《Living With The Asshole》Chapter 8


''Hey Cole."

"Hey.How are you?"

"I'm... well,not great.Can you pick me up right now please?It's important," I told Cole over the phone.

"I-Yeah.Is everything alright?"

"I can't find Trent.He isn't home and he isn't answering his phone."

It was getting too much.No matter how hard I tried to make things work,something always went wrong.Always.

Like the pain of losing my best friend wasn't enough already,I had to see my other best friend devastated and now this?It was too much to take and I very nearly broke down but I didn't.I somehow resisted it.

"Ashley, he probably just wants to be alone.Give him some time."

"But Cole,he never disappears like this.You know him."

"I guess you're right.I'll be there in soon,okay?Don't worry," he said reassuringly.

"Yeah thank-Hey,wait.I'm not at Kayla's house.I'll text you the address ,yeah?"

"Wait, aren't you at the Woods'?"


"Don't worry I got it.Be there soon," he said and hung up.

Considering how Cole lived twenty minutes away from my house,it would probably take him even longer to reach this place.

But that was way too long.I couldn't wait that long. I needed to find Trent and I needed to find him soon.

I decided to walk.I couldn't just sit there and wait for Cole to turn up.

I was getting really anxious.

But as soon as I went outside the house,a car pulled into the driveway-with Aaron inside.

I glanced at him as as he stepped out of the car.Our eyes made contact and he shot me a curious look.

I ignored him and continued walking.

"Hey!" he called from behind.

I turned around. "What?"

"Are you..uh ..going somewhere?"he asked,walking closer to me.



"Do you want me to...drop you?"he said hesitantly.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

Why was he being nice today?I would've refused but I really needed to find Trent soon.

"Well,I could use a ride. But..." I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Is everything okay?"he asked,frowning.

"Um,my...my friend,Trent-I can't find him."

"Let's go," he said and kind of, sort of,gave me a small smile. Or maybe that was my imagination?Was Aaron Woods actually being nice to me?It was most definitely my imagination.

I smiled back despite myself, looking into his warm eyes.

He wasn't a bad person, just a slightly crazy one.

He led the way and I followed him to the same car he'd just gotten out of a few minutes ago.

I texted Cole that I had gotten a ride. He replied saying that he'd go look at other places where he could be.

"Hey,you don't have to come. I can go on my own," I told him when I saw him climb into the backseat.

"Well, I don't have anything else to do so I might as well go with you," he shrugged, nonchalantly.

I told the driver to go to Trent's street. Then I'd look elsewhere.

I leaned my head against the window,thinking of the places where Trent could be. As I sat there in the car, it suddenly occurred to me that he could be at Kayla's house. But it was Trent after all-he wasn't that stupid. He wouldn't go there...Right?

''So what happened?" Aaron asked suddenly.

"I'm sorry?" I turned to look at him.

"To Trent, I mean."

"I can't find him anywhere."

"No,I mean I know that but I'm guessing something happened?"

"How did you..." I trailed off.


He shrugged in response.

"She cheated on him. His girlfriend, I mean."


"We've been best friends since forever and she just..ruined it all," I said quietly, blinking away the tears that had formed.

I missed her. I wished I could go back to last week when everything was normal and the four of us—Kayla,Trent,Cole and I were laughing together.

"I'm sorry,"Aaron said softly.

I looked up at him and I could tell he meant it.

"I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass you when you were already having a hard time dealing with...stuff."

I couldn't answer. He was being understanding,kind and sweet. This wasn't the Aaron I knew. The Aaron I knew never knew the right thing to say at the right time but I guess he had another side to him. After all,I hadn't known him for a long time. I suppose I had judged him too soon.

"What?" he asked when I didn't reply.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised I guess."

"Right," he replied,looking a bit confused but he didn't say anything after that.

I learned two things that day—Aaron Woods and I were actually, actually capable of talking to each other normally. And second, Aaron could be really sweet when he wanted to.

We didn't talk after that.We sat in a comfortable silence for the following few minutes.

I was looking out of the window and looking carefully for any sign of Trent.

We then pulled into Kayla's street,which we had to pass through in order to get to Trent's house.

As we passed her house,I looked at it miserably,remembering what had happened the last time I had been there.

"Stop!" I suddenly shrieked,making the car abruptly stop,which made Aaron and I bump our heads.

"Ow!" we both exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled and began to get out of the car.

"What?Where are you going?"Aaron asked, looking surprised.

"I saw him in that house."

"Okay,but why do you look so-"

"This is her house."

"You mean-"

"Yes. Kayla.His girlfriend," I cut him off again.

"Shit.Let's go," he said,jumping out of the car.

"Wait, you're coming with me"

He nodded.

"You don't have t-"

"Shut up and move your butt," he said and I jumped out of the car as fast as I could before quickly walking to Kayla's house with Aaron right behind me.

We finally stopped in front of the door.Aaron and I glanced at each other,before we both started banging the door.

"I'll get it," I heard Kayla's voice. It instantly made me angry. And then the door opened.

In that moment, so many emotions flooded my mind - I would've probably started beating Kayla to a pulp the instant I saw her had it not been for Aaron. He was quick to and grab my hand before I could do anything.

He had probably guessed what was coming.

I exhaled sharply."Hi Ashley," she said,looking nervous.

"Where is he?" I asked ignoring her, at the same time trying to ignore the fact that Aaron was holding my hand.


"Trent!" I yelled,cutting her off. I hadn't come here to talk to her.

"Ashley?"Trent asked,raising his eyebrows. He looked surprised.

I glared at him before looking at Kayla.I wanted to scream at both of them,mostly Kayla. I was so mad.

A large part of me was still dying to talk to her though, and demand her to make everything as it was before she fucked up.

But obviously, that wasn't possible. Things would never be the same again.

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