《The Reality of it All (Completed)》The Finale...Hoorah?
So guys....things change here. Be prepared. 😖
Spencer's Pov
"No honey, I'll make you dinner," mom said. She was back to being over protective. Again.
I groaned.
"But Ma! I want greasy food! Like real greasy food that'll make you fat!"I argued. Jake chuckled next to me.
"Spencer...you are allergic to cashews. Let's just chill on the restaurant food for a bit. Besides, you're pregnant," she responded. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the counter.
"Spence, she's right. Not to mention, you've been to the hospital more than 3 times in less than 3 months," Jake reasoned.
"I don't care about that. All I want is food," i stressed.
They sighed.
"Baby hormones," Mom muttered. Jake nodded. So what if it is?! I want what I want.
My stomach wasn't growing anymore. I was basically already the size of a watermelon. I was in my 8th month, which would actually be ending soon. I can't believe she's about to be here, already. It all came quicker than expected.
My apartment was basically done. The painting was finished along with the cameras in every room. My furniture was there...now all I got to do is transport Peanuts' stuff.
"Okay how about this..she cooks you dinner and we get ice cream later?" Jake bargained.
The ice cream sounded tempting. Actually, everything at this moment was tempting.
They cheered and laughed at each other. Jake and my mom get along so great, you'd think they were siblings.
It's kind of disgusting.
Jake's phone rings and he looks at it. The caller ID read 'don't answer'.
He's been trying to get ahold of Jake for three weeks, now. You'd think he'd be able to take a hint. Mom looked at Jake and turned back around.
"You should just talk to him," she said. Jake looked up and sighed.
"He's had more than ten years to try and talk to me. Times out," he said.
"He obviously wants back in. At least hear him out,"
"No. He should've been there for me earlier. He didn't even say goodbye,"
"Okay. Imagine if you were him and you made a mistake like that. Would you want your son to forgive you?" She questioned.
Uh-oh. Wrong move.
He rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone.
"I don't want to talk about this. I'll see you guys later," he said. Kissing me, he left the room and the door sounded.
"Was that your first fight with him?" I asked smirking. She rolled her eyes and looked up.
"No. I'm just trying to convince him that maybe he should just see him. He could have had an explanation for leaving so early," she said. I nodded. I understood what Mom was saying, but Jake isn't going to agree so easily.
She finished the pasta and made me a plate. I had seconds of everything and went upstairs to take me a nap. Between sleeping and eating...Id have a whole lot of baby fat to lose when she's out of me.
•. •. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
I was sitting in the Dunkin Donuts when Megan came in. She was showing now. Her belly was getting fatter and her clothes weren't working for her anymore.
She was wearing a crop top and shorts.
"Hey Jake," she said.
"Hey. Look this wardrobe has got to change. If that baby is mine, you need to start dressing like your having a baby, not looking for a twin," I confessed.
The discussion with Ella has got me heated, so I'm kind of out of it right now.
Her face changed and she looked down.
"Well...this is all I have, Jake," she said hopelessly. I sighed and held my head in my hands.
"Then buy some new clothes," I muttered.
"My version of appropriate and your version are two separate things,"
Huhhhh. Why God? Why?
Megan was nice and all these past two months and she actually hasn't even tried to hurt Spencer. I'm surprised at this but glad they aren't trying to kill each other anymore. I just wanted to be left alone for the time being but it's better to shop than sit and listen to her talk to me.
"I mean, I could do it, it just wouldn't be your sense of appropriate. I'd need help," she continued.
"Cmon," I said standing up. I hear her follow behind me and we hop into my car.
What a long day it will be.
"What about this?"
She was holding up a small shirt with no sleeves. There was a slit down the middle for a peak at the boobs. No. Not even a peak. More like a whole lane for the display.
"NO, what is up with you and your boobs?" I asked her.
"I have them why not use them?" She smiled and shrugged.
We had been shopping for an hour and I had a load of clothes in my hand. Mind you, I picked them all out. They aren't the ugly maternity clothes, they are decent. All Megan can pick out is the same clothes that exposed too much.
It was like she never heard of long sleeves let alone jeans.
"This is really cute, though," she cried. Putting it back on the rack, she sat down next to me on the bench. I was tired and frustrated.
Shopping doesn't help anything. Girls are crazy.
"We should go now," I said and stood up.
"I'm sorry for trying to separate you and Spencer," she blurted out. I turned to look at her.
"I'm sorry. I know you and Spencer are still together and with this baby, I feel like I'm kind of changing. I realized that what I did to you guys was out of line," she said. I turned away confused.
Can somebody say awkward or what?
"Thanks. Spencer is really important to me and with you and the baby in the picture, it's going to get more difficult," I said blankly.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say it's okay because it wasn't. She needs to understand that I'm going to be with Spencer regardless.
"Okay...lets go," she said. We stood and got in line.
"There's an appointment with the doctor tomorrow," she said.
"Yeah. It's a sonogram and because you didn't come to the first one, I was hoping you'd come to this one," she said.
I didn't know what to say. My mind immediately went to Spencer. Want will she say about this?
"Uh...yeah. I can come. What time is it?" I asked her.
I can't be a jerk to the mother of my baby. I'm just going to have to tell Spencer.
"Cool. It's at 3," she said. She pulls out her debit card from her bag.
"No. I got this," I insisted.
"No that's unfair. I can pay for this,"
"No seriously, this was my idea I can pay for all of it," I responded.
Rule one: rarely let a girl pay for anything.
"We go half and half," she bargained
I looked at her and saw that determined look in her eyes. She wasn't going to back down. Sighing, I gave in.
•. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
I was going to my favorite store.
I didn't know what else to do, I was getting bored. My mom helped me take Peanuts stuff to my apartment after Jake left. I haven't heard from him since then.
I sent him a text message, though.
The apartment was in tip top shape. The furniture is set up, the place was sanitized, everything was done.
All except Peanuts room.
I got out the car and walked up the street towards Discovery. Then I saw Jake.
He was coming out of the store with Megan. Of all people, he chose to go to
My favorite store with his ex-girlfriend. What the hell?
He gazed towards me for a moment and turned. He turned back around in confusing and realized it was me.
"Babe," he called. He turned and started walking towards me. Megan turned and looked me, her blonde hair in a slick ponytail. She still had a smile plastered on her face.
What were they talkin about?
"Hey, what's up?" I asked.
"Nothing, I took Megan shopping for some new clothes," he explained. Megan waved and I nodded.
"Oh okay. I'm gonna go shopping for a bit. You look exhausted I'll just call you later," I said, smiling.
"Okay," he said. He kissed me and walked back with Megan who waved goodbye.
I still don't trust her nor do I like her. Her new leaf thing wasn't going to work on me. I know she's still trying to get Jake, I just don't know how.
Sighing, I walked into the store and immediately went to the shoe aisle. I love their shoes.
My eyes meet a pair of brown gorgeous leather boots on a stand. I instantly fall in love. I'm trying on the boots when I feel arms wrap around my waist.
"I'm sorry,"
I turned around to meet his tired looking eyes.
"For what exactly?" I asked him.
"For storming out on your mom earlier today. She was just questioning my choice and now..its all complicated," he muttered. I smirked. Stepping back, I held out my hand.
"Hi my name is Spencer. I currently have an ax murdering boyfriend on the loose, a kidnapper in jail, a sister who tried to kill me, and a father who doesn't like me. Welcome to complicated," I stated with a smile. He chuckled and for a second the smile reached his eyes.
"So your not mad?" He asked as I looked at the shoe in the mirror.
"Why would I be? I took pleasure in seeing you guys fight. You guys always agree on everything, it's kind of creepy," i admitted. He smirked and shook his head.
"You need sleep," I said. He sighed and sat down on the bench.
"I know. I feel like I'm dead," he said, yawning. I laughed as I took of the shoes.
We eventually left the store and went to His house. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed. I stared at he TV thinking about the last time we went out on a date.
It's been a while.
Time for that to change.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
I moved my hand to the spot where Spencer was to find no one there. Opening my eyes, I realized it was night.
I groaned and turned over to look at the clock. It was midnight. Great, now I'm a vampire.
Getting up from the bed, I walked into the kitchen to find a box on the table. I walked over to it to find a note.
It's about time you woke up! Began to think you were dead, I legit checked for a pulse! Anyway...open the box! Hopefully right size
Love you. Xxx Spencer.
I opened the box to see a pair of Lebron 9's, Cannon. My mouth dropped and a gasp escaped my mouth.
How much did this cost?
I immediately threw my shoes off and tried them on. They fit perfectly. I walked around the house in the then and stopped at my bedroom mirror.
How'd she know my shoe size?
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
So... as my due date nears, its been easy to aggravate me. Even the smallest things will tick me off. I remember I was shopping at Jewel Osco and a little kid rubbed his dorito fingers all over my white pants.
I yelled at him and he ran away crying. This baby is doing weird things to my brain and I really just want her to come out already.
I was sitting in my new apartment, putting together Peanut's room. It wasn't all pink, but there was some in there. I figure I can't force her to not like pink.
I took a break and dialed Jake's phone number.
"Hey babe, thanks so much for the shoes!" he said.
"Any time!"
"I have a present for you too," he said.
"Oh really? Well save it for later,"
"Yeah okay,"
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing much, just hanging with the guys," he said.
Funny that I haven't met a single one of his friends. Not to mention his mother either.
"Oh. Are you free tonight? Because I want to go to this new restaurant downtown that just opened up. I figured it could be a date since we haven't been on one in like forever," I said.
"Yeah...Spencer. Megan's doctors appointment is later on today. I told her I'd come with her since I haven't gone to any of the other ones," he explained.
I suddenly felt my anger rising. Why the hell would he say he'd go?!
"Well can you cancel?" I asked
"No. I promised her I'd go, I don't think she can reschedule this,"
"But I really want to go on a date,"
"Spencer I do too, but she could be having my baby. Not to mention, she finds out the gender today," he said.
"But you said you would be here for this baby not Megan's. Not to mention, that baby may not even be yours!" I argued.
"But if it is j don't want to say 'I didn't believe you were mine' when it gets older,"
"So basically you're choosing Megan over me?!" I yelled.
"That's not what I'm doing. I'm-"
"No! That is what you're doing. Megan is a slut and will always be a slut! I bet you the baby isn't even yours!"
"Spence...i know you got tons of hormones going through your body right now. You need to understand this"
"No what I understand, is that I'm going to be going to the damn restaurant by myself! Screw you!"
I slammed the phone down on the floor and continued folding clothes. Stupid baby that Megan has is getting on my nerves. So she 'turned a new leaf' they say. Just because she helped you find me, doesn't mean she's as innocent as JESUS.
I need to vent. I picked back up my phone and dialed Paige's number. Of course, it went to voicemail.
"Hey Paige...I was wondering if you would want to come to dinner with me. Call me back,"
I haven't seen paige in a long time and I'm honestly starting to get worried. I don't know if Mason has something to do with this, but I need her back. She's the only one who could knock some sense into me.
I stood and left the house, getting into the car. The whole plan of the day was to start on Peanut's room and then go to the pool.
I loved the pool.
I don't know if It was the feeling of balance or what, but water was my best friend. At least, ever since my pregnancy.
I pulled up to the pool and immediately stripped. Stepping in, the cold water met my stomach and I instantly fell in love. Nothing like going swimming after a fight.
"Your back,"
I turned around to a gorgeous looking guy. He was a bit taller than me, as I met his green eyes.
"Uh...what do you mean?" I stuttered. He ran his hands over his hair and looked at me. His biceps flexed ever so slightly and he pulled it back.
"As in I see you here pretty much everyday. Except yesterday, I was kind of surprised to see that you weren't," he stated. I nodded and turned my gaze back to the water.
You have a boyfriend, Spencer. Don't screw it up.
"Uh...yeah. I had some things to take care of," i muttered. He nodded.
"I don't know. You seem like you love coming here," he said.
"I do," I said, Lookin up at him. I saw his eyes take my body and I suddenly found myself trying to cover up.
Should've worn a one piece. Damn it.
"Your due soon," he observed. I smirked and shook my head.
"Not soon enough. It's hard to get anywhere when your stomach is like a watermelon,"
He chuckled. I stood there and talked to him for a while. It was more getting to know him than anything else.
•. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
I'm sitting in a chair next to Paige. We're waiting on the doctor to call her name. I don't know if it's obvious, but I am really nervous. The whole idea of me raising my own flesh and blood is terrifying. I know I told Spencer I'd help her with Peanut, but that's her baby.
It's not necessarily mine.
"Don't be nervous," Megan whispered.
"I'm not nervous," I lied. She scoffed and turned to meet my eyes.
"I know you better than you think, Jake. When you're nervous, you clench your jaw," she said and her face shifted to my jaw
I sighed and looked up.
"What do you think it is?" She asked. I shrugged.
"I honestly don't know,"
I haven't given much thought to the gender because I don't really care. If it's a girl, she's going to be a daddy's girl. If it's a boy, I could just play basketball and do guy things with him.
Win win situation me.
"Riley...Megan Poster?" A short lady called. We stood up and walked with her to a corner room.
Megan sat on the bed and I stood next to her. After an explanation, The doctor put the jelly like stuff on her belly and moved around the stick.
Bu-boom. Bu-boom. Bu-boom.
It's the heartbeat. I looked at the screen and saw the tiniest little baby. There was a head and everything. I smiled and looked down at Megan. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
"It's a boy," she said.
Megan squealed and I elf a tear leave my eyes. That was my baby in there. U was going to be a father.
•. •. •. •.
Spencer's Pov
His name is Paul. He's 27 and a model and fitness trainer. This explains the obvious muscles masked by tattoos. He gave me his number and I took it gladly. I needed to get in shape after Peanut, I have gained 30 pounds.
By the time I made it home, it was 9. I spot Jake sitting in his car as I turn off the ignition. He gets out and walks over to my car.
"Babe, are you still mad at me?" He asked me.
I looked at him and sighed.
"No. I overreacted...again," I admitted. He smiled and opened my car door. Stepping out, I looked at him as shut the door.
He seemed different.
"How did the appointment go?" I asked.
"It's a boy," he said, smiling to himself. I gave a small smile and looked down.
"That's great,"
Truth is, I don't know how to feel about this. I know it's his baby, but how is this going to work?
We walked into the house and up the stairs, into my room. Plopping down on the bed, I looked up at the ceiling for answers.
"We can go on that date next week," Jake said, lying down next to me. I nodded.
"Have you seen John?"
He sighed loudly.
"No. I don't want to either," he said.
I left it at that. At least there was no more drama for me. Especially with this baby almost here.
•. •. •. •. •.
Jakes POV
Well...tonight is our date and Spencer has been incredibly moody. She could easily go from happy to sad in a split of a second. Just the other Day, She got mad at me because I told her I had to go to the bathroom. I don't know how, but she actually argued with me about it.
Not to mention that the baby is almost due. Spencer now sleeps and stays in the house more often. It's usually me coming over to her.
I haven't seen paige in about 4 weeks and it's kind of scaring me. She knows Spencer's due date is coming up but she hasn't bothered to visit at all. I've tried contacting her multiple times but no answer.
I gave up after a while.
I was sitting in Spencer's living room, waiting for her to come down. Ella was keeping me company.
"So how's work?" She asked me.
"It's fine. Just crazy, as usual,"
I haven't seen her in a while so now is kind of awkward. Suddenly, I hear Spencer's shoes coming down the stairs.
I don't expect a lot because she's pregnant. Her feet probably hurt, she gets tired easily, and bored quickly. Only when she walked down the stairs, she took my breath away.
She was in a black laced dress that had long sleeves. Her hair was curled perfectly as it fell down the side of her neck. She was wearing sandals instead of heels, but that was okay.
"You looking amazing," I told her as I stood.
"Thank you, but I'm starving," she said honestly. Ella and I laughed at her openness. Of course she was hungry.
Getting into the car, I turned on the gps system. Neither of us knew how to get there, but we did know the restaurant was real.
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The Flower of Separation
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The Lonely King
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One day out of the blue, Oneleaf Tree, an unheard of company, shocked the world by revealing that after extensive research; they developed the first virtual reality game. Gameplay adapted to the individual player, opens thousands of possibilities for ways to enjoy the game. No classes exist. Concepts are meant to be broken so that the player can gain wings and become who they want to be. Nothing stops a player from making their own path. You play the game Freestyle.
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Under the Moon
She rejected him He denied itShe wanted anything but a mate He hadn't wanted one until then She was on the run He was not She was a lonerHe was an Alpha, leader of his pack She was undoubtedly trouble He needn't more trouble And against all odds this is still a love story This is a tale about how the discovery of a soulmate is a blessing to one and a curse to the other. How there is but a name separating them from each other at the very end. The name being a soul name. The most valuable secret to a werewolf. It is the very essence of their being. One which Blake lost and one which Ember denied. And in the midst of all this, hell's door has opened. Spreading crazed determination and perverted delirium among men. Soon no one is safe. Unfortunately, it just so seems that Ember might just have been the one leading it straight to Blake's door. (Be aware, there will be mature content in this story).
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Stella Dea is new to the small town of Mooncrest. She is finally settling down with a family after being in the system for twelve years of her life. As her eighteenth birthday approaches, she notices changes in her body and attitude along with strange changes in her school peers. They all watch her, closely, carefully. Especially the one boy in school who people told her to stay away from. Elliot Wulfric is the son of the alpha of the Mooncrest Alliance Pack. His father is weak and dying as Elliot gets stronger. He is the bad boy in school, the one people hide from if they are weak or in trouble with the pack. Eliot gets into every fight possible and plays with every girl he sees. He is the definition of a trouble maker. Until he meets Stella Dea. He senses that she is his mate, but he also feels a draw more powerful than that. Almost as if he were standing before the Moon Goddess herself. As the two of them embark on their journey together, they will uncover secrets they never knew they had. And they will become closer than any other force in existence. Until everything changes again.
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Death Unto All
Natalie had lived an...okay life. Unrequited love, minimal friends, the works. At least she had a good job–one that she liked, too. All of that went up in literal smoke after she did a favor for the aforementioned person whom she loved. Stopping a maniac hellbent on turning the heroes of the country into his own robot army. Things after that can't be too bad...right? /* This is a story for side character from my other story. It isn't required to read it–at minimum the first volume–but it does help. Since I'm much further along on my other story than this one, it will not have a set upload schedule. I will just upload when I can. I have zero idea how long that will be. Will (Eventually) contain yuri. */
8 119