《Bench ☼ LisKook》O u t r o



This book is finally finished.


I cannot believe it.

This was my first ever story and after so many conflicts (like rewriting it and all) I can now say that my first ever story on wattpad has ended successfully!

To everyone who was here from the start (before I even rewrote it),

I didn't really expect that this book - a book that was written by an amateur writer, would get this amount of support!

And ofcourse, to the new readers,

Thank you for reading and for giving some of your time to this story.

Although I don't update that often and the way I write sucks, you guys still read this book :')

I appreciate y'all for that.

Thank you guys sosososososososososososossososo much!

For real,

Oh wait,


September 2017.

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