"Okay so there are two bathrooms four bedrooms-" I cut Maui off.
"Wait only four?" I asked.
"Oh no, how did this happen." Quincy snapped his finger and shook his head.
I looked at him glaring. "I guess we'll just have three to a room um, it can be Travis and mom, Gigi and Zayn, and Jasmine and I." He said.
"Oh, you set us up." Vanessa said shaking her head.
"What, How would I know that there's only four bedrooms?" He asked raising his hands.
Maui laughed. "Right, that wasn't the first thing I told you about the house."
Quincy nodded. "See, anyways you guys go find your rooms while I talk to Maui." He said walking outside with Maui.
"Have fun kids." Zayn said grabbing his and Gigi's bags and walking upstairs.
I cleared my throat. "Um, mom let me get your bags."
"Nope me and Travis got it, you three find your room." My mom said smirking and walking upstairs with Travis.
Jasmine followed behind them. "I really like your mom Y/n." She threw over her shoulder.
"This should be fun." Summer said.
I nodded. "Super," I bit my lip and picked up all of our bags, "let's go."
We walked upstairs and found an empty room at the end of the hallway. "This beds big enough for all three of us right?" Vanessa said flopping down on the bed.
"I guess," Summer sat next to her, "oh it's comfy." She bounced on the bed a little.
I looked around the room gulping. This is every teenage boys, fuck that, this is anybodys with eyes dream come true. "Um, I'll take that couch." I blurted out.
"You sure." Vanessa raised a brow.
I nodded rocking in place. "Positive."
"You scared to share a bed Y/nn." Summer smirked.
I quickly shook my head. "No, I'm just an um, wild sleeper."
"Bullshit, you give amazing cuddles," she stood, "if you sleep on the couch I'm sleeping with you."
My eyes widened as Summer stood. "Well that wouldn't be fair then I'd be alone."
I gulped as Vanessa looked at Summer. "Well you have been staying at Y/n's house a lot more than me which means you've been getting more cuddles than me," Vanessa shrugged, "I think it's only fair that I get my fill this week."
Summer scoffed. "No, that's the dumbest thing-"
"Okay," I cut Summer off picking up my bag, "if you two are just gonna fight over me I'll go cock block Quincy and Jasmine." I turned around.
"No." They both said and looked at each other.
Summer cleared her throat. "Let's just all share the bed okay?"
Me and Vanessa nodded. "Fine, just don't touch my no-no spots," I put my bag back down and jumped on the bed landing on my stomach, "ughh it is really comfortable."
Vanessa laughed. "Do you know what we're doing today?"
"I'm not sure but-" I was cut off by Quincy yelling.
"Everybody put on their swimsuits we're going to a private freaking beach!" He yelled.
"Yeah, you better say freaking." My mom yelled.
I chuckled and flipped onto my back. "There's your answer." I stood and looked around the room spotting a door that leads to a bathroom.
"Well," I looked back at the girls to see Vanessa looking away from the bathroom, "I think we should get ready." I took small steps towards the bathroom as Summer picked up her bag.
"Yeah, we should get dressed." Vanessa smiled and walked past me towards the bathroom.
"Vanessa stop!" I yelled and ran after her as she ran towards the bathroom.
"Ah, Y/n," she yelled as I wrapped my arms around her waist picking her up, "put me down, I deserve the bathroom."
I backed away from the bathroom with her in my arms. "I'm the one with a dick, I deserve the bathroom!" I yelled back.
She started to kick her feet and I lost balance falling on the ground bringing her with me. "Dammit Nessa, why'd you kick?" I dropped my arms as Vanessa rolled off of me.
"How the hell did I hit my head if you were under me." She groaned and rubbed the back of her head.
"Well, you guys have fun on the floor." Summer walked into the bathroom with her bag smiling.
"See look what you caused." Vanessa said sitting up.
I shook my head standing. "You can get dressed in the room," I helped her up, "with your overdramatic ass."
"Shut up." She laughed out as I picked my bag up walking out of the room.
"Y/nn, we're going exploring." Travis said as I walked out of the room.
"Oh? I thought we were going swimming." I said frowning my eyebrows.
My mom laughed walking out of her room. "Ah my daughter, I always knew you were a genius."
I squinted my eyes. "Thanks mom."
"Travis and I are going exploring while you guys go have fun," she closed the room's door, "y'all have fun without the elder and kid, then we can all go out to eat."
I nodded. "Okay cool," I looked at Travis, "bring me back a gift?" I asked.
He scoffed. "Get your own gift you have money."
I shook my head as he walked downstairs. My mom followed after hugging me bye and I walked to the bathroom.
My mom and brother won't be around for a while? Oh no, I don't think we're mature enough to be in Honolulu without an older adult.
"Y/n you suck!" Jasmine yelled coming up out of the water.
"How? You're the one doing all the work." I retorted.
This is our fifth time losing a game of chicken to fucking Zayn and Gigi.
"Why don't I get on your shoulders?" I looked at Jasmine.
"Ha, you funny." She said.
"Don't worry Y/n, you'll win someday." Gigi hit my wet shoulder.
I flinched. "Ow, whatever all of you suck." I swam towards shore.
"Crybaby." I heard Jasmine yell.
Once I got out of the water I walked up to Quincy who was laying on a chair. "Summer and Vanessa are still inside." I groaned sitting on the chair next to him.
"Aw, missing your babies?" He asked tilting down his glasses.
I crossed my arms laying back on the chair. "Shut up."
"I see you and Summer have been getting closer by the way." He smirked.
"Yeah, maybe I'm an idiot for not realizing it sooner but, she's pretty fucking dope." I smiled.
He chuckled. "Maybe she's the one."
"Have you seen her? I hope she is." I chuckled.
"Vanessa who?" He asked.
I shook my head. "If only I fell for Summer before I fell for Vanessa," I sighed, "life would be so much easier."
"You're making it harder than it has to be, just be with Summer and forget Vanessa." He exclaimed.
I bit my lip. "I'll wait."
"For?" He asked.
"Vanessa, maybe she'll come around." I shrugged.
He sighed. "You're a fucking idiot."
I looked out at the water and sighed ignoring him. On the other hand, Maui is super-rich. I mean he has a house in Honolulu he only visits during the summer with a private beach for a backyard. I'm definitely making this one of my goals.
"Damn, it's nice out here." I heard Summer say from behind me.
"You finally decided to join us huh Winter- oh." I gulped as I turned around seeing her in a white laced two-piece bikini.
She blushed. "Stop."
"Stop?" I asked looking her up and down.
"Yes Y/n, stop staring at me like I'm a piece of meat." She crossed her arms.
I shook my head looking up at her. "Shit Summer your..." I trailed off as I saw Vanessa walk up behind her wearing an all-white bikini.
"I'm ready to swim." She smiled biting her lip.
"You two are going to kill my poor Y/n," Quincy chuckled, "have fun and don't be dumb." He patted my shoulder and walked out to the water.
I stood up quickly. "Um, so let's sit," I scratched the back of my neck, "or swim, up to you two."
Summer chuckled and ran her eyes down my body. "Don't be nervous," she put her hand on my stomach and pushed me down onto the chair, "let's sit." She sat on the seat Quincy was once on.
"And I'll go swim." Vanessa winked at Summer and walked away.
I bit my lip as I looked away from her and at Summer. "You two seem better."
"Yeah, we talked that's why it took us so long." She nodded.
I smiled. "Good but, as I was saying," I put my hand on my chest and let out a big sigh, "you're absolutely gorgeous."
She smiled. "I know that's why I bought it."
I squinted my eyes. "Your welcome."
She giggled. "Thank you bébé," She laid back on the chair, "your mom and brother look happy." She looked at me.
I nodded. "Yeah they are," I looked out at the water, "they go through so much shit every day so being able to bring them here to just chill is the best thing ever."
"I really love how much you love your family." She whispered.
I chuckled. "Aren't you supposed to love your family?"
"Yes but, the way you love, not even just your family, is honestly amazing," I heard her shift, "your really caring and sweet, whoever you fall in love with will be so lucky."
I looked at her and frowned. "I thought we were talking about family."
She nodded. "Yeah, I just kind of drifted off."
"You wanna tell me something?" I asked.
"Nope." She said.
"Winterrr." I dragged out her name leaning towards her.
She closed her eyes shaking her head. "Nopeeee."
I stood. "So you don't wanna tell me?"
She opened one eye and smiled innocently. "Tell you what."
I nodded and grabbed her ankles. "Fine don't tell me."
Her eyes widened as I reached up and pulled her up by her waist. "I hope you're just giving me a hug." She put her hands on my chest.
"I'm not the one giving you a hug." I smirked.
"Who is?" She asked trying to lean back.
I quickly threw her over my shoulder. "The water." I ran towards the water as she yelled.
"Y/n I swear." She threatened.
"What? You have the bikini on to get wet right?" I asked.
"I only wanna get wet on my own terms." She hit my back.
"Oh, so you prefer to get wet alone." I smirked as I now stood waist-deep in the water.
"Shut your immature ass up and take me back to land!" She yelled.
"What's on your mind?" I asked swaying side to side.
"Oh I don't know, I'm thinking about what movie to see next week." She said sarcastically.
"Not what I wanted to hear." I said and quickly tossed her into the water and laughed.
She resurfaced and smiled sweetly. "Great joke bébé."
I smiled nervously. "Okay?"
She rubbed my shoulder. "I'll get you back."
I gulped as she swam towards everyone else.
We were now all in the kitchen grabbing snacks for a bonfire.
"Ugh I'm exhausted." I heard my mom say as she walked into the kitchen with Travis.
"Um excuse me it's now," I looked at my phone, "8 o'clock, where were you two?" I crossed my arms.
My mom raised a brow and slightly tilted her head. "Excuse me?"
I gulped. "So, did you have fun Travis?"
"Ha punk." Jasmine said.
I rolled my eyes as Travis yawned. "It was great." He said excitedly.
I smiled. "You ready to have some more fun tonight?" I asked knowing he was tired.
"Yeah just let me pee." He said and ran up the stairs.
My mom chuckled. "Well we're going to call it a night," she yawned, "how about we go out to lunch tomorrow."
"Yeah that sounds good," Vanessa said smiling, "go get some rest."
"Thank you Vanessa," my mom kissed my cheek, "goodnight everyone." She said and walked up the stairs.
Quincy looked up the stairs and smiled. "Who wants alcohol?" He wiggles his fingers.
Everybody laughed. "Quincy we're adults I don't think Y/mn would have a problem with us drinking." Zayn said.
He nodded. "Yeah, but Y/n isn't so," he shrugged, "anyway let's get this stuff outside since the fire is already waiting for us," he started out the door, "and Y/n bring your guitar."
I nodded and ran upstairs as everyone else headed out the back. Guitar, guitar, where's my guitar?
That'd be a good song to sing. I looked around the room and spotted it in the corner.
I went outside and walked towards everyone who sat in a circle around the fire. I took a seat between Summer and Vanessa.
"Okay first everyone takes a shot." Gigi said pouring the into shot glasses.
"Yes Gigi take initiative." Quincy clapped and grabbed the filled shot glasses passing them around.
"Guys I'm a child of God," I sat my shot glass down shaking my head, "I can't drink I'm sorry."
"Oh whatever Y/n drink up." Summer said.
"Oh no, we don't want to pressure her into drinking." Zayn said.
I pointed at him. "Thank you Zayn," I quickly took the shot, "your the only one who cares."
"Right, child of God." Jasmine scoffed.
Quincy chuckled throwing his arm over Jasmine's shoulder. "Y/n sing us something to set the mood."
I adjusted my guitar. "Bet." I said and started to strum my guitar as everyone laughed quickly catching on.
"Let's gather around the campfire
And sing our campfire song
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along" I started.
"Bom Bom Bom..." Vanessa said in a deep voice.
I looked at her and chuckled. "C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song...Zayn!" I yelled.
"Song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E." He stuttered out and we all laughed.
"It'll help
It'll help
If you just sing along!
OH YEAHH!!" I yelled.
Everyone clapped smiling. "That was really cute Y/n." Gigi said.
"Yeah it was whatever, now sing a real song," Quincy said, "you know I love listening to your voice while getting buzzed." He took a few gulps of the and then laid on his back.
"Ugh fine." I playfully groaned.
"Yes!" Summer cheered.
"Okay, what type of song do we want to here tonight?" I asked.
"Ooo, sing one of those love songs Quincy's always talking about." Jasmine said.
I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for exposing me Quincy."
"Mhm." He hummed.
"Okay," I cleared my throat and started to strum my guitar, "You are the one, girl
And you know that it's true
I'm feeling younger
Every time that I'm alone with you," I looked down at my guitar, "We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in a front yard
We got questions we should not ask, but, How would you feel
If I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do
I'll be taking my time
Spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too"
I opened my eyes and looked at the fire. "In the summer
As the lilacs bloom
Love flows deeper than the river
Every moment that I spend with you, We were sat upon our best friend's roof
I had both of my arms around you
Watching the sunrise replace the moon, but."
Quincy sat up slowly his eyes widened. "How would you feel
If I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do
I'll be taking my time
Spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too."
I closed my eyes as I just played the guitar. I really should've sung this to her before she...left.
"Yeah, we were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in a front yard
We got questions we should not ask, How would you feel
If I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do
I'll be taking my time
Spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
Tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too."
As I finished everyone but Quincy clapped as he raised his eyebrows staring at me. I nodded indicating that we'll talk later.
"Damn girl you're good." Zayn whistled.
I smiled. "Thanks."
Summer nudged me and winked when I looked at her.
"Who was that about?" Jasmine asked.
I shrugged glancing at Quincy. "Someone from a long time ago."
"Right now I want to know too." Gigi said.
I shifted nervously. "Guys let's play Dare or drink." Quincy blurted out seeing me become uncomfortable.
"What? Are we in high school?" Summer asked.
"Obviously," Vanessa said and filled up her cup passing it to Jasmine who sat on the other side of her, "everyone fill up their cups and I'll start."
As Jasmine filled up her cup Vanessa hummed. "Y/n I dare you to come on a walk with me." She said standing up. I heard Summer sigh and I looked at her.
"Ohhh." Zayn said as Quincy made kissing noises.
I chuckled and shook my head. "Eh, I'd rather drink." I smirked.
"Shut up and come on." She said and pulled me up.
"Oh my God Y/n is finally going to lose her virginity." Quincy yelled.
I smacked my lips as Vanessa and I walked away. "I'm not a virgin." I mumbled.
"It's okay baby I know." She laughed out.
We walked farther away from the group and stopped at a set of rocks.
Vanessa sat on the rocks pulling me next to her.
"What's up?" I asked.
She sighed. "I talked to Summer."
I frowned. "And?"
"And, we came to an agreement that I needed to be honest." She looked at me and bit her lip.
I slowly nodded. "Okay?"
"I like you Y/n, a lot and I know I kind of rejected you, but I need you to know how I actually feel." She said.
My heart thumped hoping she'd continue and when she didn't I shook my head looking out at the water. "Why'd you tell me that Vanessa?"
"I wanted you to know that I did enjoy the kiss and I think about it a lot, I wanted you to know that your feelings aren't one-sided, and I didn't want you to be confused anymore." She said.
"Are you gonna act on those feelings?" I asked.
"No." She whispered.
I scoffed. "Why?"
"I'm with David Y/n." She said.
I looked at her. "What does he have that I don't?"
She shook her head. "Nothing, your amazing."
"So what's the problem?" I said frustratedly.
"The problem is that I like you and I'm in love with him." She looked down.
"Yeah, I forgot," I closed my eyes, "your kind of an asshole for playing with my feelings."
"I'm not playing-" I cut her off.
- In Serial18 Chapters
Street Cultivation - a modern wuxia/litrpg hybrid
In the modern world, qi is money. The days of traveling martial artists and mountaintop masters are over. Power is controlled by corporations, modernized martial arts sects, and governments. Those at the bottom of society struggle as second class citizens in a world in which power is a commodity. Rick is a young fighter in this world. He doesn't dream of immortality or becoming the strongest, just of building a better life for himself and his sister, who suffers from a spiritual illness. Unfortunately, life isn't that easy... (Author's Note: After the first book's successful run on Amazon, I'm posting the sequel chapter by chapter here as well for all the fans who supported me.)
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Old Title: Godfather and Godson Sirius Black was always said to be a playboy. What if he taught his godson a bit of his trade. A more mature and savvy boy-who-lived heads off to Hogwarts for his fourth year. A/N Note: Characters are at least 18 years old when the story commences.
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The Silver Wheel Game 2: The Wolf's Gambit
In part two of this three-part series, battle lines have been drawn in the once-peaceful realm of the Silver Wheel. In one corner, we have the enigmatic and brilliant Marie Walker, whose perverse dissection of the Silver Wheel and it’s operations has left a trail of destruction in her wake. In the other, we have the staff of the Silver Wheel, who seek to return to a time before their discovery and exploitation at the hands of mortals... using any means necessary. These two forces clash for the soul of the Silver Wheel in matches of wit and fortitude, forging strange alliances and suffering harsh betrayals. But when your battlefield’s a poker table, a little bad luck is sometimes all it takes to ruin even the best-laid plans… You can read part one right here, and part three here. Art was done by the amazingly talented nebai.
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Noble Evil
The world government, represented and lead by the King of All, rules over almost every territory in the world. Anyone who does not abide by the rules imposed by the world government are known as "Evil." Tero Tazakani, the King's grandson, experiences the world changing around him as the forces of good and evil clash and his family is torn apart. He must venture out to save his friends, legacy, and most importantly, himself.
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Daily Life of NEET Vampire
What does it takes to be a NEET? Sleeping from morning till afternoon. Only sleeping when the sun peeks out from the horizon. Never leaving the comfort of bed unless it's time to eat and going to have a face to face meeting with the nature. Even taking a bath will become an obstacle in life. For an entire year, stepping out from the other side of the door could be counted in one hand. This is a NEET. Well, supposedly... Specifically, a NEET is a person who is unemployed and currently not engaged to other stuffed. In short, Not in Education, Employment, or Training. NEET. However, let's add a twist shall we! Let's turn the NEET into a Vampire! A Vampire NEET! Welcome! This is the Daily life of NEET Vampire. ... (A/N: Cover Picture belong to respective Owners! This Author just found it on Google and edit it on the way!) (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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The Rise of the Rune Master
Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred is a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred finds himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all is darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work your review thank you.]
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