《The Reality of it All (Completed)》It All Falls Down
"Just keep breathing, Spencer," paige said.
Pain was shooting through me like there was a war going on in my vagina. This makes me re question kids as a whole. I'm pretty sure I'm all but squeezing Paige's hand to death.
I was in the backseat of Jake's car.
After Lacey shot Mason, we called the police and they came within minutes. Only problem was that the contractions were coming closer together. The police decided to direct us through traffic since there was no ambulance.
"How close are they coming?" John asked from the front seat.
I was breathing in and out deeply, trying to control my temper. Being in this car was making me nervous.
"Uh...I honestly don't know. I lost count," Paige said.
Crap. Another contraction came
Through and I leaned forward, letting out a muffled scream.
Everything is hot. My body is sweaty and all I want to do is get her out of me. Please god, don't let me have a natural birth. I need drugs.
"Paige, watch her!" Jake yelled from the front.
"I AM!"
"Well why is she screaming?"
"I'm not stupid!"
"Well, you sure are acting like it!"
They looked at me in shock and sighed. I swear to god, if I hear someone else talk about my vagina, I will punch out a window.
"Guys we are pulling up now, keep calm," John said.
As we pulled up to hospital, Paige hurriedly opened the door.
"Cmon babes, you got this," Paige said she pulled me out of the car and limped me over to the door. Jake ran ahead to get a nurse and soon enough, a nurse came out running with a wheel chair.
"Please sit her down," she said. I gladly sat down on the wheel chair as another contraction formed.
I let out a loud groan as the wheel chair rushed through the doors. The hospital was full of people. I heard the nurse tell Paige and Jake they had to wait outside and a hospital room came into view.
I was placed on the bed and injected the drug. Thank you. The pain didn't subside that much, though.
"Ma'am, you're going to have to start pushing now," the nurse said.
"Are you sure? Because you know...I don't really want to," I confessed. She smiled and nodded her head.
"Cmon. The pain stops when the baby is out," she said. I sighed and fell back on to the bed.
"I need Paige...GET ME PAIGE!" I yelled. The nurses looked at each other and rushed out the room.
Paige eventually came rushing in and put on a green suit.
"Cmon, Spence. I'm here," she said. I took her hand and relaxed a little bit. It's funny how I haven't talked to her in so long, but I still feel close to her. She's like my chill pill.
Looking up at the ceiling, I saw Ravins.
They were just sitting on the poles up there, watching me. Behind them was a sign with a quote on it.
'You got this, don't give up'
"On the count of 3...1....2...3!"
Here we go.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
I sat down outside of the room where Spencer was giving birth. I didn't know how to feel about this. Part of me was happy to see Peanut, but the other part of me hated to hear her in so much pain.
I can't bear this any longer.
I stood up and walked around the hospital until I eventually came to a vending machine. Taking out a dollar from my pocket, I typed the numbers in for a granola bar.
I knew that voice. It was John.
"what do you want, John?" I asked him. He sighed and his face came into view.
"Look, I just want an opportunity to explain to you why I left when you were so young. Just one hour?" He pleaded. I bent down and took the bar from the machine.
"John i really don't want to do this with you," I said.
"Please Jake. Just one chance," he said. His eyes were dark brown. God am I happy I have my moms eye color.
"I'll think about it. In order for me to do that, no phone calls, texts, of visits unless I call you," I said firmly. He nodded and I walked away.
What did you just agree to, Jake?
As I walked back to the room, I spotted Paige standing there. She rushed over to me with excitement.
"You have to come see her! She is absolutely beautiful!" Paige exclaimed.
"Is she all cleaned up?" I asked her. I didn't want to see any blood or bits on her at all. I think I might pass out if I see that.
"YES! Come on! Spencer wants you, anyway," she said happily. She pulled me by my hand into the room.
Spencer was in the bed in a hot, sweaty mess. Her hair was all over the place, but she still managed to look gorgeous. In her arms was a tiny bundle.
I walked forward and kissed her. Looking at the baby, I met the most tiniest bundle of joy in my life.
She had huge ocean blue eyes that stood out against her pale skin. She was dressed in a little onesie with a hat and hand footies. A little patch of her hair was peeking out of the hat. It was dark brown like Mason's.
Looking at her in general, she looked exactly like Spencer. Her little mini-me if you take away the eye color.
"I have no idea how her eyes turned out to be blue," Spencer whispered. The baby's eyes flickered over to Spencer and they lingered over her face for a minute.
Suddenly, she smiled. A huge smile came across her face, from cheek to cheek. Spence let out a small laugh as she looked at her.
"Is that even possible?" I asked her. The baby's smile was so contagious, I immediately smiled.
"I don't even know!" Spencer exclaimed. I looked at Spencer and could see the obvious joy in her face. Even in her sweaty mess, her smile was still priceless.
"You're gonna be a great mother," I whispered in her ear. She looked up and kissed me.
"So what's her name?" I asked her.
"Ravin...Ravin Shapel," she responded.
I have no clue how she came up with Ravin, but it was a pretty nice name.
"Want to hold her?" She asked me.
"Uh...sure," I said. She carefully lifted her up and put her in my arms. Ravin's eyes were on me the entire time. The blue was mesmerizing.
I held her in my arms. She wasn't skinny, but she wasn't all that big either. She was just a little bit chubby. I'm not surprised, considering how much Spencer ate.
Her mouth formed into a shape that looked like she wanted to talk. Nothing came out. She lifted her hand and put it on my mouth. She then smiled.
The doors flung open and Ella came rushing in.
"OH MY GOD! I am so sorry I'm late!" She exclaimed. She rushed over to me and looked at her.
"She is so beautiful! How does she have blue eyes?" She asked. Ravin turned her gaze to Ella and looked at her for a minute.
"I don't know," Spencer said smiling.
Ella and Paige both crowded around me looking at Ravin. I felt like I was eventually going to drop her so I handed her over to Ella.
I sat down and held Spencer's hand. It's over at last.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
A week has passed and I couldn't be happier. Ravin had no problem with the day and night schedule. She slept on time and woke up on time. It was kind of weird because babies don't just get used to things like this. It's supposed to take a few months.
She rarely cries. The first nights at the hospital, she cried nonstop, but at home she seems calmer. She actually doesn't cry except when she needs food or a diaper change.
By home, I mean my apartment. I've completely moved out of my mothers house. Of course she visits my house more than necessary, but it's okay. After all, she is her only grandchild.
I walked into the living room to see Ravin in Jake's arms. He was watching a basketball game and Ravin was bundled up in a little blanket.
I pulled out my phone and took a picture. Walking over to him, I hugged him from behind the couch.
"You're a great dad," I whispered in his ear. He kissed my cheek and I walked over to the fridge.
I've been eating strictly healthy food because I'm trying to lose this baby weight and get back into shape. I still had 15 pounds to lose and I was fully determined to get my body back.
I decided on an apple and granola bar. Walking back to the couch, I sat down next to Jake and watched the game. Ravin was back in her cat seat.
"I got something for you," Jake said. He stood up and walked off. I looked at Ravin sound asleep. Coming back within seconds, he had a wrapped present. It was flat and kind of square looking.
"Open it," he said smiling. I chuckled and ripped open the package.
It was a picture. Inside the frame was a picture of Ravin and I sleeping. This looks like it was taken here. It was a great picture.
"When did you take this?" I asked him.
"Two days ago. You got up to give her a bottle and fell asleep on the couch with her in your arms," he said fondly. I smiled as I looked at the picture.
It's crazy how one photo could capture so many emotions.
"This is great. Thank you," I said kissing him. He smiled and looked over at Ravin. She looked so cute in her pink outfit. Even though I hate pink.
Being a mother wasn't all that bad.
•. •. •. •. •.
Paige's POV
I was sitting in my car just watching people rush off to start their day. I told Spencer about my pregnancy a few days ago. She said it was great news and I thought so too. Especially after seeing Ravin, I knew this was what I wanted.
Hayden was okay with the idea of me keeping the baby. I've seen him twice a week. He comes with me to the doctors and even pays for some of my stuff.
I'm surprised he wants to stick around. He seems like the type to impregnate and ditch.
Mason was hauled off to jail in defeat. Along with him was Lacey. Shes doing some more time because shooting Mason wasn't considered self defense. She's only going to be in there for a few months.
"How are you holding up?" Hayden asked. I turned to see him in my car. He always knows where I am and it's kind of creeping me out.
"It's been good. The doctor gave me prenatal pills to take, I've been doing that. It's been all good, so far," I said.
"That's great," he responded.
Silence overcame as I continued to watch the people. Such a funny thing how people rush to start their day as if
"I still love you Paige. Hell...Im in love with you,"
I stopped in my tracks.
"What?" I asked. His eyes were a soft hazel, Something I hadn't seen before.
"I'm in love with you. I love the way you walk in heels, how you're always there for Spencer, how you get that slight sparkle in your eyes when you're excited," he confessed.
How.. what..when...
"Look, I know i screwed up, but can we just please start over?" He asked me.
I frowned and looked away. So many things were happening all at once, what is going on?
"Jake. You tried to screw Spencer,"
"Which I have- look I can't explain that. At least not now. Please, I really want you to be mine. Can we please just start over?" He asked me.
What does he mean at least not now? It's either you did or you didn't. Point blank.
"And how do I know you won't just try and screw some other girl?" I asked him.
"Because I'm in with love you and only you. No one else,"
I couldn't look at his eyes because that would automatically make me crumble to my knees.
"I don't know, Hayden,"
"Look at it this way. If we were together, it would be better for the baby. To have two parents together instead of separate," he said.
Of course he would bring the baby into this.
"You can not guilt trip me into this," I said looking up. He sighed.
"You're right. I'm sorry. Just one chance...please...im begging you," he said. I looked at him and he had the saddest face on.
The begging face.
Before I knew it, words just started coming out of my mouth.
"Fine. You only get one shot and that's it,"
What the hell did I just do?
•. •. •. •. •.
Hayden's POV
I can't believe that Paige is giving me another chance. Everything I said to her was all true. I'm still very much in love with her. Trust me, I've tried screwing other girls to forget about her. After the fifth girl, I realized it was pointless.
Doesn't work, when you're hooked.
I dialed a number on my phone. If I'm going to be with Paige, this has to end. Besides, Mason is in jail anyway. The plan isn't going to go on without him. It CAN'T go one without him. This plan involves Paige and now Paige is pregnant with my baby. This cannot go on.
"Look... I can't do this anymore," I said.
"Why not?"
I was hoping that wouldn't be asked.
"Because I just can't. I want to spend my time on other things. This is pointless. She already had the baby anyway," I argued.
"That doesn't stop anything,"
What does that mean ?
"The plan is still going to go on. We are just waiting it out. As of now, Mason is in jail. So...we can wait a little bit. Make her think everything is back to normal,"
They can't do that.
"What? You know what, I'm out. That's final,"
"That's okay. No one needs you anymore. Speak of this to anyone else, you're going to wish you were dead and not that pregnant girl of yours,"
The phone clicked.
They're still going on with the plan. This means that they will end everything. By everything.....
I mean Spencer's baby, too.
HEYYYAA GUYS!!! so... Ravin was born. She is absolutely goregous. Also... Paige is preggars with Hayden's baby!!! Yay! This is everything in the plot. Technically speaking....the story is coming to an end. :( Sorry.
anyway... i know this is entirely my fault because of my late update but this story is now #332 in chicklit. Imagine my shock?
im going to try and stay on top of this..bear with me!
comin up:
-Hayden will reveal something only it will lead to consequences....
-PAIGE- yes she is pregnant. I know...Don't...Uh...you know what..I'll just save it for when it happens.
-Megan- she will be spending more and more time with Jake than expected. the little sneaky thot is up to something. CLEARLY Stay tuned
-Spencer- SHE IS IN FULL GEAR WITH GETTING HER BODY BACK INTO SHAPE! Only....Megan! She is making Spencer extremely jealous...c'min up
-Jake- he wilil finally have a talik with his dad that reveals something huge!! Dont miss out!!
-Ravin- guys...something is going on...can you guess it? Don't you find it odd that she immediately go the hang of the day and night schedule? Not to mention she actuallly smiled in the hostipal?? maybe not...stay tuned is all I'm going to say.
-MASSOONNNNN- now of course he is in jail only this time..he can't get out. Paige and Spencer will both go to ocurt to testify against him and Paige will use her secret weapon.....or at least..TRY. something will go wrong :E sorryyyy.
lastly...the mysterious person on the phone. Yes there is an accomplace to Mason's plan. No! I will not reveal him until the day the plan goes in full motion.
i know i am sad too... no emojis because im on my laptop. btw they updated the emojis...they now have asians and african americans....lol not that the race was that big of a deal
kk. if you want to stay updated...hit the follow button. Im sorry but i dont message you guys individually for an update. Too much work. Secondly...please just vote or comment. Would really appreciate this!
lov ya!
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