《The Reality of it All (Completed)》What is Going On?
That's Spencer's hot new bod😈💯 up there 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
Since many of y'all actin like the last name is such a huge thing, Imma tell u it ain't. As long as they have the same first name, don't worry bout the last name 💯 I've changed them a million times because they're simply irrelevant to the story and I've forgotten all of them 💯👌🏾
The same thing with Spencer's baby. She ain't having a boy, it's a girl now. Sorry for the change but yeah.
So chill y'all.
Spencer's POV
I woke up next to Jake who was still sound asleep. Getting up, I walked down the hall into ravin's room to find she was awake. She was just staring at the ceiling. I'm surprised she didn't cry at all.
I picked her up and took her to the sink for a bath. I remember seeing somewhere that babies are supposed to hate baths but she loves baths. She likes the water on her skin and I find that odd too.
I put her on a green onesie and a bow for her head. A bib was placed around her neck with the pacifier attatched. I put her in her car seat and warmed her up a bottle.
It's funny how a month has gone by already. Just to think that Ravin was born practically yesterday. Jake has been here all the time and I honestly don't know what I'd Do without him. He's perfect.
"Good morning, babe," he called.
"And babe," he whispered to Ravin. I smiled as I took the bottle out of the microwave.
"Good morning," I said and gave him a peck on the lips.
"So what are you guys doing today?" He asked. I sighed and walked over to Ravin.
"Well...we are going to go visit Lacey then we have a doctors appointment to go to. After that, it's my grandmother watching her until I get back from the gym," I said.
"And where do I fit in for that plan?" He asked with a smirk.
"Everywhere, my darling," I mocked in a British accent. He chuckled and went back to the fridge.
"Alright...we got waffles and eggs?" He called.
The iPhone ringtone sounded and he looked up.
"Is that me?" He asked. I nodded. He walked around to go get it.
"What's up?" He asked.
I turned on the TV to nickelodeon. Yes, I still watch SpongeBob. No one is too old for spongebob! Well...maybe 50 years olds....
"And why do you need me to come?" Jake asked.
I wonder who he is talking to.
"Alright...jeez! Calm down, I'll be there in 20,"
He hung up the phone and walked over to the couch.
"Megan wants me to go with her to her doctors appointment. She's kinda hormonal so," he explained. I smirked and returned back to the TV.
"Glad that's over with," I admitted. It's like when you're pregnant, you create emotions the universe never even classified.
"Yeah. I will catch up with you later, okay?" He asked. I nodded and gave him a kiss.
"I'll be back Ravin,"
Then there were two. Megan was becoming more and more hormonal every week. This is exactly why she isn't trustworthy. She could be horny one day and decide to go for Jake. NOT HAPPENING. Besides, I'm pretty she's gained around 20 pounds already.
Jake and I still haven't had sex yet, but trust me I'm working on it. I've been going to the gym everyday for the past month and it's been good. I've lost ten pounds already and I'm forming abs. Not to mention my butt is more toned.
Bubble butt.
To top it off, my boobs are really big now. It's because of the milk that's formed and everything but it's really nice. I'm like a 38 B.
Talk about progress.
"Ravin...looks like it's just you and I today," I murmured.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Hayden's POV
I know that I backed out of the plan but now I kind of want back in. If things are going exactly as planned and I mean exactly, Spencer is dead. Alongside Paige and Ravin and my unborn baby.
That can't happen.
I turned on my computer and looked for the pink dot that was Paige. I found her at a Dunkin Donuts...of course. Her favorite place.
She has been in love with breakfast food since the whole pregnancy began.
I picked up the phone and dialed her number.
"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm eating at Dunkin Donuts. Why?"
"Because I need to talk to you... I'll be there in 10 minutes,"
I hung up the phone and grabbed my keys from the counter. I know I was warned not to tell anyone anyting, but I can't keep this to myself anymore. Someone has to know and I prefer it to be themother ofmy child.
Here goes nothing.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Paige's POV
I was getting fatter by the second. So far I've had three doughnuts and I would go up there to buy another one if I wasn't so ashamed. Eating has become my all time favorite sport.
Hayden and I have been dating, now. So far it's been a date a week and just hanging out. To be honest, I feel like I may actually be falling back in love with him. I haven't told him this because I'm waiting for the feeling to be definite. I also want to know if Hayden is as serious about this relationship as I am. Do I love him?
Or maybe it's just the hormones talking.
I'm three months pregnant now and it shows. It's not that big of a bump but you could tell I'm pregnant. Hayden is always at every doctors appointment. He even makes sure I take my prenatal pills.
He's been very sweet.
Especially when i told him I was having a girl, he was so happy. He loved the fact that he would be able to spoil her like he does me. I could tell he would be a great dad. I admit, I never would have pictured him as any type to father, but now he's very caring. It's almost weird seeing that protective side of him.
I spot Hayden's car pull up. He pulled up to the parking lot and got out the car. He looked good in his basketball shorts and T shirt. Hell, he looked good in anything.
"Hey," he greeted and kissed me.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"Cmon, lets get out of here," he said, taking my hand. He guided me out of the store and I got into his car.
He drove down to the beach and we sat there in the car for a moment. I wonder why he couldn't just tell me at DD.
"What's wrong?" I asked him. He sighed and looked at me.
"Babe, I'm going to tell you something and please don't get mad," he said.
"That's kind of hard to do when your pregnant," I said honestly. He smiled and shook his head.
"I can try," I suggested. He sighed and leaned back.
"I worked for Mason," he said.
Everything halted. My breath hitched as I took in what he just said. He worked for Mason.
"What do you mean you worked for him?" I asked.
"When I was with you but flirting with Spencer? That was an order I had to follow. I was told to act like I liked you to try and get closer to Spencer. I really regret it, but I did it and I am truly sorry," he continued.
"Wait let me get this straight. You were told to go out with me to flirt with my best friend? All of this was asked by Mason?" I asked him. There was anger rising and I couldn't stop it.
"Yes, but it wasn't by Mason. It was-"
"Paige, please just listen to me. I'm sorry and I know you're upset, but you need to know that-"
"NO! What you need to know is that I am so fucking done with you, it's incredible! Here I am. Trying to give you a second chance and you know what I was actually falling in love with you! All over again! Now you bring this to me?! You expect me to not get mad?!" I raged.
"Baby, I'm sorry okay. I know I betrayed your trust-"
"YOU DIDNT JUST BETRAY IT!" I shouted. I opened the car door and stepped out.
"Paige, please just let me explain what happened," Hayden said. He walked around to the side of the car where I was standing.
I couldn't talk to him right now.
"Baby, please. I love you so much, please just let me finish explaining," he pleaded. I looked at his lying face.
"How do you expect me to trust you now?" I asked him. He grabbed my hands and put them in his.
"I know this is hard for you to take in, but you don't know the whole story. I just need to talk to somebody about this because Spencer and Ravin will be-"
"How do you even know that's the baby's name?" I asked him.
He's never visited the hospital to see her. I know that for a fact.
"There's a chip on her phone that allows me to hear things-"
"AND YOUVE BEEN LISTENING TO IT?!" I screamed. I pushed his hands away from mine and started to walk away.
"Just wait a minute,"
"Let me guess...theres a chip on my phone too?" I asked. He turned to look away and I got my answer. Taking out my phone, it threw it in the sand.
"PAIGE! YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO ME!" Hayden yelled after me.
"We are over, Hayden. No more second chances," I said turning back around.
I felt the tears come down my face soon after and I ran away. He worked for Mason this entire time... how could I not have seen that ?
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
I blasted music through my beats as I worked out. I had dropped off Ravin at my mothers house about an hour ago. Jake said he would meet up with me later, but so far it's been no show.
I was on doing squats with Dumbbells when I noticed some guy in the corner staring at me. I put them down and turned to face him.
"It's kind of hard to do it when you're staring, you know?" I asked sarcastically. He went back to bench pressing in an embarrassment.
I laughed to myself and returned to my workout. I wonder what Jake would have said if he was here.
"Hey friend,"
I stopped when I noticed a good looking guy talking to me in the mirror. Turning to face him, I realized that it was the guy from the pool. The one I used to go to when I was pregnant.
Only I forgot his name. Crap.
(Guys I legit forgot his name and I honestly don't know where I mentioned him in the story. Bear with me😞)
"Hey Spencer, i thought this was you," he greeted. I smiled taking the headphones off.
"Hi...how have you been?" I asked him. He shook his head.
"It's been pretty good. How about you, it looks like your body is back," he said looking at me.
"Yeah, I've been really working hard. I'm trying to get myself toned, ya know?"
"Definitely. How is your baby?"
"She is great. I named her Ravin. She came out heavier than expected but it's all good," I said chuckling.
"That's great! I have a daughter myself, she's about 1 now," he said.
"WOW!! You never told me that!" I exclaimed.
Who could've pictured him with a baby at all?
"Yeah, I know. It's kind of complicated at the moment. The mother and I have some issues with caring for her," he explained. I nodded.
"I understand, it's complicated,"
"Yeahm but I just wanted to say hi. Maybe we could meet up sometime," he said with a wink. I couldn't tell if he meant it in a friendly way or not.
"I have a boyfriend," I said. He frowned.
"Yeah, I know. I meant like a play for the kids when your little girl turns 1," he said.
I don't know if it was a cover up or what, but I didn't say anything about it. I agreed and said goodbye and he left me alone to continue my workout. I must say, it was prertty weird seeing him at the gym. I've come to this gym everyday for the past month and a half, I have never seen him.
Jake's POV
"Let's go out and eat," Megan said. We were leaving the doctor's and heading to the car.
"I promised Spencer I'd hang out with her today," I said. Megan stopped in her tracks, making me look back.
"Oh...so you're going to be there for the mother of a baby that's not even yours but not for me?" she asked. I could tell she was getting worked up again.
"NO, Megan. I am going to be there for my GIRLFRIEND of 8 months and for your information, I consider Ravin my own," I argued.
She was always bitching about everything and anything. Spencer was never this hormonal.
"You need to stop considering and face the fact that this is your baby!" she yelled as she pointed at her stomach. I rolled my eyes and stuffed my hands in my pockets.
"Megan, I am trying so god damn hard to understand that there are about a zillion hormones going through your body, but you are making it impossible,"
Que the waterworks. Tears started streaming down her face and she continued walking down the parking lot. Great, now I feel like a jerk.
"Look Megan, I'm sorry, okay? Just- I don't know what you want me to do anymore!" I called after her. She turned around, her hair blowing in the wind.
"I want to go and eat! I want you to come with me and this little baby girl inside, to eat. At least pretend like you actually like me for once!" She yelled.
I sighed and looked down. It's true that Megan and I haven't exactly gotten along, but it's not like I have a choice. I don't want to call the night we created the baby a mistake, but I can't believe I had sex with her. Hell, I still don't know if I am the father, but she insists on it.
"Okay, Megan. I will have dinner with you," I gave in. She nodded as I walked over to the car. I got in the driver's seat, but before I put the keys in ignition, I pulled out my phone. I needed to text Spencer and tell her about this.
"What are you doing?" Megan asked.
"I'm texting Spencer," I murmurred, not lifting my eyes from the screen. Suddenly the phone was snatched from my hands and I looked over at Megan. She put the phone in her pocket and looked back at me.
"Give me my phone, Megan," I said firmly.
"No, I'll give it back when we get to the restaurant," she responded.
"WHAT? NO! Give me my phone back!"
She sighed and I eventually heard her sniffling. I turned to look at her I realized she was crying again.
"I shoudl've known you don't want anything to do with me!" she sobbed. She took out my phone and threw at me. Opening the car door, she stepped out and slammed the door behind her.
"DAMN IT!" I yelled as I punched the steering wheel. Why is this so complicated?! Everything I say isthe wrong thing to say! What the hell am I supposed to say?!
I stepped out the car door and looked around to find Megan. I couldn't see her anywhere. Turning to the left, I spotted her blonde hair. She had made it far out of the parking lot.
I got in the car and drove over to where she was angrily walking.
"Megan! I'm sorry, okay? It's not that I don't want to spend time with you, it's just that Spencer is my girlfriend," I yelled out the window. She stopped walking and I stopped the car.
"DON'T YOU GET IT? IT'S ALWAYS BEEN SPENCER! Always! Doesn't this baby girl matter to you?" She asked me. Her make up was all over her face and she looked like a mad woman.
"Yes. She is important to me. I'm sorry. Will you just get back in the car? Please?" I asked her. She crossed her arms and stared off into space.
"Look, as the father of that baby, I'm trying to be a man and drive you to the restaurant. I really do care about you," I told her.
"Then at least act like it!" she responded.
"Alright, I surrender. Now get in," I said, tired. She was being overly dramatic right now.
"Fine," she said and got in the car.
Wasn't this going to be a long long day. Life lesson: always agree with a pregnant woman.
•. •. •. •. •.
Paiges POV
I had been walking for a good ten minutes. Hayden didn't bother following after me because he knew better not to. Once a pregnant lady gets mad, it's hard to bring her out of the fury. I left my car back at Dunkin Donuts so there was no way for me to go anywhere. I looked arouond and spotted a McDonalds. Crap! I'm going to have to buy something. I rummaged through my pockets until I came across a five dollar bill.
I walked in and stood in line to order. The place was pretty empty except for two or three people.
"Welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?" the man said. He looked like he had a long day of work. There were deep circles under his eyes and he had a slight problem with keeping both eyes awake.
"I'll just take a moca frappe," I said. He lazely typed the order into his computer.
"$3.32," he said. I handed him the money and he took it. Suddenly, the phone hanging on the wall started ringing and he went over to answer it.
My mind couldn't stop going back to what Hayden told me. He was working for Mason, I wonder how long. If he was working for Mason, that means that he knew everytthing. He knew about Spencer almot dying twice, he knew about how she was kidnapped. He probably took part in all of it!
The man who took my order came back and gave me my change. Something was different about his attitude. He was actually smiling.
"Here is your money. Your drink will be ready shortly," he said, grinning ear to ear. I nodded and took a seat. Why is he being so weird? It's like he's on drugs or something.
I sat there and became engulfed in my own thoughts. I didn't realize they were calling my name until they threw a straw at me. I stood to go and get it from the man.
"Sorry, Thank You," I aid with a shy smile.
"NO...Thank you!" he said. I took the drink and sat down.
This was my first time drinking a frappe. Taking a sip, I discovered it was delicious and drank the whole thing within ten minutes. Especially with the hot air outside, it was perfect.
I was staring at a sign on the door when the weird man came up to me.
"How are you feeling?" he asked me. I frowned and looked up at him. Instead of two eyes, he had four eyes. I blinked again, but this time he had two noses.
"Actually...no," I said. I looked down at my fingers and I had 6 on one head instead of five. I felt light headed and my suddenly, everything blurred. I felt as though the room was spinning around me, but the man stayed in place.
Everything went black.
I woke up unaware of my surroundings. My head hurt like hell. It was dark outside and I wondered whwat time it was. How long was I knocked out for? I looked around me and realized I was somehow in my car. What is going on?
I grabbed my keys from the cup holder and put them in the ignition. I pulled off from Dunkin Donuts and started heading to Spencer's house. All I know is that I was in Dunkin Donuts and I ordered a drink and passed out.
The man.
He must've drugged the drink. What the hell. That still doesnt explain his sudden change of attitude. My mind went to Hayden and then Mason. I hope this has nothing to do with Mason.
Suddenly, My body jerked to the right and my neck snapped back the other way. I was dazed for a moment until I jerked forward. I was spinning and then I felt the car in the air.
So this is how my life ends.
The car came down to the ground with full force and the last thing I saw was the shattered glass.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencers POV
I stared at my phone and thought about calling Jake. I hadn't heard from him since this morning and I am honestly worried. I called him twice before, but he didn't pick up. I was now at my apartment with Ravin next to me. I lit some calming candles to help with my fear of something going wrong. Although, they weren't really helping.
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