《Mondays (Jensoo Convert)》"I told you so."
Jisoo walked Jennie to her front door. She stuffed her hands in her varsity jacket as she trailed behind the brunette and her family.
"Great job tonight, ladies." Jiyong congratulated the two girls. He pushed his youngest daughter who was sleeping up further into his arms. "I'm really proud of both of you, especially you Nini." He smiled at Jennie. "I approve this by the way." He gestured to the pair with a smirk.
"Dad!" Jennie whined before pushing him in the house. "Will you please go in!"
"Don't stay out too late. It's getting cold." Chaerin reminded her daughter. She kissed the top of Jennie's head and walked through the door giving the two girls privacy. She closed the door on her way in.
"So..." Jisoo dragged as she rocked back and forth using the heel of her foot.
"So..." The brown-eyed girl giggled.
"I'm glad you asked me." Jisoo said truthfully with a smile.
"I'm glad I asked you, too." Jennie replied, reciprocating the other girl's expression.
The pale girl chuckled. "Are you just going to repeat everything I say?"
Jisoo rolled her eyes playfully. "Jendeukie, please."
"Tonight was by far the best night of my life. We won our last game. I asked you to Prom and I didn't get rejected..." Jennie joked. She looked at Jisoo's eyes and melted. "I'm really really happy you said yes, Chu."
"Did you doubt me?"
"Kind off. I thought for sure you had your 'yes' reserved for Nayeon."
"I told you, I would have said yes to 'someone else'..." Jisoo used his hands to air quote.
"Well I wasn't sure on who was that 'someone else'?" The other girl followed.
"You were that only 'someone else'."
Jennie blushed. She scrunched her nose and squinted her eyes at Jisoo. "You know Nayeon helped me..."
"She did?" Jisoo asked in shock.
"Hmm." Jennie nodded. "She asked a couple of the guys from the soccer team to help me with the lights and the keyboard. Pretty cool, huh?"
"Very cool." The older girl hummed. "I thought she was going to ask me..."
"Are you disappointed she didn't?" Jennie taunted as she arched an eyebrow.
"No. no. no." Jisoo said frantically. "It was just that... how did she end up helping you?"
"We talked things out. Turns outs she's really nice."
"See! I to-"
Jennie quickly slapped her hand over Jisoo's mouth. "Ah, ah, ah. I don't want to hear it. I admit she's nice okay... No need for the 'I told you so'."
Jisoo shrugged. "Fineeee." She mumbled in the girl's hand before licking the palm on her mouth.
"GROSS!" Jennie squeaked, pulling her hand back and rubbing it on Jisoo's jacket.
"Great." Jisoo watched as her teammate smeared the saliva on her jacket. "I always wanted my own spit in my jacket." She said sarcastically. She saw Jennie smile smugly and start to pull away so she quickly grabbed on the girl's wrist.
"Not so fast, Kim." There was a glint of mischief, twinkling in her brown orbs.
Jennie tilted her head at Jisoo and raised an eyebrow. "Chu..."
The dark haired beauty swiftly jerked Jennie towards her causing the girl to trip and tumble into Jisoo's arms. Their proximity increasing in result. She bumped her nose against the brunette and curled her lips.
"Jisoo..." Jennie breathed with a warning tone as her eyes flickered to the other girl's lips then back to the mesmerizing eyes. The only thought running in her mind is if she and Jisoo were going to kiss.
Jisoo husked instead before letting Jennie go and doubling in a soft chuckle.
The brown-eyed girl huffed and pushed the pale girl as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You're annoying!" She was relieved but at the same time disappointed. She wanted the kiss.
"What?" Jisoo asked innocently, batting her eyelashes at Jennie.
"I thought you were goi- you know what never mind!" The shorter girl fumed. She glared at Jisoo before spinning around and walking up to her door. She craned her head back to her teammate, "Good day, you!"
"Jendeukie, c'mon." Jisoo chuckled.
"I said good day!" Jennie went through the door and slammed it shut.
"IT'S ALREADY NIGHT TIME!" Jisoo called out as she shook her head and laughed. She wanted to kiss Jennie. She's been wanting too since the day they met but it was too soon. Yes, Jennie asked her to Prom and yes they basically proclaimed their love for each other but Jisoo was old fashion. She needed confirmation on where they stood. She stared at the blue door then sighed. "Good night, Jendeukie."
Little did she know that Jennie was looking at her the peephole the whole time up she stood there until she left. The brunette smiled. "Good night to you too, Chu."
Rosé rested her head against her locker as she watched Lisa talk to one of the soccer guys. She was enraged at how the Thai giggled and twirled her hair while she talked to the guy. Her relationship with Lisa was complicated. They both liked each other but none of them would admit to it. Every hook up or kiss was just casual.
"Do you think Lisa is talking to that guy?" Jennie queried as she stepped in front of Rosé, blocking her view.
"Huh?" the girl broke from her trance.
"Lisa and Bobby" Jennie confirmed. "I've been seeing them together quite often the pass couple of days and she's always disappearing on me."
Rosé's eyes widened and a tint of red became visible on her cheeks at the mention of Lisa's disappearances. "Weird... but I'm not sure, she never mentioned." She turned to her locker and loosely fiddled with her lock.
"Are you sure?" Her captain pressed. "Lisa did mention that she goes and talks to you during her absence."
Rosé coughed. "W-wwhat?"
Jennie crinkled an eyebrow. "You're hiding something."
"No I'm not."
"Yes yo-" The other girl rebutted ready to argue but was caught off guard when she felt her feet off the ground. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets and grabbed onto the pair of arms wrapped around her waist. "Oh my god." She gasped. She wasn't fond of surprises.
"Good morning, Jendeukie." A guttural voice greeted.
Rosé sighed in relief as she saw Jisoo with Jennie. She was getting nervous with the brown-eyed girl's incessant questions. Now with Jisoo a distraction was provided for her other captain.
"Chu!" She greeted with a beam.
"Hey, Rosie." Jisoo replied happily. She placed the brunette down and readied herself for Jennie's wrath. She knew Jennie hated surprise attacks. As on cue, she felt a stinging pain in her left arm. "Ouch."
"Kim Jisoo." Jennie scolded, folding her arms across her chest.
"Jennie Kim." The pale girl mocked before forcing the girl to turn around so she could swathe her arms on the girl's waist. She rested her chin on Jennie's shoulder and pulled her closer.
Jennie turned her head slightly at Jisoo as Jisoo side-eyed Jennie. She tried to stand her ground but those glistening eyes of hers broke her down.
"Good morning." Jisoo whispered with a lop-sided grin.
"Hi." Jennie breathed with a growing smile.
They stared deeply into each other's eyes until their teammate made her presence known.
"Rosé is still present." The taller girl voiced out, raising her hand to show that she was still within their social radius.
Jisoo chuckled. She lifted her head up but let her hands linger on Jennie's hips. "I said hey to you!"
"Then you went to another planet with Nini." Rosé remarked knowingly.
"Alright. Point taken." The pale girl surrendered. "How's your morning?"
Rosé shrugged her shoulders. "Could have been better..." She glanced back to where Lisa was. Jisoo looked back and saw what caused the girl to be so down.
"I've been asking her questions." Jennie chimed, completely oblivious to the blatant stares at Lisa and Bobby.
"Jendeukie, what did I say about meddling?" Jisoo sighed as she gave the other girl a pointed look.
"I stopped."
"Only 'cus Jisoo scooped you up." Rosé sassed.
"Okay! Okay... I'll stop with the questions. Geez." Jennie shrunk. The bell rang, signaling students to report to their perspective homerooms. "Well. There's our cue. See you at lunch, Rosie." She broke out of Jisoo's embrace and started to walk away. "Chu... you coming?"
"You go ahead. I forgot something in my locker." Jisoo reassured.
"M'kay." Jennie nodded and headed down to her homeroom.
Rosé opened her locker quickly and took out some books she needed for the first few periods.
"Any thoughts on who you asking to Prom yet?" The dark haired girl asked casually trying to spark up a conversation with her best friend.
"Nope. I'm actually waiting for someone to ask me..." Rosé confessed in a desolated tone. "If they ask."
"I think you should take charge and ask that someone." Jisoo counseled.
"Well, from the looks of it. They already found another person to go with so why even bother..."
"You never know unless you try."
"I don't know." Rosé said unsurely.
"You have feelings for them, correct?"
She nodded. "I think."
"Then maybe you should tell them."
"They know."
"Oh yeah?" Jisoo leaned closer to Rosé. " 'Cus hiding and making out in an empty hallway doesn't really scream romance to me." And with that she turned around, jammed her hands in her jeans and strutted to her homeroom. She didn't bother to look back at Rosé, knowing that the girl's jaw probably dropped all the way to the ground.
"So what, Rosie? No one fucking cares in this school!" Lisa bellowed with fury. "I'm not into the closet type. It's either you want me or you don't."
The two girls were currently in a fight after Rosé blew up on Lisa for having a chat with Bobby. She didn't know it was about Jisoo and Nayeon. All she knew that Bobby was talking to her woman.
"Lisa, listen to me." Her teammate pleaded. She tried to reach for the Thai's hand but the other girl snatched it away.
"No, Rosé." The girl spat. "I'm done listening. For two years, we say this is 'casual' but why won't you admit you have feelings for me!"
"I do-" Rosé choked feeling guilty for what she's done.
"Then fucking act on it. Don't get all possessive and jealous when you see me talking with another person. You have no right!" Lisa barked. "I am NOT yours."
The way Lisa said it made Rosé's heart sting. All the rage bubbled up again making her say things she didn't mean.
"Why were you even talking to the guy?!" Rosé snapped. "Aren't you gay?"
The Thai glared at her teammate and slapped her across the face. "Don't fucking label me. I am ME." She turned her heels and stomped away from the girl.
"No Lisa! I didn't mean it." Rosé yelled but was completely ignored by the taller girl. "I'm sorry!"
"You know you majorly screwed the fuck up right?" Jisoo hummed as she took a bite off an apple.
"I know." Rosé sighed. She looked down at her food and pushed it away. She wasn't hungry. "She won't even talk to me."
Jisoo snorted. "I guessed that since she's sitting over there with the soccer guys."
The pink-haired girl lifted her gaze towards Lisa and frowned. "She's only doing that to make me more pissed."
"Rosie, you need to fix this." Her captain stated. "Jendeukie is going to realize something is wrong and will start asking questions again. I can't keep lying to her."
"I know. I know." Rosé sighed in defeat. "I just don't know how."
"Oh I don't know... ask her to prom... It is still Prom Week."
"You think she'll say yes?"
"Obviously." Jisoo retorted. "Why else do you think she's putting up a front right now?"
"Okay. I'm asking her."
"Great. I'll help."
"Help with what?" Jennie placed her tray next to where Jisoo sat and descended to her seat. She caught the end of the conversation and furrowed her eyebrows at the two girls.
"Oh, nothing." Jisoo lied as she smiled lovingly at Jennie.
"Seriously, tell me." Jennie pushed. She took a fry from her tray and popped it in her mouth.
"Sorry, Nini. It's classified." Rosé jumped in.
The brunette puffed and turned to Jisoo. She stuck out her bottom lip and widened her brown eyes.
"No... Don't you dare." The pale girl warned. She covered her eyes with her own hand and looked away from the pout. She was going to break.
"Pleassssseeeee." Jennie scooted closer to Jisoo and placed her hand on the girl's thigh making her jump off her seat.
"I need to use the restroom." She said quickly, taking her hand off and rushing out of the lunch hall.
"Damn." Jennie grumbled. "I thought I had her."
Rosé chuckled. "I don't get it. Are you guys a thing now?"
"I don't know." The other girl shrugged. "We're just playing it as we go on."
"Well from the looks of this morning, you guys have been all touchy feely with each other." Rosé smirked. "Did you guys kiss yet?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
"Rosie! Don't be ridiculous." Jennie gasped dramatically. "Jisoo and I aren't promiscuous! We have class."
"Yeah whatever."
"No, seriously. We haven't." The captain said truthfully. "You know Jisoo. She's very old fashion."
Rosé looked up to Jennie and smiled. "I'm happy you guys finally got to together. Even if it took you four years." She teased.
"Hey! I thought I was in love already!" Jennie defended.
"You were... you just didn't realize to whom."
"Alright, alright. I get it. I was a little blind-sided."
"I wish I was as lucky as you two."
"Yeah, you and Lisa..." The brunette said unintentionally as trailed off as she rummaged through Jisoo's lunch bag in search for strawberries.
Rosé froze at Jennie's words. "W-what do you mean?"
"Got it!" Jennie celebrated as she clutched the fruit in her hand. She turned her attention back to Rosé. "Oh, right. You and Lisa... both want the same thing. I talked to her this morning and she was also frustrated with her love life."
"Yeah. You should talk to Jisoo about this stuff though." Jennie muffled as she took a bite of the fruit. She covered her mouth slightly. "She's better at this stuff."
"That is true. You kinda suck!" Rosé nodded.
"Hey! I don't. Lisa always asks me for dating advice." The other girl said proudly. "She says I give the best."
"That's only because she doesn't ask anyone else for advice!"
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He left a promise broken... Before his death the one known as the Demon King left a promise broken, in the end he'd failed. Failed to create a place of peace for those persecuted as monsters, failed to do right by the memory she left, failed to save those that had supported him through his war against man, elves, dwarves and the gods themselves. His only solace; that he would meet his old friends once more in death. But it seemed the gods would refuse to grant him even that... By unknown means he is forced into the body of his four-year-old self and burdened with the task to fulfill the promises he'd broken. To find a path to peace when about him all called for war, gather friends and allies not just monster, not just human, his goal to turn the very order of the world upon its head while forces far greater than he imagined moved against him. With this new life he must put right what he had made wrong, No matter how steep the road ahead.
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Thorns of Jade [A Progression Fantasy LitRPG Adventure]
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Solo Leveling meets Chainsaw Man in this fun new LitRPG Series To become the king of Kissen, Noah Hearts trains to become the strongest swordsman in the world. The only problem — he can’t use Aura at all! Everything changes when he’s left for dead in a forest on the Kissen Fields… In a world where horrific creatures known as “demons” terrorize mankind, those who wield the mysterious force known as “aura” are the only ones who can fight them. These fighters call themselves the “Wolves of Haven”, and strive to create a world where demons no longer roam their lands! Though Noah Hearts is an exceptional swordfighter for a young man, his total inability to use aura means he could never hope to defeat the demons! Despite this major setback, he still hopes to become the king of Kissen and create a better world for those in his country! As he walks home from his daily training, his world is shifted upside down when he sees a few familiar faces in his home… This is the first draft of what I want to be a 9 volume series. I'll be editing, rewriting, and releasing the volumes on Amazon once they're finished. I'll admit, I'm finishing chapters in sprints because I want to participate in the writathon (Apr. 2022) so I apologize if there are some issues with the prose. Point them out to me and I'll fix them! Anyway, I have no backlog, but I plan on uploading chapters as I finish them. I don't want to spend weeks re-editing and never publishing like I used to, so I'm just gonna post when it's done. Like I said, this story is my take on a mix between solo leveling and chainsaw man. Specifically, the MC is the only one that can consciously level up (sort of), and the plot is fast paced and emotional just like chainsaw man. There are plenty of other inspirations, like HxH, Jojo, JJK, Cradle, and even FF6, but the first two are the biggest. Basically, if you don't like Shounen stuff, this probably isn't the story for you. Regardless, I hope you all like the story!
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Partners In Death
Hoga Yasahiro, who wished for death as he lost all interest in life, comes to realize he's immortal as he fails his suicide attempt. Isozaki Izumi who is so afraid of losing those around him, has a complicated past that led him to lead a simple life with simple goals as he struggles with attachment. As events escalate, Yasahiro and Izumi find out that they share nothing but immortality; making their partnership very hard. With no clue of how it happened, they start investigating and asking questions for very different reasons. Yasahiro wants to end it, and Izumi wants to make use of it. They start sharing memories of dying, a heavy secret with traumatic effects, traumatic enough to unite them in the face of whatever that comes, as it won't be as bad as death itself, or so they thought.. A story of two immortals struggling to live many lives in a world that has more mysteries than they could ever imagine.
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