《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Setting Things Straight
Jakes POV
"Babe, what happened?" I asked her. She had finally calmed down and we were sitting in chairs. She seemed to be stared down the hall at the door she just ran out of.
"I um...she asked me if I was ready," she said. She started messing with her fingers, trying to get her thoughts together.
"I said yeah," she said, he voice cracking. She exhaled and leaned forward. I hated seeing her like this. I put my hand on her back, rubbing it.
"I couldn't do it. As soon as she was about to start, I pushed her away and ran out of the room," she finished.
My heart stopped. She didn't get rid of peanut. I felt a wave of relief wash over my entire body.
"I just can't believe I almost killed her," she murmured. I stood up and hugged her. We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes before I let her go.
"There's a difference between almost and doing it," I said. Her hazel eyes met mine and she nodded. A smile smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.
"Yeah. I realized that my life wouldn't be the same without her. Not to mention I could never forgive myself if I did kill her," she said chuckling. I smiled and exhaled.
"Cmon," I said, taking her hand. I led her out of the office and got in the car.
"Where are we going?" She asked me. I looked at her for a while and she smiled, giving me a questioning look.
"You'll see," I told her.
We arrived twenty minutes later at the place where you throw plates at a wall. I know she has bad memories here but she needs to release her anger.
I payed for two stacks and handed her a pair of goggles.
"Look I know this place has bad memories in it, but you need to release your anger. Just like let it loose. You need to move on from Mason and Charles...and John too," I told her. She nodded and put the goggles on.
Pretty soon she was really into it. I ended up paying for two more stacks but it was all worth it. I missed seeing her aggressive side. The bossy, 'don't mess with me' attitude. It's been a while since I last saw it.
An hour passes and she decides to call it quits. She had a huge smile on her face and looked happy.
"Guess what I want to do?" She asked. I smirked.
"Eat," I responded. She laughed.
"You know me so well...lets get ice cream...wait no Mexican food....wait and ice cream," she said. JESUS she is so indecisive, it was adorable.
"Yeah...lets get both," I said to her smiling.
We walked out and got the food within thirty minutes. Of course the ice cream was gone by the time we got to my house, but we dug into the Mexican food.
I was happy to have Spencer back.
•. •. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
Jake was being incredibly sweet today. The whole release my anger was brilliant. I mean, when we pulled up I immediately thought of Mason but it was long gone after smashing stuff.
We were sitting on his bed watching tv. He seemed really tired, drifting off to sleep every now and then.
"Jake," I said softly. His eyelids lifted and his blue orbs met mine.
"I love you." I said.
He smiled a bit and leaned forward to kiss me.
"I love you, too,"
With that, I let it be. He needed to sleep and I needed to relax a bit. I was thinking about buying that apartment I saw for Peanut and I. I honestly just need to stop depending on people. Learn to do things on my own.
Plus what 23 year old lives with their mother?
I pulled out my phone and searched up the place to see if it was still for sell. Indeed it was. I cried a silent victory and check my savings account.
Total: $15,200
It was absolutely perfect. I silently got up from the bed and dialed the number listed.
"Hi, I see that you are selling the apartment?"
"Yes, it is still up for sale,"
"Great. Id like to come by to see it. Say...tomorrow?"
"That is perfect. Every other day is booked up. Is 1 okay?" She asked me.
Hell yea.
"Yes. Thank you so much," I said.
"Your welcome. What's your name by the way?"
"Spencer Shapel," I told her.
"Great, I'll see you tomorrow."
I hung up the phone. PERFECT TIMING SPENCER! I did my little victory dance consisting of sliding, locking, and popping. I turned around to Jake laughing his head off.
"Laugh all you want...i just booked a tour of an apartment," I said confidently. He continued laughing, tears forming in his eyes. He eventually sobers up and looks at me .
"Im sorry. You're just so great at dancing," he said. I rolled my eyes.
I just couldn't wait til tomorrow.
•. •. •. •.
The day went by fast. I saw the house and I immediately fell in love with it. It wasn't too big or too small. Perfect size. It had two bedrooms and one bath. I bought it. It was only $700, I was surprised.
So now I have 14 grand in the bank. Sounds all good. It's Saturday evening and I'm basically ordering a bunch of stuff online.
I called the Protection services and told them to set up the cameras in the new house after the painting was done. I ordered furniture and bedroom stuff for myself. A bunch of other things for the house too.
I ended up with $ 11,000 remaining in my bank which was perfect for me. I told my mom about my moving out and she agreed that it was for the best.
The only person I haven't told was paige. I haven't seen her since the baby shower and things seem a little weird. I've tried calling her but she hasn't bothered to return a single one of them.
I hope things are alright.
I was eating a hot pocket at home when the doorbell rung. I got up to answer it only to face John. Again.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked impatiently. I was getting real sick of him coming by.
"Jake," he said.
"Too bad he doesn't want to see you," I said and was about to shut the door in his face when his foot blocked it.
"Look what happens between Jake and I is none of your business. In fact, I don't even think Jake is any of your concern. I don't know what you're doing with this whole baby in the oven but you are not going to tie my son down with this," he said in one breath.
"You know what, John. I've had it up to here with you and it's time to put you in your place. First of all, Jake is none of your concern. You abandon him at such a young age and come back thinking you know him? Hell no. Second, I don't give a fuck about what you think because I don't even remember asking for your bullshit in the first place-"
"No, you know-"
"SHUT UP. IM NOT DONE TALKIN!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips.
"You should know by now to never make a pregnant lady angry. So, you know what-"
I punched him square in the face. He yelled in pain, holding his nose.
"That was for tackling me the other day," I said. I walked forward and kneed him hard in his balls, sending him to the ground.
"And that is for having the audacity to come back here. I'm not tying your son down with this baby because you have no son. Jake isn't yours to call so fuck off and have a nice day," I said turning back around to go into the house.
"By the way...threatening obviously doesn't work on you so you 30 seconds to get your shit together. I'm calling the cops," I said and slammed the door.
I actually didn't call the cops, but it was amazing how fast a man who was just hit in the balls can limp away with such urgency. I laughed to myself and hopped in the shower.
What a day.
•. •. •. •. •.
Paige's POV
I was sitting in Starbucks, waiting for Hayden. I asked him to meet me here so we could talk about a few things. I haven't been able to get over the news myself which why I haven't even called Spencer.
Hayden has been trying to get me back everyday. Literally. He has flowers delivered every day with notes attached to them. Not to mention he sends me one text a day about how he feels about me. I don't know how I feel right now. I just want to... hell I don't know.
Okay...just breathe.
I saw Hayden walking up to the shop with some shorts and a muscle shirt on. He caught my gaze and smiled. I couldn't return it so I just nodded.
He sat down in front of me.
"Hey, I'm glad you called," he said smirking. I cleared my throat and pulled out a bag from my purse.
I pushed it across the table towards him.
"What is it?" He asked me. I looked down at my coffee cup.
"Open it,"
He obeyed and unraveled the bag, pulling out a plastic bag with two sticks inside. His face dropped and he stares for a while.
"You're pregnant?" He whispered. I nodded.
"I took one of them and I didn't believe so I took eight more. All positive. I went to the clinic and they confirmed it," I said. He shook his head.
"How long have you known?" He asked me.
"Two days. I've been trying to get over myself. Trust me when I tec you that I've pinched myself a million times. This is not a dream." I said, meeting his hazel eyes. He looked utterly confused and shocked.
"I can't believe this. What made you take the test in the first place?" He asked.
"I was at the gym on the running machine. I was going at an easy pace and I just puked," I explained.
You couldn't believe the shock that when through my body after this.
He sat back and sighed, looking out the window.
"You sure it's mine?" He asked. I sighed and leaned back in my seat.
"Yup. That night in the car was it. Haven't had sex since then," I said. He sighed and put his head in his hands.
"So what now?"
I shrugged.
"I don't know what I want to do yet,"
I never know anything.
•. •. •. •.
Spencer's POV
I'm sitting in my room, looking out the window. I'm just picturing some things in my head to do for Peanut. For example, coming up with a single name. Even that was freakin hard to do.
"Hey, babe,"
I turned around to see Jake in his suit. He dropped his duffel bag and walked over to me. Wrapping his arms around me, he showered me with kisses.
"I missed you so much," he said. I laughed. He had been gone for four days on a business trip.
"I missed you too, babe,"
He sat down on the bed and started undoing his tie.
"So...what's been up?" He asked me.
Uh. Let's see. I've been hella hormonal and more hungry than ever.
"The other day I got so hungry, I literally looked at a bird and thought it was chicken," I said. He laughed and shook his head in delight.
"Yeah..shes going to be here soon," he said. I turned around to see him shirtless in some joggers. His muscles were bulging. His abs and biceps were hella big. Not to mention that v line.
"Screw me already," I muttered. He bursted out in laughter and walked over to me.
"Not gonna do that,"
"Why not?" I asked pleadingly.
"Because literally, doing that with her still in there will feel way too weird," he explained.
I sat in silence and thought about it. If I was to be respectful to her, I guess I'd have to hold off.
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine." I said. He chuckled and picked me up from the window sill.
"You know I'm like a million pounds," j said.
"You're not that heavy..." He said placing me on the bed.
"Oh so I'm not that heavy...im just heavy?" I asked him. His facial expression changed.
"What? No babe,"
"Okay so then tell me what you're saying, then,"
"I'm not saying anything-"
"You are obviously saying something. 'I'm not that heavy'" I mocked.
"Spencer. You're pregnant. Even if you were...heavy...then that'd be a good thing-"
I stood up before he could finish the rest and walked into the bathroom. Slamming the door behind me, I dat down on the toilet.
I have no idea what came over me. All I know is I feel like smashing something and crying at the same time.
Freakin hormones.
I hear Jake at the door.
"Spencer...im sorry, I didn't mean it like that," he said.
I didn't respond. I need to get my feelings together. (Lol)
"Please, just open up,"
I sighed and stood up. I looked a hot mess. My hair was all over the place, I wasn't wearing any makeup. I swear I could be a hobo.
I reluctantly opened the door and folded my arms, like a little kid. He looked at me and smiled, putting his hands in his pockets. He was still very well shirtless and very well hot.
"Put on a god damn shirt," I said and shoved passed him, over to the bed.
"Ouch," he said chuckling.
I stared up at the ceiling. My life is so complex right now, I didn't think it was humanely possible to survive this long. It's like I'm Pac-Man and I have all the monsters coming after me at once. Only I've beat them more than enough.
I sighed.
"Babe...let's do something fun," I said. I seemed to be in an induced coma, staring blankly at the ceiling. He layed down beside me.
"Okay. Like what?" He asked.
"I'll show you," i murmured. Standing up, I went to my closet and found my pink victoria secret box. It contained all personal things inside.
Including my bucket list.
I walked back over to him and handed it to him. He chuckled, reading the list.
"Okay...we got bungee jumping....can't do...egg a car...we can do that..." He said.
I nodded vigorously. Suddenly, he stopped reading.
"Set a car on fire..." He said distantly. I nodded until I noticed his facial expression. He seemed deep in thought.
"What's wrong?" I asked. He frowned and cleared his throat.
Liar. I let it go for the time being, but I will be asking again.
We finally decided on what to do. Hello to a night of awesomeness.
•. •. •. •. •.
We were standing at the top of the building downtown. It's always crowded downtown, only today it wasn't as crowded.
"You ready to do this?" Jake asked with an evil grin on his face. I gave a menacing look and turned back.
"Let's do it,"
We had mixed a bunch of stuff together and filled the balloons up with it. The general idea was a water balloon prank...only today it was a pickle juice-ketchup-Hot sauce-salty pepper-Listerine filled balloon.
With a 'hint' of vodka.
I peeked over the roof and waited for my first victim. Bingo. A woman walking down the street in straight Gucci and Prada. I knew her from our old apartment. She was a snob, now.
I threw the balloon down and watched it free fall. It eventually busted into her head, with her screaming.
"OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL?!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Jake pulled me down just in time, as she was about to look up.
I couldn't control my laughter, neither could Jake. We went on like this until all the 15 balloons were gone.
Next thing on the list was going to be interesting.
We arrived at the restaurant in summer clothes. Jake was in shorts and a muscle tank. I was in some shorts and a tank top. You see, majority of the people here were dressed up. Scratch that, all of them were.
Catch the drift?
"I'm sorry, you must be in the wrong area?" The man behind the desk said.i smiled politely.
"No...actually, we have a reservation. Under Colby," I said nicely. He looked at me and Jake, eyeing our clothes.
"This is a place of class. You are not dressed to fit the part," he whispered aggressively.
"Yeah and you're not quite dressed for your funeral either. It can be arranged," Jake said. I cleared my throat to stop them from arguing.
"Point out a sign to me that states I must dress up," I told him he sighed and looked at me.
"There isn't one," he muttered. Jake chuckled from behind me.
"No shit, Sherlock," he commented.
The man held up a finger and led the way to the tables. Not the middle finger, I know, surprise. We got tons of stares as we made our way over to our table.
We sat down and looked at the menu. It was all exquisites on there. I decided to go with something I didn't even know how to pronounce. It sounded good.
My plate came steaming hot and I immediately dug in. The sauce on the meat was really good. It tasted like...well I don't know. Heaven?
"Have you talked to paige?" Jake asked.
"No I haven't," I said. I coughed and looked back at him.
"I don't know why. I've called her a million times. She hasn't returned a single on sod my phone calls," I said again, only to couch right after.
"Yeah, I haven't seen her since the baby shower," he added.
Something is going on with Paige and I need to find out. She has a habit of thinking she can figure things out on her own by holding it all in, but she can't.
"Spencer...i know that we've been together for only 7 months...but I would really like to be in this baby's life," Jake said.
I looked up in utter shock. I wasn't expecting that at all.
"Are you serious?"
"Yea, I am. Just have a little you running around is something I'd want to be there for. I love you and being with you has made me love her in there too," he confessed.
I looked at him in shock. I had no idea what to say.
"I can't guarantee I won't mess up. I want to try...can I try?" He asked me.
This moment was so perfect in so many ways. What guy do you know that actually asks for permission to be a father to a baby that's not even his?!
I stood up and sat on his side of the booth. I gave him a million kisses.
"Yes you can," I said. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.
I looked Up at the ceiling to see the most peculiar thing. Ravins. They were sitting up there on the poles. They came down in a perfect row and sat down at the table across from us.
There were about four of them, but she hadn't seemed to notice.
"Do you see the Ravins?" I asked Jake. He looked at me, confused.
"The Ravins. They're on the table," I said pointing. Jake looked and shook his head. He couldn't see them at all. That's weird. Suddenly, they started pecking inside the bag.
What are they doing?
"Excuse me, can I help you?" The lady at the table asked.
"Do you not see the Ravins?" I asked her. She shook her head and turned back to the guy at her table. They looked about 60, if not then late 50's.
Maybe they're going blind.
I stood and sat back down in my seat I shook my head and took another bite of my delicious meat. I coughed again. My throat felt weird. I grabbed my drink and sucked up a lot.
Maybe it was just scratchy.
Only, I ended up coughing again. This time, I was going into a fit. My neck started itching and I could see red bumps forming everywhere.
"Oh my god. What is happening?" Jake asked. He rushed across the table and looked at me.
My throat was closing up along with my nose.
"Oh my god, SOMEBODY CALL 911!" Jake yelled. My eyes were slowly shutting on me as I began to suffocate. I couldn't feel anything, I could only see blurs of people racing by.
A strong pair of hands lifted me and put me on the table. It felt like more there was more than one person.
Then I spotted the Ravins. They kept pecking at the woman's bag, which was now clearer. That was the only thing I was able to focus on.
"Baby, stay with me," Jake said. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him.
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