 6, why are you up so early?" I asked.
"I...fell off the bed." She said lowly.
I laughed slightly. "The pillow didn't catch you?"
"Hush I'm going back to sleep." She said.
"Sleep tight mama." I said and hung up the phone.
"How does Summer feel about you calling Vanessa mama?" Jasmine asked.
"I don't think she minds." I shrugged.
"Hm, you ever ask her?" She took the last bite of her ice cream.
I grimaced. "Please stop biting your damn ice cream and no, I don't think it's that big of a deal."
She shook her head. "Whatever."
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, I just know I'd feel some type of way if my girlfriend kept calling the girl she's in love with mama." She shrugged.
I shook my head. "I'm not in love with her."
"Right, that's the only thing I said." She scoffed.
"Stop talking and let's go." I said standing and walking out of the ice cream shop with Jasmine following.
"Did I make you mad?" She asked.
"Nope." I said and kept walking.
"But, you didn't open the door for me." She pouted when I looked at her.
I rolled my eyes smiling. "I don't hold the door open for men."
She gasped. "You're an asshole."
"Yup." I turned towards her walking backwards.
She went to say something then paused her eyes widening. "Oh my God." She whispered.
"What?" I asked.
She didn't reply and grabbed my hand dragging me across the street and into another shop. I looked around the store realizing that it was a tattoo shop.
"Hi, welcome to I'm Lati." A girl with a bunch of tattoos said from behind a counter.
"Hi Lati," Jasmine smiled, "so I think we-" I cut her off.
"Nope." I shook my head pulling my hand back.
"Y/nn, come on let's get one tattoo." She begged grabbing shoulders
"I already have a tattoo." My eyes widened as I quickly covered my mouth.
"No way, let me see." She smiled.
"See what?" I asked avoiding eye contact.
"Your tattoo Y/n." Her eyes scanned my body.
I cleared my throat. "So what kind of tattoo do you want?" I asked walking towards the counter smiling.
Jasmine pulled me back by my shirt and grabbed my head pulling my ear down. "Is it hidden behind your ear?" She said loudly into my ear.
I jumped away grabbing my ear. "No dumbass."
She hummed and then looked down at my pants and her eyes widened. "Can you just pull your pants down a little?" She walked towards me slowly.
I gulped backing away. "Why?" I asked.
"I just want to see something." She said still coming towards me.
"If you want to know how big I am all you have to do is ask." I whispered then I bumped into the counter and looked back at Lati who was smiling at us.
I looked back just as Jasmine jumped forward grabbing the waistline of my pants and tugging down slightly all in one swift motion.
She gasped as I closed my eyes blushing. "Y/n..." she whispered.
I slowly opened my eyes looking at a smiling Jasmine. "Dino?" She asked.
I looked down at the tattoo of a T - Rex with the word Dino under it and shrugged. "It's not what you think." I said.
"Oh really?" She asked softly.
I groaned throwing my head back. When I was 15 Jasmine, Quincy, and I had a sleepover. It was her first time over my house and I had these dinosaur sheets and a drawer full of dinosaur underwear because I was obsessed with them. So when she found that out she started to call me Dino.
"When did you get this?" She chuckled.
I scratched the back of my neck. "When I was 17, I actually got it the day after you told me you were moving, which you never did so we cried all night for nothing."
She bit her lip and pulled me into a hug. "You're fucking awesome," she leaned back slightly, "Dino."
I rolled my eyes. "Here we go again." I smiled and pulled her back into me as she laughed.
"Damn, you almost made me cry." She smacked the back of my head and pulled away.
"Awww, that was so cute." Lati squealed.
I raised a brow at Jasmine who snickered. "Sorry for the hold-up." She said.
"No it's perfectly fine you two just made my day, plus nobody's here." She smiled.
I gagged. "See Jasmine you got people thinking we're this cool all the time."
She turned to me. "Shut up, I love you right now don't ruin that," she turned back to Lati, "so, I want another tattoo." She smiled.
"No shit." I mumbled under my breath and walked over to a set of chairs in the corner and sitting.
If I would've known it was that easy to make Jasmine smile I would've shown her my tattoo a long time ago. She might be a bitch but, she's my bitch.
Jasmine looked over her shoulder at me. "You getting another tattoo Dino?"
I let out a dramatic huff and stood back up walking up to her. "Yes actually."
"Great, we actually have two tattooists on duty right now, all I need is an ID showing your older than 18 and we can get started." Lati said.
I pulled out my wallet as Jasmine did the same and we both showed her our ID.
"Okay," She said glancing at me, "since you already have a tattoo you know that you have to sign a form."
I blushed looking down. "Yup."
She handed us the forms and two pens. "Bring them back when you're done."
Jasmine and I walked to the chairs. "What are you getting this time?" I asked pulling a chair out for her.
She sat. "Thanks, and just a ballerina."
"For your grandma?" I asked sitting down.
She nodded with a slight smile. "You?"
"Two elephants on my forearm and then Travis name in a heart on my wrist." I said starting to fill out the forms.
"Two elephants?" She asked.
I nodded. "Of a mom leading her baby, you know for my mom."
"Oof, speaking of your mom." She said.
"I don't think she'll be that mad." I shrugged.
"You say that now, just don't get mad at me when I laugh because he slapped you." She giggled.
I finished filling out my form and threw the pen at her forehead. "Shut up hoe." I quickly stood walking to the counter and handing the form to Lati.
"I don't love you anymore." Jasmine said.
"Mhm, I love you more."
- In Serial56 Chapters
For millennia the demon lords known as the Goetia enslaved the human race, until a group of mortals known as the Archons received divine blessings of power and overthrew them. Under their dominion mankind flourished, though the war in the shadows never ended. A thousand years later, sixteen-year-old Leones' family is executed for the crime of heresy. Burned to death for questioning whether the Archon of Flames is a divine being, and whether any of the Archons truly are. After manifesting the power to control time, Leones survives and embarks on an uncertain journey for power and revenge. But if he is to overcome a god, he may need some help. Along the way he will discover the truth behind the demon lords, time, and reality itself, as he walks along the razor path. Artwork is used with permission from the creator, @chinfongart. Updated on Tuesdays and Saturdays
8 246 - In Serial16 Chapters
All Days Shall Be Numbered ; A LitRPG
Bayler Shrike's old life ended badly. It ended with him in a coma, blind to the world ending around him. By the time he wakes up, Earth has fallen into the Sea of the Underworld, the Abyss, an endless realm of black water that will slowly swallow the shards of the world. Countless other races, other worlds, have suffered the same fate, and they all want to conquer the remains of the earth for themselves. Overseen by the Kthons, the gods of death, a series of deathmatches will determine the new rulers of Earth.
8 193 - In Serial15 Chapters
Other Tales of En
Welcome to The Other Tales of En, a place where I put short stories that didn't get to be told in the main series. These are scenes and tales of characters I just had to have more of, moments I needed to see, and self-indulgent interactions. I hope you love them as much as I do! Chapters are labelled with initials of the Tale first and have notes for their beginning and end. Any chance of spoilers are listed for each tale below as well as their initials. TABLE OF CONTENTS Tale 1: Taff and Adon (T&A) The tale of when Taff and Adon first met. Slight spoilers for Starchild but not really, let's just say Adon's version of the story in Stormspeaker wasn't *quite* accurate ;) Tale 2: Vai and Echa (V&E) The tale of the meeting everyone tried to prevent. It was bound to happen and this is how it went. Spoilers for Children of the Bear, particularly Fiona's Tale, I recommend reading when you are finished with that series. Tale 3 [IN PROGRESS]: Echa and Tryst (E&T) The tale of how the cowardly pirate and the bitter slave fell in love.
8 144 - In Serial12 Chapters
Heavenly Flame
Every prince born in the Tian Dynasty goes through a ritual to recover memories from their previous lives. With these memories, they receive amazing cultivation techniques and martial skills that make them stand above all other men and able to rule the world from the Heavenly Court. When Tian Yan wakes up from the ritual, he realizes something is wrong and he does not seem to possess any of the advantages he was expecting. Will he be able to compete in the backstabbing, scheming, and politicking that is required to succeed his father and inherit the Imperial throne? Or even survive? After all, they stand above all other men and that means the biggest threat to a prince is the other princes. Heavenly Flame is a Xianxia story with a heavy focus on drama, relationships, and romance. It will have a lot of recognizable things from the genre but I will also try to subvert elements that I do not like about it. Scheduled chapters will be released Tuesdays at 11:00 CET and Thursdays at 19:00 CET. I might still release additional chapters depending on my other workload but these will be marked as such.
8 84 - In Serial7 Chapters
Good Morning, Mr. Kay
Mr. Kay, a forlorn surgeon, finds comfort in an unusual therapist named Eve, a strange creature that lives in the interdimensional realm of White Space.
8 164 - In Serial43 Chapters
All I need in this life of sin is me and my...
8 145