"Are you scared sissy?" Travis asked tugging on my hand.
"No." I squeezed his hand and gulped.
My mom came and rubbed my shoulder. "Y/n this is your third time on a plane don't be a pussy."
Quincy laughed as my eyes widened. "Yes, tell her mom." He said.
I shook my hand and walked towards Summer, Vanessa, and Jasmine. "I'm not scared." I mumbled.
"Of course your not bébé." Summer smiled and grabbed my hand.
"Oh my gosh, are you two dating now?" Jasmine asked.
"No." We both said moving away from each other.
"Mhm, sure." Jasmine said.
"When do we board the plane?" Vanessa asked crossing her arms.
"In about an hour." Summer replied.
She nodded. "Cool come with me to the bathroom." She said and pulled Summer away.
"I think she's in trouble." Jasmine smirked.
"Who Summer?"I asked.
She nodded. "Duh, Vanessa was so jealous."
I scoffed. "I doubt it," I looked at her, "anyway how're things between you and Quincy?"
"Pretty good actually, he's great in bed." She smirked.
"Okay, I'm walking away now." I said and walked back towards my mom as she laughed.
My mom was smiling. Like actually smiling, the last time I saw her this happy was when Travis was born. Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good right now.
"Good afternoon passengers. This is the boarding announcement for flight 89B to Hawaii. Please begin boarding the plane through gate 8. Thank you." The lady on the intercom said.
"Okay roll call," my mom said gesturing for everyone to come over, "okay Y/n, Travis, Quincy, Jasmine, Zayn, Gigi..." she trailed off, "where's Summer and Vanessa?"
"Here." They both said walking up behind me.
"Great, let's go to Hawaii!" She yelled.
We all cheered and walked to the ticket line. I looked at Summer and threw my arm over her shoulder. "You have to keep me from having a panic attack Winter." I said.
"But, I really wanna see you cry." She pouted.
I glared at her. "Tickets please." The lady said.
We handed her our tickets and walked onto the plane. "Well fuck you too then." I said.
"Oh please do." She smirked as we walked towards our seats.
I raised an eyebrow. "Don't tempt me Winter."
She shrugged. "It's okay, I'll wait for you to be," she looked me up and down, "ready."
I picked up her bags and put them in the overhead carriage smiling. "Look who grew some balls."
She grabbed my bag handing it to me. "Oh I already had the balls, I'm just tired of limiting myself," she looked over at Vanessa, "I think it's time for me to get more confident."
I frowned my eyebrows and looked at Vanessa who was clenching her jaw. "Um, okay?" I cleared my throat. "Give me your bags mama," I leaned down and picked up her bags, "you can have the window seat."
"Wow, thanks Y/n." She said sarcastically and sitting down.
"Don't be ungrateful."I said.
I sat down next to Vanessa after putting our bags up and Summer sat next to me.
"I'm so excited Y/n." Quincy said leaning over his seat in front of me.
"Yeah me too." I smiled.
He frowned his eyebrows. "Your excited to see yourself cry when the plane takes off?" He asked.
I rolled my eyes. "I hate you."
"Yeah love you too." He turned around and laughed with Jasmine and Travis as I leaned back in my chair.
"Don't worry Y/n if any of us have a vision of the plane crashing we'll let you know." Zayn said chuckling.
"Actually don't because then my death would just be worse." I crossed my arms.
He nodded. "Right."
"Do you want to sit by me Y/n." My mom asked sitting down behind me.
"No, I'm good." I said as my heart sped up.
Zayn and Gigi sat down next to my mom and started up a conversation.
Vanessa looked at me. "I can legit hear your heart pounding calm down." She whispered.
"I'm very calm." I gripped my armrest.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board, my name is Tina and I'll be your flight attendant. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes' time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts..." As the flight attendant kept talking I tugged my seatbelt on.
I closed my eyes and gulped. "I think I'm gonna pee on myself." I said.
Summer chuckled and grabbed my hand. "Bébé, I promise you everything will be fine."
I nodded. Everything's okay, this isn't Final Destination, or Snakes on a Plane, or Flight 666, or even Soul plane. I'm fine and I'm not dying. I hope.
"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors above as we review the emergency procedures. There are six emergency exits on this aircraft."
Okay safety briefing, we should be taking off soon. I bit my lip and counted in my head.
"You ready?" Vanessa asked rubbing my other hand.
I nodded and opened my eyes to see Jasmine, Travis, and Quincy looking through the cracks of the seat and smiling.
"Uh oh, Y/n we're pulling off." Quincy said in a teasing voice.
I felt the plane start moving and I squeezed Summers and Vanessa's hand while hyperventilating.
"Y/n just breath, if we crash into the ocean your gonna need all the oxygen you can get." Jasmine giggled.
Oh shit, I didn't think about that, I instantly controlled my breathing.
"Yeah, the plane could crash." Travis whispered.
"Really Travis?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I didn't want to be left out."
"Guys turn around." Vanessa hissed at them.
"Party pooper." Quincy said as they turned around.
The plane started to shake and I tensed closing my eyes. "Oh God, we didn't even get in the air, are we dying already?"
Summer laughed. "It's just turbulence."
I nodded as Vanessa turned my head towards her making me open my eyes. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I got this really hot bikini."
I instantly smirked. "Really?" I asked.
She hummed nodding. "It's orange with white polka dots and I think it might be a little too tight."
"I mean, you can try it on and then we can decide if it's too tight." I said.
She chuckled. "Y/n you act like a horny teenage boy I knew that would calm you down."
I frowned my eyebrows. "Hmm?"
"You're not shaking anymore and you don't have a death grip on my hand, we're flying now which means the chance of you dying in a crash is one in five million." She said smiling.
I chuckled. "How the hell do you know that?" I asked relaxing in my seat.
"I remember you saying you're scared to fly so, I did my research to tell you facts that'll calm you down." She shrugged.
I smiled. "Thanks mama."
She kissed my nose and I blushed. "Anytime." She winked and leaned back in her chair smiling.
I also leaned back and cleared my throat looking at Summer. "See I'm fine."
She let out a small chuckle. "Yep, thanks to Vanessa." She crossed her arms and closed her eyes.
"Hawaii we're here!!" Quincy yelled after we stepped out of the airport.
"Quincy, Y/n!" We heard and looked towards the voice.
"Craig." Me and Quincy yelled running to him.
"So much yelling." I heard Gigi say.
We hugged him. "What the hell are you doing in Hawaii?" Quincy asked.
"Well, the wife and I are leaving for Paris today so Maui asked us to drop the cars off to you guys." He said as his wife, Crystal walked towards us.
"His name is Maui?" I laughed. "Moana headass."
"How did I know you would find that funny?" She asked and pulled me and Quincy into a hug. "I missed you two."
"We missed you too." Quincy smiled.
"Oh, come and meet everyone," I said and pulled them to our group,"this is Gigi, Zayn, Summer, Vanessa, Jasmine, and you already know Travis and my mom," I said pointing at everybody, "and everyone this is Craig, Quincy's cousin, and his wife Crystal."
"Hey everyone, Zayn I'm a huge fan." Craig.
"Yeah? That's awesome, it's nice to meet you." Zayn said and shook Craig's hand.
Everybody greeted them and then they turned to us. "So we have a plane to catch but those," he said pointing to the two red Blazers, "are yours for the week, Quincy you have the address to the house and Maui will be there so you can pay him."
I looked at the cars and almost drooled. "These cars are sexy." I said.
Quincy shook his head and hugged his cousin. "Have fun in Paris you two."
"You have fun in Hawaii," Crystal said then grabbed my arm, "come here." She pulled me into a hug.
"It was good seeing you." I said and pulled away to hug Craig.
"Bye kid." Craig said and then said goodbye to everyone else after hugging my mom and brother.
They walked into the airport and Quincy turned to everyone. "Okay so, who's riding with who?" He asked.
"We can do four to a car." My mom said.
"Okay, Gigi, Travis, and Y/mn can ride with me." Zayn said.
"Jasmine, can you ride with us too?" Travis asked grabbing her hand.
"Of course I will." She smiled down at him.
"Cool, everybody else with me." Quincy said.
Everybody put their bags in the cars and climbed in. "I'll drive." I said and climbed into the driver's seat.
"Shotgun!" Quincy yelled and climbed into the car.
Summer and Vanessa climbed into the back as Quincy pulled up the GPS and connected it to the radio. "Let's get on the road." Quincy said and I pulled off listening to the GPS.
"OH HONEY I'D DO ANYTHING FOR YOU!" We all yelled singing along to Miley Cyrus.
"Turn left." The GPS interrupted.
Vanessa turned down her phone. "Ugh, she ruined our concert."
Quincy shook his head. "She's no fun."
I chuckled tapping the steering wheel. "I was about to go in to."
"So Summer and Vanessa, we're going to be in a beach house for a week." Quincy said.
"Oh, really I didn't know." Summer replied.
"Shut up and let me finish," he chuckled, "we're going to be in this car for three more hours and I think you two should resolve whatever beef you have going on so we can all have fun this week."
I frowned. "What beef?"
"Come on it's obvious how tense they've been after that talk at the airport." Quincy said.
I glanced at them through the mirror. "What's going on?" I asked.
Summer shook her head. "Ask Vanessa."
"Well, she asked both of us so I think we should both answer her." Vanessa said.
"Well, since you started our argument why don't you start telling her what's wrong." Summer retorted.
I shook my head. "Nope, y'all are adults don't act like two petty teenagers."
"Exactly, spill the tea." Quincy said.
"Vanessa has a problem with how close me and Y/n have been getting." Summer said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because she's obviously just trying to make a point." Vanessa said.
"Bullshit I'm just not a dumbass like you." Summer said her voice rising.
"Watch what the hell you call me Summer." Vanessa said lowly.
"Woah okay, so you two are arguing over me." I stated.
"No, we're arguing because Vanessa doesn't know who she wants." Summer said.
"I want David and only David." Vanessa scoffed.
"So why is it a problem that Y/n and Summer are getting closer?" Quincy asked.
Vanessa sighed. "I just," she paused, "I don't like you two together."
I glanced at Quincy who was smirking. "That's not up to you mama." I said.
"I know and I'm sorry," she shook her head and looked at Summer, "no Summer, I'm sorry for starting a stupid argument, I had no right to get jealous."
"It's cool Nessa," Summer pulled her into a hug, "just talk to me next time, I'm your best friend you don't have to come at me guns blazing."
Vanessa chuckled. "Yeah, I know."
"Good," Quincy said, "we're all friends again so this week will be amazing."
I shook my head gripping the steering wheel. "I don't know, I kind of like it when girls fight over me."
Summer and Vanessa laughed as Quincy stared at me. "Y/n." He said.
I hummed. "Yes?"
"Pull over so you can pee." He said.
I tensed. "I don't have to pee." I chuckled nervously.
"Y/n were not doing this today," he said lowly, "pull over so you can pee."
I scoffed. "Quincy, I think I would-"
"Y/n just stop!" He yelled and then let out a deep breath. "It's a gas station coming up in four miles, turn right."
"Fine." I said putting on my turn signal and watching Zayn do the same behind us.
"Do you guys need to talk now?" Summer asked timidly.
"Yeah, I've literally never seen you mad Quincy." Vanessa said.
"I don't need to talk but maybe Y/n does." He looked out the window as I stopped at a red light.
"I'm good." I said clenching my jaw.
He scoffed. "Right."
I sighed. "Quincy stop."
"No, Y/n I don't get why the hell you still let those assholes get to you." He looked at me.
"I really wish this light would turn green." I said ignoring Quincy.
"Real mature." He said.
"What do you want me to say?" I asked.
"I don't know maybe tell me why your still scared to use a public bathroom." He said.
"I'm not scared." I whispered as the light turned green.
"Why would you be scared?" Summer asked.
I shook my head. "It doesn't matter."
"No it does since it still bothers you." Quincy said.
"Why don't you tell them since me not saying it bothers you." I glanced at the GPS and kept going straight.
"Fine," he shifted in his seat, "in high school everyone used to bully Y/n and call her a freak because she has a dick, and one day Y/n went to the boys bathroom and got jumped by a bunch of guys because she "wasn't allowed in there." He used air quotes.
I bit my lip as he continued. "So after that day she started to use the girls bathroom but, you guessed it, she got jumped again because she wasn't allowed in there either," he scoffed, "so after that Y/n decided to never use a public bathroom again because the only bathroom she's allowed in are the ones without the words male or female on the door. But, considering she's out of high school and not around those guys anymore I don't get why she's still scared."
I shook my head and pulled into the gas station hopping out of the truck and slamming the door behind me. I scoffed, of course he doesn't get it because he's not the one who went through that. I opened the door to the gas station and walked up to the cashier.
"Excuse me, where's the bathroom." I asked.
"Back there." He threw his thumb over his shoulder.
I walked to the back and stopped looking at the bathroom doors. Male or female? I tapped my thigh looking at both of the doors and looked down. Shit, which one?
I felt somebody grab my wrist and pull me into the girl's bathroom. I looked up and saw Vanessa standing there with her arms crossed. "Use the bathroom Y/n." She said.
I nodded and walked into a stall and let out a breath. After I did my business I walked out of the stall and towards the sinks to wash my hands.
"Baby, I get that what happened in high school fucked you up and I can't tell you to just get over it like Quincy did because I don't know what you went through or what your still going through," she cleared her throat, "and Quincy is an idiot for coming at you like that but, he's kind of right."
I looked at her after drying my hands off. "He came about it the wrong way, yes, but Y/n you have to realize that all they wanted to do was fuck your head up," I looked down as my eyes started to water, "and they did a damn good job at it."
A tear rolled down my cheek and I nodded. "You have to know how amazing you are," she walked up to me and lifted my head wiping my cheeks, "fuck them for everything they ever said to you or did to you, your fucking perfect." She whispered.
I sniffed and shook my head. "No I'm not, they were kind of right I am a-"
"Y/n shut up before I smack you," she glared at me, "so what you were born with a dick, big whoops. That doesn't define you, there's nothing wrong with you and you have to believe me baby. Your amazing, your sweet, your really sexy, your caring, and guess what else, you bleed, you cry, and you feel pain," she wiped my cheeks again, "your just as normal as anyone else and if you want to keep believing your a freak then cool, embrace that shit get it tattooed on your forehead just stop letting other people's words hurt you."
I chuckled. "Why would I get freak tattooed on my forehead?"
She smiled. "I don't know Y/n shut up, I'm on a roll," her eyes watered, "it really sucks to see you in pain," her voice cracked, " and I don't know if what I'm telling you will make you see just how perfect you are, but if you don't allow yourself to realize that then I guess I'll just have to tell you every day." She let a tear fall. "Baby your so perfect." She whispered.
I bit my lip and closed my eyes. "Look at our dramatic asses."
She chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck as I rested my forehead on her shoulder. "That's all you, you're the one that slammed the car door."
I laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Yeah, that was dramatic too."
Vanessa leaned back smiling. "You okay?" She asked.
"I'm okay." I replied.
She sighed. "Shit that was deep."
I nodded smiling as the door opened. "Y/n I'm sorry, I was out of line and I was mad because I hate seeing how badly they fucked you up." Quincy rushed out.
I nodded. "Quincy it's fine you were just looking out for me."
He shook his head. "No, I was being an asshole and I need you to allow me to give you a hug."
I rushed into his arms and he sighed. "Quincy like I said it's fine," I leaned back, "I needed somebody to slap some sense into me."
He sniffed and nodded. "I just don't want you to keep letting them affect you."
I nodded and smiled. "Were you crying?" I asked.
"I thought you hated me." He said.
"Aww, you pussy." I laughed and pulled him back into me.
"Um, sorry for eavesdropping I just didn't want to ruin the moment." We turned to the stall on the far wall as a girl stepped out.
Vanessa burst out laughing and the girl blushed. "I'm just gonna wash my hands." She walked over to the sink and washed her hands as Vanessa bent over laughing.
"Oh my gosh, that's hilarious." She said.
- In Serial28 Chapters
Yashima Chronicles
The island nation of Yashima is in chaos. Armies march to war, pitting cousin against cousin in the fight for power. Sword saints hone their craft in battle, growing more deadly even as the tide of muskets flooding the country make the average soldier ever more dangerous. One woman towers over the era. Known as the blood-soaked flower of the battlefield, it is said that to see her is to risk madness. To fight her is to die. Some even say she draws her power from the blood of vanquished foes. Listening to the rumors, I can't help but feel that my plan to secure a comfortable administrative post has somehow gone awry.
8 200 - In Serial27 Chapters
King of Fools : Silver Tongue
A certain trickster spirit was fond of saying, 'me and my big fat mouth'. That could be Jasper Stone's motto. There's never been a situation in his life he didn't make worse by opening his mouth, because when he does, ridiculous amounts of trash-talk and overconfidence just spills out. He's never managed to do anything with his wits -- but when the God of Fools tosses him into another world for amusement's sake, he'll need to put them to use. Because there are bandits, dragons, and cultists out there -- none of whom appreciate Jasper's particular gift for insults. --Cover by the inimitable Vitaly S Alexius.
8 140 - In Serial15 Chapters
My Hero Academia: Hero's Horizon
A young man after being killed gets a second chance at life and not only that but in a world he loves and knows will help prove to himself that he deserves this second chance. Follow him through UA High as he makes friends, allies and enemies alike. (Also posted on Fanfiction.net, Archive of our own, Wattpad.com and quotev.com)
8 179 - In Serial166 Chapters
Saer Servitude
Saer, a hired killer is, up to a very unusual task of protecting a family. Never in his life has Saer used his assassin skills to save someone. But, this time he has to use it for thatif he wants to save his and everyone's lives. Worst part - the family is reluctant to the idea of letting anyone protect them. Instead, they kill cut-throats who try to guard them. Father thinks they are safe inside the house but Saer knows what lies outside. If half of the family gets killed then the apocalypse is imminent. Family foes won't stop till they bring menace to the land. The Great Invasion is nearing...
8 200 - In Serial39 Chapters
The Fall of Almadel
That fall, the classroom of Master Jeremiah and part of the attaching corridor was cast into hell.— Extract from "The History of Almadel" vol 2. A class of sixth-form students are thrown into a life-or-death struggle in an unfamiliar world. Can they survive and return home, or will they be stuck there forever, opening the door for evil to complete its spread across Britain.
8 344 - In Serial7 Chapters
World War Academy [DROPPED]
EDIT: Hello, as you can tell this story is dropped. reason why this is the case is that I really didn't know where I was going to take this story and really, I wasn't satisfied with how I was writing here. However I am currently writing a completely new story and with it is that I am taking some aspects from here and using the ideas on my new story. New characters, new ideas, new plot, everything is completely new. So I hope that goes well and i'll leave this story up as reference for me in the future. Thank you Akani Kizuato. An 18 year old that recently started to live on his own to get away from life. With his sister and father dead from the wars as they fought in, he tried to continue life and tried not to let it get in his way. It may seem that way but with his whole life planned out, it may not seem to be. He had been rejected from all universities within the nation despite being top of his class, which is very unusual because even local colleges rejected him. It was as if he was banned to go to any of those places but uknowingly why. As he ranted, and relieved stress on the school rooftop, he had received an email from an anonymous source saying that he was accepted into some academy, which he had never heard of before. With events that lead up to his mysterious encounter with people who are there to take him, it may be quite a ride. Cover art made in Adobe Spark.
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