《Mondays (Jensoo Convert)》"It just took one second to fall in love with her forever."
The locker room was filled voices overlapping one another as the girls in the volleyball team talked about their day and the gossip of the week. They were getting ready for a game by blasting up a premade pump up playlist from Spotify throughout the large room. The last song just ended and a new one started up.
Lisa was in the middle of putting her socks on when she recognized the familiar beat. "OHHHHHHH WHAT THE HELL!" She screamed, perking up and ran out in search for her teammate. She grinned from ear to ear when the song started and Justin Bieber's fetus voice echoed in the room. "WHERE THE FUCK IS JISOO?!"
Her question was answered when a bunch of girl squealed in excitement as they circled around two girls. She rushed over to the group and squeezed herself in to watch.
Jisoo held a deodorant close to her mouth as she sang the words to the song to no other than Jennie Kim.
"You know you love me, I know you care"
She pointed at the girl and smiled.
"Just shout whenever, and I'll be there"
She cupped a hand over her mouth and hopped forward to Jennie, who awkwardly stood there with a red face.
"You are my love, you are my heart. And we would never ever ever be apart" Jisoo grabbed one of Jennie's hand and placed it in her chest. A devilish glint sparked in her brown orbs. Jennie pushed her teammate back lightly and walked away from the girl.
"Are we an item? Girl, quit playing"
Jisoo followed her and kept serenading Jennie as her team cheered.
"We're just friends, what are you saying?"
The older jumped on a bench and walked on it towards Jennie with her hands raised up. The other girl ignored Jisoo as she fiddled with her locker. She placed a hand on Jennie's shoulder and spun her around.
"Say there's another and look right in my eyes"
She caressed Jennie's face and situated a finger below the girl's chin, lifting it up as she sang the next few words.
"My first love broke my heart for the first time." Jennie slapped Jisoo's hand away and glared at the girl. "And I was like..."
Everyone on the team broke out during the chorus, singing at the top of their lungs.
"Baby, baby, baby oooh
Like baby, baby, baby nooo
Like baby, baby, baby oooh
I thought you'd always be mine"
"YOU GUYS ARE ANNOYING!" Jennie screamed with a wide smile evident on her face. The whole team chuckled as they kept singing along.
Yeri and Lisa jumped in the circle together, draping their arms around Jisoo and smirked at Jennie. "Oh, for you she would have done whatever"
"Whatever, babe." Jisoo nodded as she crossed her arms.
"And we just can't believe you guys ain't together!" The duo belted out, altering the lyrics to correspond with the situation. "And she wanna play it cool, but she losin' you"
Jisoo pushed the two girls off her and kneeled down in front of Jennie. "I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring."
"Jisoo! Stop!" Jennie whined as she stomped her feet in protest. She brought a hand up her face and pinched the bridge of her nose.
Lisa scurried back next to Jisoo and tugged on her jersey. "She's in pieces, Nini fix her!" She grab the girl's shoulder and moved it side to side. "Please just shake her 'til you wake her from this bad dream."
"She's going down, down, down, down" The other girls harmonized then pointed back to Jisoo, who was still on her knees.
She looked up at Jennie with pleading eyes and clasped her hands together. "And I just can't believe my first love won't be around."
They all broke out in different dance moves as they sang. Jisoo leaped back up and joined her team.
She swayed her hips and sauntered over to Jennie, her hands extended out as an invitation. The brown-eyed girl sent her a threatening look before breaking into a smile and accepting it. Both girls banded back with their team and chanted the lyrics along.
Lisa sprung up one of the benches in the locker room and hollered, "ROSÉ!" Then directed everyone to back. The girl swaggered out of nowhere with a snapback on her head and a water bottle in her hand.
"When I was 13, I had my first love,
There was nobody that compared to my baby
And nobody came between us or could ever come above!"
"OHHH!" The team bellowed.
"She had me going crazy, oh, I was star-struck,
She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks."
"WOOH!" Jisoo cut in.
"She made my heart pound, it skipped a beat when I see her in the street and
At school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekend.
Rosé tipped the water bottle to face the girls as the chorus looped. The locker room bounced as every single girl crooned.
Jisoo searched for Jennie in the sea of bodies. She found her screaming the words of the song, jumping up and down with Lisa. Her eyes lit up as she smiled and crammed through to get to the girl. She took a hold of Jennie's hand causing the girl to whip her head towards her.
"Now I'm all gone." She sang in her husky tone. Their eyes connected and it seemed like the world stopped. "I'm gone..." She brought the hand up her lips and kissed it tenderly while she made sure she didn't break the eye contact.
Jennie leered at Jisoo as blood rushed to her cheeks. She did have a girlfriend but her girlfriend was nothing like Kim Jisoo.
Jisoo threw her head back as she laughed wildly at something Jennie had said. Her teammates, however, looked at her like she was crazy.
"What?" She shrugged. "It was funny."
"Nini, I never get your jokes." Rosé admitted sadly, shooting an apologetic face at her captain.
"Yeah same goes for us." Yeri hummed gesturing to her and Lisa.
"At least Jisoo does!" Jennie piped up then looked over at the giggling girl. She grinned at the sight. "See. She's the only one that laughs at my jokes. This is why I missed her!"
It was first time in weeks that the girl sat with her teammates for lunch. Everyone missed her and she missed them. She usually sat in the soccer table with Nayeon but today she had to tutor someone in the library and sitting with the soccer girls without the girl made her uncomfortable.
"Is that the only reason, Kim?" Jisoo challenged as she took a bite off her sandwich. She stared at her co-captain waiting for her to deny it or deflect the question and was caught off guard when Jennie did the opposite.
"No, I missed your pretty face too." The other girl replied smoothly with a smug smile. Jisoo nearly choked at a piece of bread while Yeri and Rosé gaped at the brunette. Lisa, on the other hand, chuckled lightly.
"Do my ears deceive me or did Jennie Kim just hit on Jisoo?" The Thai smirked.
"I think I need to clean my ears..." Yeri mumbled as she brought up her pinky finger and pushed it in her ear. "Does anyone have some Q-tips?"
The other girls snickered while Jennie's face twisted. She caught a glimpse of Nayeon walking towards them and couldn't help but think that the girl was going to take Jisoo away.
"Jendeukie, are you okay?" Jisoo asked worriedly, tilting her head to examine the girl.
"I was..." She mumbled before bowing her head down.
"Chu!" Nayeon crept behind Jisoo and screamed, poking Jisoo in her sides. The volleyball player jumped in surprise before turning her face towards the other girl.
"Hey." She greeted half-heartedly.
Nayeon leaned in and pecked Jisoo on the cheeks. "Hey babe." Jennie clenched her jaw and sighed heavily as she watched, which didn't go unnoticed by Lisa. The Thai kept her eye on Jennie, curious in her sudden change of mood along with her behavior in the past few days.
"You scared the shit out of me." Jisoo rasped as she combed her hair. "What are you doing here? I thought you were tutoring someone."
"I finished." Nayeon plopped down next to Jisoo and went through the girl's lunch bag. "I'm hungry. You got something good in here?" She grabbed a piece of fruit blindly and took it out of the brown sack. She furrowed her eyebrows together and looked at Jisoo. "You told me you're not a fan of strawberries..."
"I'm not." Jisoo answered casually. "Those are for Jendeukie." She nodded off to her teammate whose eyes bulged out at the sudden admission. "She loves them."
Nayeon held the fruit in her hand and reluctantly handed it off to Jennie. "Oh. So, I guess this is yours?"
"No. No... Um you can have it!" Jennie shook her head and pushed the fruit back to the girl. "I'm getting tired of them anyway."
"You never get tired of strawberries." Jisoo quipped.
"Well I'm tired of them now." Jennie sassed back playfully with a soft chuckle.
"Oh are you?"
"Yes, I am."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yeah?!"
The soccer player eyed the pair suspiciously and placed the fruit down. Jealousy got the best of her. "Jisoo! Can you, um, come with me to my locker real quick?"
Both Jisoo and Jennie whipped their heads to Nayeon, who they have completely forgotten. The pale girl gulped at the other girl's tone and nodded coyly.
"Of course."
Nayeon stood up and was followed by Jisoo. She reached for Jisoo's hand and did not hesitate to intertwine them, making sure a certain someone saw it. She basically dragged Jisoo out of the cafeteria away from her teammates.
Meanwhile, Jennie groaned internally as she stared at the couple's entwined hands. She folded her arms over the table and rested her head on top of it. She watched the pair until they disappeared out the door.
"Nini, what the hell was that?" Lisa nudged softly, gaining the brown-eyed girl's attention.
"What was what?" Jennie sighed flatly.
"You've been acting weird the past weeks. It's like you changed when you're around Jisoo and Nayeon."
"No I haven't."
"Yes you have! It's like you get all flirty with Jisoo and then act all shy when Nayeon is around." The tall middle stated. "It's like... it's like you-"
"No." Jennie interrupted, forcing her eyes closed. "Jisoo has a girlfriend or someone. She's dating someone and I can't have a crush on her. I can't like her. Not now."
Lisa had no words. Her captain confessed something she would have never seen coming. That wasn't Jennie Kim. She turned to Yeri, who was in a deep conversation with Rosé and was too busy to overhear her talk with Jennie.
"Yeri!" She hit the dark skinned girl's arm repeatedly until Yeri whirled to her.
"What Lisa!" Yeri barked, making Rosé to flinch and turn her attention to the Thai also.
"I think Nini wants to tell us something..." Lisa trailed off, and pointed back to their captain.
Jennie looked in pain as she lifted her gaze to her teammates. She glanced between the three girls and bit her lip. "I think... I t-think I have feelings for Jisoo."
"Hey slow down." Jisoo requested softly, her feet trying to keep up with Nayeon's fast pace.
The soccer player pulled her out in the hallway in the direction to her locker. A couple of her teammates passed by and whistled at them.
"Nayeon! You're bringing your girlfriend to the party on Friday, right?" One of the girls hollered at the pair.
"Girlfriend?" Jisoo muttered lowly.
Nayeon faked on a smile before responding, "Of course I am!"
"Awesome! And Kim, bring some of your volleyball girls as well." The girl winked at the pale girl then walked off into the lunch hall. Once she was gone, Jisoo looked at Nayeon questioningly.
"Girlfriend?" She asked clearer.
The brunette chuckled nervously, bringing her hand back to rub the nape of her neck. "About that... the team thought since you and I have been going out for a while now, that we're basically girlfriends."
"And you didn't correct them?" Jisoo knitted her eyebrows together.
"Should I have?" Nayeon retorted bitterly. "Isn't that what we are..."
"Nayeon." Jisoo tried.
"No, Jisoo. Tell me. What are we doing?" The soccer player fumed. "We go on dates. We hang out almost every day. We hold hands. We kiss! What the hell do you call that?"
"We're dating. That's what people do when they date." Jisoo replied calmly. "What's going on with you?"
"It's been weeks Jisoo. I think we've surpassed dating." Nayeon scoffed. "I've been waiting for you to make it official but it seems like you don't want to."
The dark haired girl sighed. She knew this was coming sooner or later but she hoped it to be later. The thing was that she did like Nayeon. She liked hanging out with her and talking about stuff. She liked the feeling she had when they held hands or kissed but it wasn't special enough. She delayed the whole 'label' thing because she was still waiting for the spark.
"I don't know." Jisoo revealed sadly.
"What do you mean you don't know!" Nayeon exasperated. She was furious. "Jisoo, is this real to you?!"
"Yes. It is, Nayeon. You know that."
"Then why do I feel like this is one sided?"
That struck a chord. Jisoo frowned. "You, very well, know that I am putting as much effort as you are. I spend almost my entire day with you or talking to you. I care for you just like I know you care for me." She scolded.
Nayeon felt like an asshole for being so insensitive. Of course, the relationship wasn't one sided. Jisoo did everything for Nayeon; she was the perfect, considerate and caring. She untwined her hand from Jisoo's and buried her face in her hands. She rubbed in her eye sockets briefly before sliding her hands down.
"I know. I'm sorry." She said sheepishly. "I'm super insecure right now. I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's okay." Jisoo reassured, stepping forward and engulfing the girl in a hug. She rubbed the girl's back soothingly and rested her chin on the girl's shoulder.
"Can't we just make this official? You like me and I like you." Nayeon mumbled into Jisoo's shoulder.
The volleyball player moved back.
"Unless... unless you don't want to?" The girl panicked, her eyes widening at Jisoo's body language.
"It's not that I don't want to. I do like you, Nayeon." Jisoo started. "But I can't. Not just yet. I want to be fully in it when I ask and right now... I'm not ready."
"Because you're still in love with Jennie." Nayeon puffed.
"I don't want to hurt you. I want these feelings to go away so that I can commit. Fully."
"You're in love with her, Jisoo. Those feelings will never go away. She's your first love."
"No, it'll go away." Jisoo pressed. "Every minute I spend with you helps me let go."
"That might be true, but just one look at her and all those feelings will come rushing back in again." Nayeon countered deliberately. She watched as Jisoo's face fell. "I see it every time you look at her or even at the mention of her name... it's like a surge of energy goes through you or something."
She laughed gently. "You light up and your eyes sparkle. And I know you try and hide it when I'm around but I still see it... in a way it's contagious. I fall for you... falling for her..."
Jisoo opened her mouth to say something but was quickly interjected by the other girl.
"You don't have to defend yourself, Chu. You're hopelessly and deeply in love with Jennie Kim. I knew when I asked you out. I mean everyone kind off already knew. They way you guys look at each other is all so enthralling, like a prince finding his princess and their..."
"Happy ending." Jisoo finished.
Nayeon nodded. "I guess that's why Irene always felt so threatened by you. I feel the same when I see you with Jennie."
"I can't seem to get over her." Jisoo grumbled.
"Maybe you're not meant to."
"What about you? What about us?"
The soccer player snorted. "I think we both know what's going to happen next."
"No, Nayeon. We can make this work." Jisoo argued.
"We can't, Chu. As much as I like you and want to hold on to you, it hurts too much." Nayeon cupped Jisoo's face and connected their foreheads. Her hazel eyes locked with brown ones. "I'm letting you go." She whispered before leaning in and capturing Jisoo's soft lips within hers.
Jisoo fluttered her eyes close and kissed Nayeon gently, moving her lips in sync with the other girl's. Their kiss lasted for a minute before the brunette pulled away.
"This was harder than I thought." She panted, breathless from the kiss.
"You'll always be my pretty petal." Jisoo breathed as she opened her eyes and stared into Nayeon. "Friends?"
The brunette let out a small chuckle. "I guess." She teased. "But you know what. After graduation, if Jennie still doesn't have the balls to sweep you off your feet... I will. You and I will go far away from her as possible and I will make you fall in love with me, Kim Jisoo."
"I'll take you up on that offer." Jisoo smiled.
"So...tell me." Nayeon queried.
"Tell you what?"
"Tell me how you fell in love with her."
"I don't know... all I know is that
After the talk with Nayeon, Jisoo decided to walk around the school halls instead of going back to the lunch hall. She needed some air. She didn't know how to feel about breaking it off with Nayeon. She was her first relationship.
She stuffed her hands in her jean pocket and rounded the corner to a row of lockers. She stopped dead in her tracks as she locked on two figures heavily making out. Two girls.
"Not again." Jisoo muttered under her breath before squinting to make out who they were. "Is that..." Her eyes widen at the familiarity of the silhouettes. She slowly backtracked as quietly as possible. She pressed her back against the corner and listened for confirmation.
"Lisa, don't leave a mark." Rosé husked.
"It is." The captain whispered to herself. She slapped a hand on her mouth to suppress herself from screaming. 'Lisa and Rosie? Who would have thought?' She thought.
"I won't. Relax." Lisa replied in a sultry voice. A couple of moans and groans filled the hallway, making Jisoo more uncomfortable.
"What the hell is with this hallway?" Jisoo mumbled in her hand. She heard Rosé's moans get louder and had enough. She tiptoed her way on the opposite side and sprinted when she felt far enough that her teammates wouldn't hear her.
She glanced back to check if the two girls had caught up and was relieved to see no one behind her. However, once she faced forward, she found herself colliding with another body.
"Jisooooo..." The other girl complained as she rubbed her forehead. "What the fuck?"
"Jendeukie?" Jisoo lifted an eyebrow when she was met with her favorite chocolate orbs. She shook her head and blinked a few times. The other girl groaned and tried to get up.
"Shit." Jennie grumbled, stumbling back down.
"Are you okay?" The pale girl asked her voice filled with concern.
"You tackled me." Jennie deadpanned as she threw her teammate a death glare.
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