《Darling》Aunt Marches house 1869


The empty rooms of Aunt Marche's house, nothing is left of the grumpy old woman who once lived here all of the furniture is covered and the loneliness is felt in all of the rooms as Amy, Meg and Jo walk through the house you can hear the giggling of Amy's darling wife Lottie and her niece and nephew Daisy and Demi. "I thought she hated me." Jo wondered why would her Auntie leave her such a big house "She could still hate you and leave you the house!" Jo laughed as she turned to Meg "What about you and John?" "No I don't need a grand estate." Jo turned to Amy "what about you and Lottie somewhere you can chase her through the halls." Amy smiled at her sister "No we have actually just bought an estate big enough to house a town it feels." Jo let's out a whoop as she runs into the hall where Lottie has just appeared chasing Daisy and Demi, a scene that made Amy's heart beat faster, seeing Lottie play with her niece and nephew helping them, carrying them, making them laugh, teaching them Italian, Amy knew this is what she wanted altogether she had made all of the right decisions she had fallen for the right person. "Darling." Amy held her hand out for Lottie , this is something they always did hold hands that is it was comforting for them both. Lottie bounded her way towards Amy and hugged her lying her head on Amy's shoulder whispering I love you in Italian, something Lottie had always done even when they weren't together. Amy smiles thinking back to the first time she said it they where outside laughing in the grass when Amy jumped on her making them both laugh harder Lottie whispered it thinking Amy wouldn't hear her but when Amy's head shot up from Lottie's neck and asked what she had said, this caused Lottie to blush "Ti Amo." Lottie said quietly " Well what does that mean." Amy smiled down at Lottie" it means I love you in Italian." The words still sent shivers down Amy's back like they did the minute Lottie said it. Amy smiled when she felt Lottie squeeze her hand " Everything alright Darling." Amy smiled even wider " Absolutely perfect my lady." Jo sighed "I should sell it, but I'd love to do something that would really make aunt March turn in her grave." This caused Meg to smile "I wouldn't mind it." Amy put on a stern voice "Girls!" Jo laughed a nice turning, just a rotation nothing terrible." Meg looked quizzically at her sister "what will you do?" Jo thinks for half a second, but she already knows " I'd like to open a school. We never had a proper school, and now there are women's colleges opening there should be a school. For Daisy." "And what will Demi do?" "I'll open a school for boys and girls, both." Lottie takes her head off of Amy's shoulder and kisses her on the cheek and runs off to Daisy and Demi causing Amy to smile. Amy takes her sister's arm on one side while Meg is on the other side as they walk confidentially. Amy turns her head to Jo "what about writing?" Jo turns bright red " what about it?" As Meg joins in " what are you working on?" Jo sighed " I'm working on something...........but I don't think it's very good." Amy shakes her head at her older sister " everyone likes what you write." Jo just looks at Amy pointedly " no they don't." Meg looked at Jo " i do." " it's just about our little life." "So" "who would be interested in a story of domestic struggles and joys? It doesn't have any real importance." Amy just shakes her head again " Maybe we don't see those things as important because people don't write about them." Jo shakes her head at Amy "no writing doesn't confer importance it reflects it." Amy just stares at Jo " I'm not sure. Perhaps writing will make them more important." Jo just looks at Amy amused " when did you become so wise." " I always have been, you were just too busy noticing my faults." Lottie came running back with Demi and Daisy behind her " you don't have any faults Darling."


I'm back to writing, sorry I didn't come back sooner school was a nightmare and with COVID everything went weird so I forgot to update but I shall be finishing the book pretty soon and moving on to others I have in mind.

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