《Darling》Fredrich 1869


" Jo come down!" Marmee shouted up to Jo. Jo jumps from her desk " Coming! I'm starving!" Jo stashes her writing and clomps down the stairs and heads straight for the table, not even looking around her. She sits down and grabs a piece of bread and takes a big bite " Jo, you might want to wait." Marmee scalded Jo " But I'm famished." Marmee cleared her through " Jo, dear, you have a guest." Jo looked surprised " I don't know anyone." "I'm sorry to intrude." Friedrich appears quietly. Jo hears his voice and bolts up and starts to laugh " it's you."

"Jo I hope this is alright, I got your address from Mrs Kirk." Laurie looked at Friedrich curiously " who are you." Laurie turned to Lottie looking confused " who is he." Lottie just looked at him telling him to shut up as she stood beside Amy the girls wouldn't hold hands or hug or Lottie wouldn't rest her head on Amy's shoulders they didn't know this man didn't know how he would feel about them so Amy stood in-front of Lottie her hand behind her back holding on to her dress so Friedrich couldn't see. Friedrich stepped back " I'm so sorry to intrude, I was close by and thought I'd, but I'll be going" Amy was the first to speak still holding Lottie's dress " please stay! We have more than enough room." Laurie sighed loudly causing Lottie to stop looking at Amy and look at him " can someone please tell me who he is." Lottie just smacked him across the head "shhhhh." Friedrich smiled " I don't want to be a burden." Meg smiled from beside Lottie" it's not a burden at all." Amy Meg and Lottie could see it it was evident they had all seen it before felt it before Friedrich was in love with Jo and Jo was in love with him. Jo just stared at him " Yes of course. Please." Laurie pushed past Lottie who was left standing with Kate giggling to each other " I'm Laurie and who are you?" "I'm Friedrich Bhaer." Jo looked between Laurie and Friedrich " we were in the same boarding house together in New York." Hannah poked her head in " oh Jo, he's very handsome." Lottie just smiled at the scene and then turned Amy around and hugged her god they where all so much older now in love and living in the future they could not dream about. Beth would have been so happy and Lottie thought about how she would have just bounced up and down trying to contain how happy she was.

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