《Living With The Asshole》Chapter 9


"Bye, Trent," I said coldly as Trent got out of the car.

He sighed,running a hand through his hair.

"Ashley... "

"Yes Trent? "


"We need to talk," I said to him.

"But..." he looked towards Aaron pointedly.

Aaron had his headphones shoved in.He was listening to some loud music and occasionally singing along.

I gave Trent a flat look and got out as well.

"Do you have any other excuse?"

"I'm sorry,Ashley. I had a lot in my mind and,and I didn't know where else to go to clear my head. For some reason, I thought I'd feel better if I talked to her,"he shrugged.

"Did it work?"

"Honestly no. When I went there, I thought ..I thought I'd get some answers,like, why she did it...I don't know Ashley I was just so confused.And going there...It wasn't the right thing to do..." he trailed off looking away.

"It's okay.I understand.You don't have to apologize,Trent.But next time,maybe think of telling me when you need someone to talk to?You know I'm always here for you, right?"

"I do," he smiled at me."Love you,"he hugged me tightly.

That made my eyes water."Love you too,"I hugged him back.

He pulled away and his eyes widened as he saw my face.

"Are you crying?"

"What?No.Of course not."

"You're still a baby aren't you?" he said jokingly.

"Maybe I am," I stuck my tongue out childishly.

"Can we leave?"

It was Aaron.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'll just be a second."

"I'll see you tomorrow,I promise," Trent said as I turned towards him again.

"You better.",I smiled at him and got back in the car.


"What?" I snapped at Aaron.

"Nothing, nothing,"he said,not even turning to look at me.

"You know -"I began but stopped when he put his headphones back on.

"Dick," I grunted and shoved in my headphones as well.


"We're actually having dinner together,"Amanda saidin disbelief.

"Always knew this one was a genius,"Aaron said to me sarcastically,taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Aaron?" Amanda said.

"Yes, sister?" Aaron shot her a sarcastic smile.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Whatever.What do we have for dinner?"he asked ,shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Eyes stopped working like your brain?"

He glared at her and then at me as I laughed.It was wonderful how Amanda could make her annoying brother shut up.

"I -Shut up.Pass me the steak,"he said.

I shot him an innocent smile before passing the steak to him at a very slow pace.

He glanced at me again though and,shot me a scowl which I returned with a grin.

"Hows's Cole,Ashley?Haven't talked to him since that day we met at the cafe," Amanda said.

"Oh,he's good.Maybe we should all go grab dinner some time," I suggested.

"That's a great idea!"

I nodded,chewing the food.

"So,do you know what you're doing yet?For the fundraiser thing?" Amanda asked.


I shook my head."I haven't been able to think of anything yet."

"It's okay.You still have time to think over it.Besides, we're here if you need any kind of help,"she smiled.

"Yeah,"Aaron muttered so quietly that I almost didn't hear him.

I couldn't help but smile.I'd just lost a friend but I had gained two.Even if Aaron didn't really show it,I could tell he was a genuinely nice person too.Annoying yes, but nice all the same.

We chatted for some time after dinner and then all three of us went to our rooms.I, however, went to Aaron's.

"Yo," he said when he saw me in his room.

I shot him a look, which he did not see since he was busy taking his shirt off.

My eyed widened slightly but I didn't say anything.

"So, I, uh.We need to,need to um, talk," I was stuttering, almost, trying to keep my eyes away from his now bare chest.

"Yeah? About what?" he asked.

I could swear I saw him smirk a bit.

"Well, you know."

"No, I don't know?"

"The, uh,that," I said stupidly.

Why wasn't my brain functioning?

He was now really smirking as he advanced towards me.

I gulped but stayed glued to where I was.I couldn't move.

"Was it about," he was now exactly two inches away from my face. "The kiss?" he whispered,coming even closer.

I narrowed my eyes at him and shoved his chest, even though I could feel myself blushing fiercely.

He stared at me weirdly."You alright,Ashley?" he asked worriedly.

Of course,it must have looked like I was having a stroke or something.

I cleared my throat."Yeah,"my voice was slightly shaky.

"So.." he came closer once again.I looked in his eyes.

He leaned down slowly, and my eyes widened when I got a sense of deja vù as I remembered the night when he'd kissed me at the party.

And then,what I did was weird.I screamed.Right in his face.

"God, woman! What the fuck?" he yelled at me,moving away.

I did shut up a few seconds later.

"You've damaged my ears permanently,you idiot,"he scolded me,rubbing his ears with his fingers.

"I'm sorry! I thought you -"

He left the room before I could finish speaking.

"Asshole!" I yelled at him and winced.My throat hurt from all the screaming.

I stomped to my room ,huffing.

This was downright ridiculous.How could he do this? It was not practical, really. I mean what is practical about a guy, who has no feelings for you, or you for him, to kiss you,or try to kiss you?


The next day, I woke up early and went straight to school.I bought some coffee and a donut on the way.

I was supposed to meet Mr.Meyers.The thought of meeting him had me pretty anxious because ever since Mr.Meyers had told me about what I was supposed to do,I hadn't really started working on it.

Well, I'm a procrastinator,sue me.

"Ashley?" Josh, one of my not-so-close-but-still-good-friends (and my ex-crush) called from behind.


Honestly,I had a massive crush on him last year. Massive.

What with his amazing blonde hair, cute green eyes and perfect body,how could I not like him?

Besides he played the guitar,and I was a sucker for guys who played the guitar.Or any musical instrument,for that matter.

I was over him, though.

"Josh," I smiled at him.

"How are ya ?"he asked

Last year if he talked to me, I'd be practically fangirling inside.

"So you're going to be the supervisor this year? That's great," he smiled.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, smiling back.

"Oh, I almost forgot what I'd come here for.Mr.Meyers is looking for you," he told me.

"Okay, thanks.I was just heading there anyway."

"Yeah.Well,I'll see you around," he said and walked away.

I started walking towards Mr.Meyers' office.

It was so weird how crazy I was about Josh last year.The way he smiled,the way he sang,the way he played the guitar.


"That's it!" I whisper yelled to myself.

A concert. How awesome would a concert be for a fundraising event?

I smiled and continued walking to Mr.Meyers' office when someone came from behind me.

"Hey Ash!" a familiar voice said making me stop in my tracks.

"Cole! Where have you been?" I grinned at him as he walked upto me.

"Just you know,busy," he winked at me.


"With?" I asked just to confirm what I thought he meant.

"Basketball practice.Got a match coming up this weekend."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Well, what were you expecting? Dirty mind!" he fake gasped.

''Shut up," I laughed, nudging him.

"Ow!" he said overdramatically,as if I'd hurt him.

I rolled my eyes. Cole and his dramatic ways.

"So how's it goin'?What have you thought about this, thing?"he questioned as we headed towards the canteen.

"I literally just figured out what I want to do.I was thinking about a concert, what do you think?" I asked, excitedly.

He was quiet for a bit making me go mad but what he finally said made me grin."That's brilliant! "

"Thank you! I came up with it because of Josh.You're the first person to know about this."

"What was that ?Something about Josh?" he cupped his hand over his ear."Still not over him, I see,"he teased me.

"Cole!" I elbowed his ribs.

"Hey!Quit hitting me!" he faked a wince.

I shook my head,chuckling.

"But,on a serious note, I think you should start planning now."

"Yeah, you're right. I need to start planning things out."

It was stupid,this whole fundraising thing.

Our school had plenty of money.They could easily pay for the prom and all. But no,they wanted the students (me in particular, it seemed) to work their asses off for this.

"Well I'll have to see you in a bit. I need to go see Mr.Meyers."

"See ya then, Ashley."


I came out of Mr.Meyers' office,feeling way better than I had before.

I told him what I'd thought and although he said that he thought it was a good idea but we'd probably fall short of money,still.

Assuringly I'd said "I'll think of something. "

I did say that to him but I had no idea how I was going to arrange it.

At least I knew what I was going to do.

"Cole!" I called as I spotted him near the entrance sitting alone.

"You done?"


"So? What'd he say? "

I told him about our conversation.

"Great.I'll help you out with whatever you want too.It'll be fun," he grinned.

I couldn't help grinning back at his enthusiasm.

"Can we go get something to eat? I'm starving," Cole said.

"Yeah,me too."

"C'mon then," he said, throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"Hey-wait. I almost forgot.I told Trent to come here. He's going through a rough time."

Cole nodded. "Yeah,I know."

"I wish I could turn Kayla into a snowman -or woman, whatever,so that she'd stay frozen in one place and then melt away,so that no one would have to see or listen to her crap ever,"he said as we walked around the school,waiting for Trent.

I chuckled."That's pretty creative,Cole.But I'd do that without hesitation too."


Cole and I turned around to see Trent walking towards us.I hoped he hadn't heard us talking about Kayla because thinking about her would just make him more miserable.

"Trent.Hey,man," Cole said.

"Hi Trent," I gave him a small smile.

"Hi," he flashed us a smile, but it looked forced.

Cole seemed to notice it too, because he glanced at me.

"Well, we were just going to eat something.Let's go?" I suggested.

"Yeah," they both said.


" The Hunger Games."

"Step Up."


"Yes, Insidious."

"What? No way.We are not watching that. No way,"Cole said.

We were at Cole's house, all three of us,in his room. We'd decided to order pizza,(although it was hardly ten in the morning )and try to cheer Trent up. He needed the distraction.

After stuffing our faces with three large cheesy pizzas,(which of course reminded me of a certain guy who loved pizza)we thought of watching a movie.

"Oh yes we are," I grinned cheekily.

"Trent?" Cole looked at Trent for help.

"We watch what Ashley says. Insidious it is," he winked at me.

Seems like our plan is working.I glanced at Cole, who was pouting like a little kid while Trent put the movie on.

"OH MY GOD NO!" Cole screamed so loudly that his mom came in.

The sudden opening of the door scared Cole so much,he screamed again and fell off the sofa,making Trent and me crack up.

We laughed till our stomachs hurt.and tears came out of our eyes.

All this while, Cole's mother looked at us like we'd gone nuts.

"Kids,these days," she sighed and left.

"I hate you guys! I'm going to leave right now!",

Cole said almost angrily,getting up from the floor.

"Cole,this is kinda your house," Trent pointed out.

"Moron," Cole scowled at him,realising he was wrong again.

"Did you pee your pants too,Cole?" I piped in,just to piss him off even more.

"ASSHOLES!" he yelled, pouncing on us.

. :D

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