《Together we howl》Chapter 6


Hermione's POV

We were left in pure amusement as we listened to their conversation, though we were rather confused by their reaction to us.

"They've gone to sleep," Ginny said with a soft smile, making me turn my head towards the now four unconscious figures.

"I'm going over there" She stated before grabbing her belongings and standing up.

"Gin, you cant just hover over four sleeping wolves" I hissed with wide eyes, completely horrified to see how they react.

"It will be fine" She waved it off and began to walk up the beach, I let out a groan and collected my things, following close behind. As we approached, Ginny jumped onto a rock and took a seat, watching them with a wide grin, making me roll my eyes and sit beside her.

"I knew they would all be handsome, look how peaceful they are" She cooed, making me look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't look at me like that, I feel much better over here. I'm not feeling frustrated anymore"

"I know what you mean" I agreed and turned my attention onto the four muscular figures, though my eyes were drawn to one particular. I could tell he was the oldest but not by much and I could feel his powerful aura, confirming my assumptions about him being the alpha.

"You're most definitely a date an alpha type of woman" She teased with a mischievous smirk, causing my cheeks to heat up.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I responded casually with a shrug, causing her to scoff and turn her attention back onto them.

"Aren't they cute, like large teddy bears" She cooed once again, but this time, they jumped up with horrified expressions.

"Oops" She whispered before we both burst out into laughter. It took us a few moments to gain control and once we looked up, my eyes immediately met the Alphas. He suddenly became tense and his eyes widened, making me strengthen up in worry, though I noticed the same thing happening to one of the others, whose eyes were locked onto Ginny.

"Are you okay?" I questioned softly, my eyebrows furrowed in concern. I look at the other two, who were watching their friends with knowing smiles.

"Is he okay?" I questioned once again, gaining their attention.

"He's fine" The one from the diner responded with a wide smile, I tilted my head slightly but I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face. The two silent men suddenly snapped out of their daze, blinking rapidly before shaking their heads. I raised an eyebrow at the alpha, and much to my surprise, his cheeks began to have to pink tint to them. Which I found extremely adorable.


"Sorry for waking you up, we just thought you looked adorable and wanted to get a closer look" I turned towards her with a raised eyebrow, clearing my throat to which she rolled her eyes.

"Okay fine, I thought you all look adorable and wanted to get a closer look" She huffed, causing then to chuckle whilst I smiled victoriously.

"I'm Hermione by the way, that's Ginny" I introduced us as I leaned back, resting on my arms with a wide smile.

"Pleasure" Ginny winked flirtatiously towards a particular one. I let out a giggle when his eyes darkened and a growl escaped his chest, though if it wasn't for our enhanced hearing, we wouldn't have heard it.

"I'm Sam, this is Jared, Paul and Jacob" The Alpha, who I now know as Sam, introduced as he pointed at each individual. I tilted my head to the side as I scanned Sam's body, he was extremely handsome and intimidating and for whatever reason, I want to jump his bones right here and now. I want to feel every muscle under my fingertips and I most definitely want to see what's under those shorts.

I shook my thoughts away and looked up, noticing Sam watching me with lustful eyes. A flirtatious smile formed on my face and I once again leaned back, where his eyes began to scan my entire figure, every curve and imperfection.

"Could you give us a few moments, I think my dear sister needs to be in the cold water" My head snapped towards Ginny and she gave me a knowing expression. I nodded my head and we both jumped off the ledge, landing firmly on our feet before taking off towards the water. The cold water splashed against our bodies and we immediately dived face-first into the deep ocean. Our glowing amber eyes began to fade, meaning we were gaining more control of the wolf.

"Damn Alpha" I hissed Quietly in frustration as we began to leave the water, causing Ginny to laugh as I nudged her playfully. I place my hair over one shoulder and try my hardest to drain the seawater out of it, my attention was drawn toward Ginny, who let out a quiet growl.

"What's wrong with you?" I questioned with a frown.

"I want to jump his bones" She groaned, causing my head to turn towards the four wolves, who were watching us intensely. I let out a little laugh and wrap my arm around her shoulder as we make our way toward them. I stood beside Sam, who instinctively scooted closer to me and with one brush of the arm, my body erupted with goosebumps and my breath hitched in my throat.


"Are you alright, little one?" He asked quietly whilst the others conversed. I didn't realise how tall he was until I had to look up to see his face, which happened to have a large smirk on It.

"I'm not little, you're just ridiculously tall" He let out a deep chuckle, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach and all I wanted to do is clamp my legs shut to cause some friction on my aching core.

"Hermione" My head snapped towards Ginny, whose face was full of worry and anger. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion until a stench hit my nostrils, the scent of a vampire that I know is not allowed in Le Push. My hands began to shake in anger, and with a nod of my head, she ran to collect our belongings.

"I'm sorry we have to cut this short, but it seems we have some work to do" They all glanced at one another with confusion and watched as Ginny and I put our clothes on.

"We will see you again, yeah?" Jacob asked with hopeful eyes. A smile formed on my face and I nodded my head.

"Of course, how can we stay away from our boys" I responded with a wink before Ginny and I ran down the beach and into the nearby woods. We began to sniff the air, hoping the catch the scent.

"It's gone west" and with that, we used our vamp speed to run west. It wasn't long until we caught a glimpse of a red-haired vampire. We jumped over fallen trees and ducked under branches until we came to a cliff, which separates Le push from forks. She jumped into the vampire's territory, stopping and turning to us with a smug smirk. Ginny and I both let out loud growls, causing her to jump back with wide eyes, fear was apparent in her red globes. Our attention was snapped towards the distant sound of running, we knew it was the vampires who had sensed an unwelcome visitor on their land.

"Good luck" Ginny sang as we watched the vampire turn and run full speed out of sight.

"She's their problem for now" I stated before we turned and made our way back home.

"We have the construction workers coming around tomorrow. I hired them to take a look around and see if there's anything that needs fixing or if they have any ideas on what to do with the space in the main entrance and garden" I said as I placed my keys on the small table by the front door.

"Why don't you hire someone from our world? It will be much quicker" Ginny asked as she sat on the stall at the kitchen counter, waving her wand to turn on the kettle.

"I met this man when I was waiting for the paperwork to go through for the car, his name is Bill and we got talking and I mentioned that we needed someone. Luckily, he has a close friend and was more than willing to inform them" I shrug before opening the fridge, pulling out items to make us some snacks.

"I still think magic would be a lot easier" Ginny shrugged.

"Bill is part of the Quileute tribe, I'm thinking he could be one of the three members of the tribal council. It's only assumptions though, I can't be too sure" I responded, causing Ginny to hum in understanding as I hand her a sandwich that I had made.

"What are we going to do about that red-haired bloodsucker? I feel that she's going to cause some problems"

"Kill her" I respond with a shrug, she raises her eyebrow before sniggering and shaking her head in amusement.

"Who do you think will get to her first, the vamps or the pack?" I let out a dramatic gasp, placing a hand over my chest in mocking shock.

"Do you doubt us, dear sister?" She rolled her eyes before throwing a grape at me, it made contact with my forehead. She burst out into laughter whilst I glared at her half-heartedly.

"Bitch" I mumbled under my breath.

"No, I don't doubt us but we both know that either side could be the one to kill her" I hummed in agreement.

"Well, we best make sure we are there then"

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