《Bench ☼ LisKook》15 | I'm Sorry


A few weeks later.

Jungkook sat in his room while staring at his wall. For the past few weeks that Lisa was gone, all he did was to regret.

'Jungkook, you idiot.'

He scolded himself again.

His hyungs were always there and tried to cheer him up (which works) but everytime he's alone, he blames himself again.

If only I listened to her.

If only I wasn't stubborn.

If only I could turn back time.

If only.

The sound of his door opening cut him off from his thoughts. The door revealed his beloved hyungs.

"Go get dressed. We're gonna hang out!" Hoseok said.

"To where?" Jungkook asked tiredly.

"The karaoke so you can sing your broken heart out." Taehyung said playfully but later smiled awkwardly when Jungkook glared at him.

"Kidding. Now hurry and change!"

Jungkook had no choice but to get ready. He went inside his bathroom to do his hygiene and got dressed.

He sat down on his chair and took his Timbs.

The Timbs she gave him.

He weakly tied his shoelaces before standing up and stared down at it, reminiscing the time when they were at the bowling alley; the time he pushed Lisa away; the time he broke her heart; the time he regretted so much.

He sighed as he went towards the door.

"I'm sorry.."

short chapter!

thanks for suggesting tho, all your guys' ideas were nice and interesting!

now i shall go back on contemplating and debating with myself on how to end this story.

have a nice day/night!

Ps.. this is gon be so cliché but...

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