《Bench ☼ LisKook》E p i l o g u e


2 years later...

It was finally the day.

The day where Lisa gets to comeback to the place she once left.

Picking up her luggage, she rolled it with her as she went down the stairs.

"Take care, okay?" Her mother hugged her and her father did the same.

Through many talks, her family finally agreed to let her go back to Korea to finish her college there and once she does, they will build a little branch of their company there and hopefully, it will grow bigger under Lisa's management.

But ofcourse – in one condition.

She had to bring someone with her.

"Chittaphon, take care of our Lalice, okay?" Her father said as he grabbed onto Chittaphon's shoulder.

Lisa and Ten laughed, "Ofcourse, uncle."

With one final hug, Ten helped Lisa with her luggage and they both made their way to the airport.

"I'm nervous, Ten." Lisa sighed when they both sat down the seats.

"Why would you be nervous? You were the one who insisted on finishing college there. Now look what you did,you dragged me with you!" Ten laughed as he pinched Lisa's nose.

"I don't know." Lisa sighed again before passing out on her seat.

It'll be a long ass ride.

"Attention passengers. We have now safely landed, you may now take your things and exit the plane. We hope you enjoyed boarding with Kim Airlines, thank you." The announcer said through the speakers and all the passengers quickly did as told.

Ten took all the luggage again while Lisa led the way to their condos (Lisa and Ten will have saparate condos).

'Unit 203 and 204.' Lisa chanted in her mind as she and Ten walked through the doors.

"Found it!" Ten exclaimed.

"Alright. See you later, Lis!" Ten said once he was finished putting all of Lisa's stuff inside her unit and quickly went to his respective condo.

Lisa closed the door and looked around. The condo wasn't that big but it was fine for one person. She then busied herself by arranging her stuff and adding some little decorations.

And before she knew it, she fell asleep on the couch.

"Hey, Jungkook! Go and buy food at the 24-hour shop, I'm hungry!" Taehyung ordered the youngest while he was busy playing overwatch.

"But hyung! I'm busy playing!" He whined but in the end, he followed the elder's order.

When he exited the unit, a very familiar figure came to his view.

"Alright. See you later, Lis!" An unfamiliar boy said as he went inside another unit.

Jungkook frowned and squinted his eyes to look at the girl clearly and once his vision corrected, his eyes widened.


Jungkook remained standing there trying to process everything and once he did;

"Oh man, holy sht."

A few days later..

Lisa smiled at the familiarness the park gave her. She strolled down the road as her feet dragged her towards a specific place and;


A specific bench.

Lisa stood there as she stared at the bench with a smile. People might think she's crazy for smiling randomly but she didn't care – all she cared about was the memories.

Lisa sighed dreamily as she sat down the bench.

'The bench where everything started.'

Suddenly, nostalgia came to her as she continued observing the park and she started tearing up.

'Huh? Why am I suddenly getting emotional?'

"Lis! I got the hotdogs you wanted." Ten approached her and handed her the hotdogs and they began eating it silently while admiring the surroundings.

'Shoot, shoot, shoot. She's back. What do I do??'

Jungkook's mind was a mess for the past few days. He was happy that she was finally back but at the same time he was embarrassed because of the stupid things he did before.

'Wait. Who was that boy with her?'

Jungkook stopped in his tracks as he thought about who the boy was.


Jungkook guessed but suddenly he felt a familiar pain in his chest. It was just like the pain he felt 2 years ago when he regretted everything he did to her.

Suddenly, Jungkook heard laughters.

But not just any laughters. One of it was oh-so-familiar to him. The laughter that made him feel butterflies in his belly before.

And guess what.

The butterflies came back again.

He peeked over the place where the voices came from and there he saw her.

But she wasn't alone, she was with the same guy he saw a few days ago, too.

Upon seeing the sight, Jungkook suddenly felt down.

'What the heck, Jungkook.' He scolded himself.

A few moments later, his self-scolding was suddenly cut off when he heard a deep voice.

"I'll be right back, Lis. I need to go to the restroom and buy us more food." The guy stood up and looked at Lisa.

"Okay. But make sure to sanitize, Chittaphon!" She teased in Thai and they both laughed.

'Cheetah what?' Jungkook frowned but when he saw that the guy was no longer in sight, he finally found the courage to approach her.

'This is it.'

"Lisa." Jungkook called out which caused her to turn around, only to widen her eyes.

"J–Jungkook.. Is that you?" Lisa asked quietly and Jungkook nodded.

"Woah. You're so grown up now.." Lisa said as Jungkook laughed awkwardly.

'Awkward.' They both thought.

"So um.." Jungkook cleared his throat. "H–How have you been?"

'Dammit, Jungkook. Stop stuttering.'

Lisa laughed, "I'm good. You?"

Jungkook smiled and nodded, "I'm good too." Because you're here now.

He randomly thought but then cringed at his own cheesy-ness.

"Jungkook.." Lisa called out and Jungkook hummed in response, only to be caught of guard when she embraced her.

"I missed you." Her voice was muffled in his chest.

Jungkook was too surprised that he didn't knew what to do at first but then in the end, he hugged her back.


'Wait.' Jungkook snapped.

"Wait, wait, wait. This isn't right. Your boyfriend might get the wrong idea." He said when he broke the hug.

"What? What do you mean boyfriend?" Lisa frowned as she stared at him confusedly.

"Huh? You know, the guy you came here with. I also saw you with him by the way since you are in the same condominium complex as my hyung." Jungkook explained but soon frowned when Lisa started laughing.

"Idiot. That wasn't my boyfriend. That was my cousin Chittaphon or Ten for short!" Lisa continued laughing.

"What? Really?" Jungkook blinked his eyes and Lisa nodded.


A moment of silence then took over them, not really knowing what to say until;

"I missed you, too.." Jungkook muttered but Lisa heard it.

She looked at him and smiled.

"Lisa, I have something to tell you," Jungkook began and Lisa nodded, indicating for him to continue.

"I'm really sorry for my stupidness before. Because of it, I hurt you.." Jungkook looked over at Lisa awkwardly.

She sighed. "I already forgave you a long time ago, Jungkook."

Jungkook looked at her and smiled. "Thank you so much, Lisa."

They both stared and smiled at eachother.

"I have something to tell you, too." Lisa began.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked.

Another few moments of silence took over but what she said next was the reason for him to immediately look at her.

"My feelings for you is still there.." Lisa shyly confessed.

Jungkook stared at her registering the sentence she just said but Lisa took it the wrong way.

"I understand if you don't feel the same way though. I mean, I was gone for 2 years so I wouldn't expect you to still have feelings fo–" Lisa was cut off when Jungkook hugged her again.

Lisa was shocked at the action.

"Um.. Jungkook I–"

"My feelings for you is still here too." Jungkook admitted and Lisa blushed.

When they broke the hug, Jungkook chuckled at Lisa's pinkish cheeks.

"Still so cute." He muttered under his breath.

"So um.. What should we do with this you know um..feelings?" Lisa asked awkwardly.

They both went silent as they thought of ideas.

"I know!" Lisa said and Jungkook looked at her smiling.

She cleared her throat. "Let's start over again but this time – we'll take it slow." Lisa said ans Jungkook nodded.

"Fine by me. Let's take things slow." Jungkook agreed and laughed.

'His laugh. His cute bunny teeth. Ugh.' Lisa thought as she stared at him being all cute.

Jungkook stopped laughing when he caught her staring at her with a small smile.

He stared at her back, reciprocating her smile too but he did something that caught her off guard.

He kissed her.

Just on the cheeks though because like they said – they'll take things slow.

Lisa blushed harder as she looked away from a giggling Jungkook.

But then, someone's clearing of the throat made them look up.

"Ten!" Lisa said, surprised.

'Did he see it? Oh my gosh, this is so awkward..'

"I left you for a moment and you already found yourself a boyfriend." Ten said amusingly.

"We're not dating though. Not yet.." Lisa reasoned and Jungkook nodded awkwardly.

"Yet." Ten repeated.

Jungkook and Lisa both laughed awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, Ten! This is Jungkook the guy I was uh...talking to you about.." Lisa introduced.

"Jungkook? Isn't that the guy you kept on mentioning about back in Thailand?" Ten asked and Lisa faceplamed while Jungkook raised his brow at her.

"Uh..yeah." Lisa gave up and admitted.

"Cool. Hey man! I'm Chittaphon but you can call me Ten, I'm Lisa's cousin and I'll only be staying here for a year since her parents only wanted me to take care of her for that long." Ten introduced himself as he shook Jungkook's hand.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook." He said smilingly.

"I don't think I'll be staying for a year here anymore though. I think our Lisa here already found someone to take care of her." Ten teased as he ruffled his cousin's hair.

"Stop it!" Lisa said in Thai as she pushed Ten's hand away.

The two boys laughed and Lisa blushed for the third time.

"Well. I guess I'll go to the condos first, since you already have company." Ten said and Lisa nodded, still embarrassed.

"See you later then." Ten bid to the both of them and began walking away leaving the two love birds behind.

They both looked at eachother before bursting into laughter.

A few weeks after their 'reunion', Jungkook has been stepping up his game for Lisa.


Well, he visits her condo almost everyday. Sometimes he would bring her little gifts and his hyungs would tease him for it (they spyed on him from Jin's unit).

Jungkook and Ten became closer and closer throughout those weeks.

And the lovebirds?

Well, their bond with eachother grew and grew everyday.

They would stay up late at night either texting or calling eachother in result, both of them would be late for their college.

But wanna know what's exciting?

Last week she finally said the word.

She finally said yes to him which now made them an official couple.

Everyone around them was happy for them and even Lisa's parents who was all the way back in Thailand heard the news (probably from Ten) and congratulated their daughter.

And to add to that, just yesterday, Jungkook introduced Lisa to his parents. And boi they were so happy for their son that they cooked a whole lot of food saying it was a welcome gift for Lisa – a welcome to their family.

Everything went well for the couple.

And that is because of their bond and love for eachother.

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