《Smile For Me || Niall Horan》14: Dreams Do Come True


When morning finally comes I pretend to be asleep again. Yeah, I stayed awake the rest of the night just thinking about stuff. For a little while I took out my laptop and did some picture editing. Sure enough Uncle Dave had sent me even more files. Ugh. I still have to call him about that.

I hate my job.

"Lexi," I hear Niall say. I still pretend to be asleep, rolling over and letting out a groan as I cover my head with my pillow. "Lex, come on. You need to get up."

"Why?" I complain in a groggy voice. "I'm tired. Let me sleep." I honestly thought I was a pretty good actress.

"Nope. We have a meeting with management."

"Why do I need to be there?" This I was actually curious about. He just smirks at me.

"Dunno. I'll get the ice bucket if you're not up in five minutes," he warns.

"Pushy," I mumble, rolling off the couch.

After showering and brushing my teeth I get dressed. Finally after rummaging through my suitcase I decide on a pair of skinny jeans and a sky blue top. It was pretty simple. I brought my white zip up sweat jacket just in case I got cold. It is autumn after all.

"I'm ready," I tell Niall as I attach my necklace around my neck. I don't know how this boy does it but he's always ready in the quickest timing. He had on a white tank top and light brown shorts. He had a red snap back hat on his head and wore his sneakers that he always wore. I thought he looked cu-

Never mind.

We walk down to the lobby and meet the others there. We all jump in the tour bus as the boys say hello to a few fans. I keep my head down, not wanting anything to do with the fans or the paparazzi. Especially after everything that happened yesterday.


"So is there a reason we're coming to your management meeting?" I ask, getting into the tour bus. The boys all smirk at each other. "What is going on?!" I ask, feeling out of the loop. They all obviously knew something I didn't.

No one answers me so I just sigh and cross my arms, leaning back in my seat.

"This is unfair," I mumble.

"You love us," Zayn says, giving a cheesy smile. I playfully roll my eyes.

"You're lucky I do."

"And we love you too," Liam says, kissing my head. I smile. I kept asking the boys during the ride there if there was an actual reason Claire and I had to be there but no one would tell me anything.

Cheeky bastards.

"We're here!" Louis announces as the bus driver pulls into a parking lot of a large building. I had no idea where we were but I really didn't care. I just wanted to know what these boys were keeping from me.

"Would you please please please tell me why I'm here for your meeting? Am I just supposed to sit there and listen to all your managers and stuff talk about you guys?" I ask, still wanting to know. They all smirk at me.

"Who said the meeting was about us?" Harry asks, still smirking as they lead me through the building to the conference room. I think about his words. The more I think about them though the less I understand them.

"Hello! You must be the Alexis I've heard so much about. I'm Simon Cowell, but you can call me Uncle Simon. Nice to meet you," says a man that I recognize from American Idol. He shakes my hand and I smile. He seemed to be a lot nicer than I interpreted from his television shows.


"Nice to meet you too."

"And you must be Claire," he says, smiling down at her. She grins up at him and nods.

"I've heard lots of good things. Now, Alexis, I've seen your video and-"

"Wait, I'm sorry, what video?" I ask. All the boys were smiling and looking at the floor.

"Oh! The lads sent me a video from their concert a few nights ago. I suppose a fan recorded it or something. Anyways you have a lovely voice and I think you honestly could go far with a music career." He grins at me. I stare at him with my jaw practically on the ground.

"You're kidding."

"Nope. Completely serious. I would like to sign you to a record deal."


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